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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. I seldom make statements in defense of Phil, but in this case he was responding directly to a point someone else made about what they do and expect with items in RL. Thus RL analogy in response to RL analogy.
  2. The radio button for tier setting is basically setting the level at which you want to be warned about tier increases. Say you previously owned 8192 sqm of land and you are willing to pay that much in tier. You then sell the land to buy something somewhere else. If you leave the setting at 8192 then you'd only get a warning when you try to buy something that would put you over that much. Some people buy land simply to flip it, but maybe they have to keep their max payable tier at a certain level, but also don't want the warning box popping up all the time for purchases that keep them below their desired maximum. Thus they can set the radio button for their designated amount and not have to deal with the warning boxes unless they try to buy more land than they've indicated they are okay with paying for. Moirakathleen response is correct - you will never be allowed to reduce that button lower than the amount of tier that you are currently using (minus the 1024 that you get with your membership). The "using" means land you own personally and tier donated to groups.
  3. Kindness and respect are subjective things. We truly get people coming to the forums with questions and/or opinions and then insisting that they are being abused/bullied simply because they did not get the answer or mass agreement from everyone that they expected/wanted.
  4. you talking about yourself? Reminds me of grade school: "I'm rubber and you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you."
  5. I started not keeping that HUD attached unless I'm actually using it, which removed my usual ankle lock - took me a whole day to realize why my ankles were no longer locking. I did find a few freebies on the MP that see to work very well.
  6. Really ?!?!?!!? Rude much? Did you see any sort of sign at the top of this thread that says you own it? That you get to dictate how it goes? The answer to that is obviously NO because, as Maddy pointed out, that is not how forums work. Nice try though. Shopping for virtual underwear
  7. No. It has already been stated that all name changes will choose a new last name from a list and then you pick any first name you want to go with it as long as the combo is unique. None of the existing last names will ever be on a list.
  8. I want Copy on everything. If I want to give something to someone, I'll use a vendor gift option - I have no desire to sell anything, so don't need Transfer for that.
  9. So... do only newly created Premium accounts get a "fully furnished home" because all I see on my Linden Home signup page is the same options we've always had.
  10. Truthfully, LL doesn't care if you tried or not. They will only get involved in TOS violations and in those cases, it makes no difference to them whether you tried to handle it or not. If something is not a TOS violation they will not get involved and again, don't care if you tried resolving it yourself or not.
  11. You can check your limits via your dashboard here: https://accounts.secondlife.com/lindex/economic_limits - check the 'US$ Process Credit' limit values. If your payment method is PayPal or Skrill and your your limits appear to be okay, then you'll need to open a Support ticket.
  12. I must say that I am truly sorry that your workplace was that horrid. While I have worked at more than a dozen places in my life, I have never experienced any place where all, or even most, of the people were truly horrid. Yes, there are always one or a few folks that are not great to work with, but that has simply helped me to develop my people skills. While you can say that 'respect' is a policy and mandatory, you should be aware that you really can never force someone to respect others. You can force them to be kind, force them to not say certain things and to act a certain way, but you cannot actually force "respect".
  13. I've often wondered if there are more "sensitive" people because we got into the mode of never offending anyone and never letting our children experience any hurtful emotions in school, thus nobody can even handle people disagreeing with them any more. How much of this have we created ourselves by not allowing our children to learn how to deal with their negative emotions rather than trying to protect them from the emotions all the time or trying to fix it for them?
  14. ^^ This. As much as I love my husband, I love the solitude and time to myself when he is out for a happy hour with the guys or off to visit his son for the weekend and I have the house all to myself for a while.
  15. I think someone is creating alts just to do these necroposts. Apparently someone is very, very bored - needs a more entertaining SLife or RLife.
  16. Since this thread is over a year old, I'm pretty sure the OP has figured that out by now.
  17. I've never experienced any discrimination inworld about me still having a classic head. However, I **see** lots of it here in the forums from the people coming to request friends and lovers, but only want people that are full mesh because "obviously they are the only ones that really care about how they look".
  18. I'm sure it will be. I just now logged in and put everything that was in my special folder into the Favorites windows.
  19. I'm pretty sure than 99% of my mesh clothing is No Mod ☹️
  20. How in the heck did I not discover this when I installed the last Firestorm release? I created my own similar thing - a special named folder at the very top of my inventory with links to the things that I wanted to be able to quickly detach/attach.
  21. In all my years in SL, I've seen far more human avatars that don't give any Furry a chance than the other way around.
  22. Yeah, the original announcement sounded like it would be this year, but I think it ended up being much more complicated than they originally thought.
  23. The ability is coming...... sometime..... maybe this year...... Here is a blog that is being updated with all the information we have so far on this topic: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/03/22/more-details-on-the-upcoming-ability-to-change-your-user-name-in-second-life/
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