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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Sn@tch has 6 or 8 Lucky Letter boards and you do not have to be a group member for them. There are a also a few riot vends right next to the boards that sometimes get down to L$50.
  2. Mine is more typical in SL: Spewing out a long line of what I'd do later at home to my Honey at the time, only not in the IM box, but the public chat while at a friend's hangout place, so all of my Hangout friends read it.
  3. Well, true - OP didn't specify the quality of what they wanted.
  4. When Fionalein says it will cost some serious money, she means very likely in the tens of thousands of US $ (possibly many tens of thousands) - because you are not only asking for a custom product but you also do not want the creator to be able to sell any more copies of it to help recoup their invested creation time.
  5. Mainland has no restrictions except for its content rating - General, Moderate, Adult. Any area can be residential, commercial, or any mix - whatever you want.
  6. Bring up the Land info window and make sure it says Mainland:
  7. That is going to be a Private Estate and thus your Premium tier will not apply. Your Premium tier only applies to Mainland parcels.
  8. Personally, I never used it before. Someone asked about it in another thread and it made me curious so I started messing around with it.
  9. This is becoming the norm, though I'm not sure why or what the heck started this trend. I simply replace the word GIFT with CHEAPIE in my mind. I've gotten to where I edit these items to see what is actually in it. If I cannot determine what is in it or am not sure that I want to give it a try from the item name, then I don't buy said GIFT. If the name suggests something that I think might be worth L$10 or is from a creator that I know makes nice stuff for these so-called gifts and does not duplicate them across multiple events, then I'll pay the L$10. I do keep a list of creators that duplicate these cheapies across events and don't name the items appropriately such that I can determine that I already have it - and I don't buy their cheapies ever again and sometimes will not buy anything from them again. I also keep a list of creators that I have determined do constantly put out low quality items for these event cheapies - those creators usually end up on my 'never buy from' list.
  10. Watch out on the Forums today, folks. @Callum Meriman seems to be a bit cranky today:
  11. Does it make a difference if you just type the name without actually selecting it from the list that usually pops up? Testing: @Phil Deakins (typed, not selected) and @Phil Deakins (selected from list) Yes, that seems to make the difference. I'm pretty sure I simply typed his name and didn't actually bother selecting it from the list since I knew the spelling was correct.
  12. LittleMe Jewell


    If it only happens on Wifi and wired ethernet works great, then it is definitely an issue with some component of your wireless connection. If it just started with the new smarthub, the likely there is an issue with that. Talk to your provider - they can usually help you debug such things.
  13. I don't remember the specifics on it, but it is a semi-common issue that seems to pop up here and there - and has for many years. Usually your Dashboard Friends list will be correct, even when the inworld one is broken.
  14. Thanks - not sure why mine didn't actually "tag" him. I think Love was simply referring to the fact that my "@" didn't actually tag Tommy for some reason - thus despite the time of day, he wouldn't get a notification.
  15. You were replying to a quote with the name right there but you didn't bother to proof read your post enough to ensure you were addressing me correctly - or intentionally addressing me incorrectly as a slight jab because I dared to say something against your posts. I see it as a lack of respect. My personal opinion.
  16. @Tommy Linden - The Profile 'About Me' appears to be broken. If we write something in the About Me section and save it, we will then see an About Me tab when viewing our profile: However, if anyone else views the profile, they don't see the About Me section - which seems to sort of defeat the purpose of typing anything in there. This is what my alt sees for my profile - no About Me tab
  17. And if posts have been voted on, between step 1 and 2 you have to 'sort by date'.
  18. Seeing the tab on your own profile implies you typed something there. So yes, definitely backwards or just plain messed up if nobody else can see it.
  19. LittleOne, <snip> Tis "LittleMe", not LittleOne That alone tells me much
  20. Could do an MP search "applier AND jeans". If the package does not include a Slink Applier then it needs to at least include an Omega Applier and then you'll need the Omega Applier for Slink - which you can buy at the Omega store. I have some from "January & February" (a decent megapack that I got on sale) and from Beautiful Dirty Rich (a smaller set of only a couple of colors). I don't remember, off the top of my head, where else I've found Applier jeans. Disclaimer on that statement though - I'm pretty sure the January stuff is only for Maitreya. I don't think they do Omega (or didn't when I got these).
  21. This is why I still sometimes wear applier jeans
  22. I'm pretty darn sure that once upon a time I used to see the keys in the Group profile info, but I sure can't find it there now. I use Firestorm, typically in Phoenix Viewer Mode. I can always get the key via the web page though.
  23. When I read that, I had no clue what you meant. I went to your profile and Vanity's profile and couldn't find an About Me tab. So then I edited my profile and typed something into the About Me section. After saving my test text, it my page suddenly had an About Me tab: Without any 'About Me' text:
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