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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. While not quite as easy as your suggestion, until such might be implemented, you can also pull up your favorite creators' stores and bookmark each one. Then each time you go back to one of the store pages, simply sort by Newest.
  2. And the other Premium benefit that I LOVE LOVE LOVE: The ability to join 60 groups instead of just 42
  3. The only one that is *possibly* correct is the one in Role Play. Side Note - It is also considered Forum Spamming and Rude to post the same thing in multiple forums
  4. It means that when people of different races ignore political correctness during sex -- i.e. a non-black having sex with a black and using the N-word during sex. It can also mean when two people of different races act out racial stereotypes during sex. However, if both parties agree to it, then even in RL I don't see a problem with it. If a black person wants their non-black sexual partner to call them the N word during sex, who are we to tell them they otherwise.
  5. The OP might think that applies to the "Flickr mismanagement" comment, but I still don't see the "continuing deficiencies in the Flickr platform and it's utter unsuitability for the unique needs of the Second Life imaging community (and in some corners, open hostility toward the Second Life community as a whole)" I just don't get it.
  6. I've used Flickr for a decade for my SL photos and never had any issues with the platform. Maybe I'm just not advanced enough or knowledgable enough to know that I am having issues there. Side note - As others have pointed out, just because the world does not agree with you does not mean they are all trolls.
  7. It still being pretty early morning for me, I'd probably start off with a light smooth white and work my way up to a nice bold red.
  8. Whose wintertime? Winter per SLT is summer for others. While much of the public part of the grid tends to follow the US seasons, those not in the US might not want their homes doing so. As Chic suggested, you might want to rent or buy some land that you can landscape as you please.
  9. I grabbed the freebie TMP body for my female alts. They don't need many outfits anyway, so limited clothing selection isn't really an issue there - though I hate their shopping setup.
  10. Many people will use a house that fits a 1024 and then use landscaping to create a vairety of outdoor areas on the rest of the land.
  11. You look absolutely fine.
  12. Thank you for proving my point. None of those songs were about brutalizing and raping white women. We really should leave that strawman alone. Because now it’s starting to look like you do engage in race play. You obviously did not actually read the lyrics to all of them. Here is just one from that example: Song 'One Less B!tch' by N.W.A: ... The b!tch tried to gag me So, I had to kill her ... Yo, I tied her to the bed I was thinking the worst but yo I had to let my n!ggas f**k her first yeah Loaded up the 44 yo Then I straight smoked the ho' ... 'Bout his b!tch I was f**kin' I had to tossed her And put you slick, some n!gga never forget A dead b!tch can't tell a n!gga sh!t One less b!tch you gotta worry about She's outta here and that's how it turned out ... But I had better plans to give her the blues Like dumpin' her in the river with sea net shoes ... And tied the b!tch to the Muthaf**kin' chair Now there's one less b!tch I gotta worry about ... I have no doubt that if I continue reading lyrics from all of the songs they list, that I will find more examples, but then I actually am reading the lyrics. And while Wiki is not always absolute gospel, this article does contain a lot of accurate information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misogyny_in_rap_music
  13. How about just raping and abusing women - why does it have to be white women? Just google 'rap rape abuse women'
  14. I have very few saved outfits and almost all are for special purposes: - Base Maitreya (naked body w/ HUDs) - Base Maitreya w/ Slink Feet (naked body w/ HUDs) - Cloud (for laggy events where I want to look like a cloud) - Solid black (for laggy events when I don't want to be a cloud or invisible - black because it is the only skin color that is dark enough to not require clothing) - Invisible (for super laggy events) And finally, 'Current Outfit' - which I update every time I change my outfit. The reason for this is because once I wear an outfit (with very few exceptions), the outfit gets deleted. I have so many outfits, combined with my obsession w/ hunts and freebies/cheapies, I can wear a new outfit every day for likely the rest of my SLife and never need to wear one twice - and likely still won't manage to wear everything I own at least once. Thus, there is no "favorite saved" outfit.
  15. Good morning all. I'm off starting tomorrow and not back to work until Wed, the 29th. As for upcoming plans, we fly to Florida Sat morning, drive down to Key West and stay for a few days. Then on Wed, we'll drive up to the northern Orlando suburbs to spend a long Thanksgiving weekend with my daughter, her husband, and my son.
  16. Do you have ANYTHING in front of that name? Any other characters that are not displaying here?
  17. If it continues to not let you buy, then you can open a Support ticket - https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new
  18. Above the 'Buy now' button, it should say something along the lines of "Pay this ... Using this" and then show either your L$ balance or a credit card or PayPal or ???? Does yours show a valid payment method?
  19. Can you add items to the cart, but not actually buy them or can you not even add items to the cart? What exactly are you trying to do that you cannot?
  20. The topic is not necessarily a nono, but we do often get people that never post in the forums coming and creating a thread to simply say that they find something morally objectionable in SL and often they want said content removed and disallowed. You have to remember that for the most part there are no morals in SL and the only evil repulsive thing that is truly not allowed is 'a.g.e.p.l.a.y'. Part of the problem also was that you made a few statements in your opening post that sounded like absolutes, when in fact they are simply your opinion and/or observations. If you'd said something along the lines of "I find this repulsive/concerning/whatever - why do people do this in SL? - what are you thoughts?', it might have received different responses (maybe, anyway, no guarantees here).
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