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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. That is not really a crazy price for what would likely be hours of custom work. When you start talking to builders, if you tell them that whatever they create does not not need to be exclusive to you -- they can sell it to others - that might help get your price down.
  2. Might this be Patch giving more hints (in his Flickr feed)? https://www.flickr.com/photos/patchlinden/29597916257/in/dateposted/
  3. It has been stated that nobody will be forced to change names. If you choose not to pay to get a last name, then your name will stay exactly as it is now.
  4. I typically ignore notecards. There was one in a package a few months back - it had some sort of catchy title, so I read it. Inside it basically said "Thanks for reading this. Send me an IM with the word below and your transaction # from your transaction history and I'll send you a free gift." I thought, "gift is probably meh, but what the hell". I sent the creator my transaction # and the code word and received back a super cute dress. So, if the title is catchy enough, I just might read the notecard.
  5. LL was probably doing a brief test and you just happen to catch it - my guess anyway, since 1024 homes are definitely not yet ready.
  6. Based on the latest Event "gifts", yesterdays L$1 item is today's L$10 item
  7. If somehow you missed the Experiences accept box, you can manually add it - or if you accidentally blocked it you can unblock it: For the LL Viewer, under menu item Me, click Experiences - it is under menu item Avatar in Firestorm. First check the BLOCKED tab to see if 'Cornfield' is there and if so then click the name and in the new window click 'Allow'. If not in the blocked list then on the SEARCH tab, type cornfield and click Go. When it is listed, double click it and in the new window click 'Allow'.
  8. You do realize that might not be considered punishment, at least not if they share a room.
  9. I really like the sandboxes when I'm rezzing a house that wants to spill over my parcel boundaries whilte the rezzer is putting it together. I can do it in a sandbox to figure out exactly how/where to position the rezzer so that I can actually get it rezzed on my own land. We all know how HORRID public sandboxes are.
  10. Get into Argrace in the next day or two - it's one of the ones I picked up in the L$100 sale - I can't remember it's name, but it shouldn't be too hard to find. I think it was in the "arrangement" section. It's one of the two with headscarves, and yes, it has a texture HUD with 6 or 7 options. Here's the demo from the MP - looks like you can wear it with and without bangs: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DEMO-ARGRACE-KIRI/13108024
  11. I'd personally modify the AO to have something you click to turn the game tracking on and off -- defaulting to off, so that you are not tracking people unless they opt in. That way I only have to have one attached item to do the AO and handle the game stuff. Then you add the game info to the notecard containing the instructions on how to use the AO - which more people are likely to read anyway. You could also include a separate notecard specific to the game - named in a better way to "maybe" get more people to read it. Side note - if you modify the AO, then I'd also offer a free update to everyone that already has one, since your goal is to get more people to use the game tracker.
  12. That might be so, but the vast majority of the financial institutions that I deal with still use it. I don't have a problem with LL implementing a tighter security method as long as they either made it optional or choose something that is not a hindrance to the majority of the users.
  13. This one is sometimes thought of as a bit more causal (many are like quick selfies) and seldom are credits given. Whereas with the Vanity one, credits are preferred to be given and often the photos are carefully designed / arranged setups, and sometimes carefully edited / touched-up in a photo editor. Thus your shot above is perfect for the Vanity thread
  14. If the email was from the Fraud department, then they are checking something. It is very normal for that process to take a few days or more and they often will tell you nothing until their investigation is completed. You have no choice but to be patient and wait.
  15. Well, there's another Monthly Midnight Madness I don't need to worry about staying up for.
  16. Only when a picture is taken of said top removal (to provide proof for the reception, of course)
  17. Buy some liquid drops and put it in your coffee/tea each day - no taste. I don't absorb it well, so even though I go outside a lot, I was deficient in vitamin D. I kept upping the amount of drops until my D level finally got into the acceptable range.
  18. Despite the slight derail, folks should be careful on that site if they are at work or have sensitive eyes around. There are most definitely a few things within the first few pages that I would not want my boss or child to see.
  19. He must have pulled from a group list at the time he sent the notice about stopping everything (or shortly thereafter) because it was probably only a month or two after that that I dropped out of the group itself. It was really nice of him to do that.
  20. You don't always lock your car, thus making it easier for folks to steal things out of the car or even the car itself, yet you fuss about wanting more security in SL - interesting. Create a super strong password and be smart about the things you click on so that you don't hit a phishing link and have good security software on your computer to help you avoid getting anything bad downloaded.
  21. Between the other things quoted and the responses, I managed to figure out the gist of what it was all about.
  22. You can still see all objects and scenery outside the parcel, just not the people. When I'm at my home, I'm perfectly fine with not seeing any people outside of my parcel.
  23. Only in SL could you put a pool on the second floor of the house. Can you imagine the structural design necessary to do that in a RL house?
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