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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. 500 'pages', not 'posts -- not sure how many posts it is. ETA - According to the thread list page, my reply was # 12,481
  2. Yeah, I don't know that I'd call it gouging (well, maybe a few of the water spots that I've spotted). I was just noting that those types of parcels are really the only ones that I'd even call extremely pricey.
  3. I think if they did this, combined with changing the tier structure from the current 'doubling', then they would actually increase Premium memberships as well as the amount of land people own, thus increasing their monthly tier income. As to price gouging on the mainland, the only place I see things as extremely pricey is Adult sims, next to the water and next to roadways.
  4. There is a Wanted forum for this sort of stuff that might get you want you want https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/313-wanted/
  5. HAPPY THANKSGIVING from northern Orlando. BTW - Traffic really sucks in this place; much worse than Denver (which I always thought was horrid), though not as bad here as L.A. so i guess I should be grateful for that.
  6. Truth be told, you haven't really missed much by not getting a few.
  7. Totally wrong. I have ARd things related to adult-child activities and the involved accounts are no longer here. Mostly it is a matter of what you actually KNOW to be going on (via chat, IM, and/or pictures) vs what you THINK is going on.
  8. 100% correct, but that is not what many of the child avatars are about. While you might have run into a lot of folks not playing child avatars for good reasons, there are many that are playing child avatars because their childhood totally sucked, for a variety of reasons, and they just want to be a child again and have a good childhood experience. If you find something wrong going on, definitely AR it, but don't judge everyone here based on your own personal experiences. SL is way too large for you to assume that your experiences represent the whole or majority of SL.
  9. Group name shown in the OP: ~WW~ Stables & Angel Breeds Mates!
  10. In my first year in SL I accidentally came across some kinks that I had not heard of before. Out of curiosity - to learn about things, not really participate - I did a lot of odd searches in SL and managed to find all sorts of stuff that pretty much blew my mind at the time. Thus these days, nothing here really surprises me and I do firmly believe that it should all be available for any to explore. Similar to the notion that while I might find it disgusting to see someone burning my national flag, I would fight for their right to do so because I so firmly believe in the right to free speech, not matter how offensive it might be to someone.
  11. Scylla - Good to see you still around, even if only now and then.
  12. I never understood the so-called logic either. I actually advocate for both - the right to own my guns and the right to do as I please with my body. Then again, I've never fit comfortable into any mold.
  13. Hi everyone. They claim it is 7:40 pm here which means it is 5:40 back home, but it feels like 10:00 pm already since we were up at 3:00 am to get ready and get to the airport. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
  14. I'd try posting in one of these two locations: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/312-inworld-employment/ https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/313-wanted/
  15. This actually happened to a few people when they migrated over to these forums Paging @Tommy Linden - Should she open a ticket or can you handle it with her directly?
  16. A person could connect with as many alt accounts as they could create - and as many can log in at one time as their computer can handle. LL does not close email accounts. They do ban SL accounts and if they do so, they would ban all accounts associated with the same email account. Only LL knows how many reports it takes to do so and is likely different for every situation. It is often hard for LL to know that a new account is the same person as someone that was banned. They do the best they can in that regard.
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