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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. No worries about that. IMO, this thread was created more for the casual shots, with the Vanity thread being for the shots taken with more care.
  2. I monitor 'unread' also, but have it limited to certain forums.
  3. Something has definitely reduced performance lately. Nothing has changed on my computer and I'm visiting the same places that I usually do, but things are randomly being slow. For me, it isn't even consistent, but just periodically slows for a few seconds to a minute. I just assumed it was something with my ISP, but maybe it is more than that.
  4. Some light snow here in Denver today, but it isn't supposed to really accumulate, so it will just give us a pretty view. I actually miss rainy days. We get short spurts here in Denver (5-15 min), but I love the true rainstorms other areas get .
  5. That explains why it didn't pop on my feed - I don't monitor that particular sub-forum.
  6. And locked without any comment from the mod.
  7. You can submit a support ticket here: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Go to your Prefrences, Graphics tab and reduce your Avatar Complexity setting down from 'unlimited'. That will keep others from crashing you. Then do some searching, here and inworld, and find a location other than one of the Social Islands to use for Home. A region to log in to if you can't get to your home is Pooley.
  8. Pay for a Premium membership. Since the Premium advantage was added, I've not had an event that I could not get in to within a few tries.
  9. You could file a JIRA with as much information as you can provide. Вы можете предоставить JIRA столько информации, сколько сможете предоставить.
  10. Every new feature introduction does usually introduce new problem issues, though sometimes it takes just the right combination of things to see a problem. Thus why there are not necessarily lots of people having the problem. Каждое введение новой функции обычно вводит новые проблемы, хотя иногда для решения проблемы требуется просто правильное сочетание вещей. Таким образом, почему не так много людей, имеющих проблему.
  11. Кто-то еще недавно упомянул об этой проблеме (т. Е. Все HUD перестали работать после принудительной TP из сферы безопасности), и они были отправлены обратно «домой», а не в InfoHub. Единственное, что они придумали, это отделить HUD до TPing до места, что может привести к «выбросу». Я никогда не сталкивался с этой проблемой, хотя прошло какое-то время с тех пор, как кто-то защитил меня. Интересно, является ли это новой недокументированной функцией.
  12. Either you are misreading the setting or your install is messed up. Both the LL viewer and Firestorm max at 350k (excluding unlimited), not 30k, on the complexity slider. Or are you wanting more than 350,000 for some reason?
  13. Whereas in Colorado we get the beauty of winter, but also get warm enough to ski almost naked (one ski resort actually use to have a 'naked ski' day at the end of the season)
  14. Ahhh, so I should have changed the sign to something like this:
  15. You just need to find the loving, caring partner. Loving is not really a requirement to said result
  16. Guess that's what I get for just popping into random kissing booths.
  17. Can you believe it? I didn't get any takers at all.
  18. My husband is from Bloomfield Hills. We usually try to avoid going back.
  19. /me runs in and gets an extra large pour
  20. There are so many personal attacks going on in that thread, not to mention the OP has basically admitted to trolling us, why the heck has it not been shut down? Geez.
  21. I go do some actual work for only an hour and the thread blew up
  22. Definition of 'internet troll' A troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion, often for the troll's amusement. Since you have admitted that these posts are not real in any way, then Yes you are a Troll.
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