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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Ban lines are only invisible if people set their viewer to not show them, which is not the default. Many people that fly/drive/sail/etc.... actually keep them visible so they can try to have a better chance of avoiding them. Additionally, I'm pretty sure that on Mainland the ban lines only go up a small height and thus couldn't protect a skybox at an altitude of 1000 m, for instance.
  2. Pages back someone actually posted a link to an MP orb that works off of a square/rectangle shape - you apparently feed it the coordinates of the 4 corners of your plot. That one isn't posh enough to handle odd shaped parcels, but it should cover a large many SL folks.
  3. It needs some hearts and maybe a rainbow and unicorn.
  4. Whomever did your support ticket is not totally correct. Not sure what other things contribute to it, but I have added comments to my own tickets after they have been marked Resolved and I have had Lindens add comments after a ticket has been marked as resolved. One other note - the 'Updated' date will also be modified if anything about the ticket changes, not just comments. In looking at an old ticket of mine, the Updated date, which is after the Resolved date, is the same date that it was linked to another JIRA -- seen in the History section of the ticket.
  5. Keep an eye on the Blogs - https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/. My bet is that Premium members will also receive an email when the Homes are available. ETA: So yeah, what Rolig said
  6. The Resolution is that it was 'Accepted'. My bet is that this triggers an internal bug that is then assigned and worked. Since the Status is 'Accepted' rather than Closed, comments can still be added, thus a more recent Updated date.
  7. I have reported details to Whirly on disconnect issues with a few TPs to/from the RC regions - I can't update the JIRA myself. Thus the code pushed to RC has not fixed this issue.
  8. I was shopping somewhere once and flew into the window of a store, which promptly shattered. Then I received some message about payment required to pay for the damaged windows. I figured it was a scam to get unknowing new people to pay money. I AR'd it, but not sure it was really actionable. I never did return to see if it was still there later.
  9. I did try dropping back to the older Firestorm version today and in 3 hours I had TP disconnects happen 2 out of 3 every 3 attempts - which is a far worse rate than I was experiencing them. I went back to the newer release.
  10. You wouldn't get any sort of response about that whether they were or weren't. Most of the top merchants will have their accounts set to send IMs to email when they are offline. I'm pretty sure they keep going to email even when the inworld save limit is reached - which is part of why people enable that feature. If she's a respected merchant, then I'd say to give it a few days before thinking the worst. If you haven't done so yet, poke around her profile to see if there is a link to a new inworld location.
  11. I have mentioned in some of the other TP related threads, but for me it is a Disconnect - grey screen with the IM/Quit option. I have never 'crashed' from this TP problem. Some have implied that is has something to do with the viewer version, yet we know that it is a server-side problem. So maybe just the fact that the specific viewer is EEP enabled and thus communicating with the server about new things and that sometimes causes the server issues? I did my Firestorm upgrade exactly 4 weeks ago, yet I'm pretty sure I have only been experiencing this problem for a couple of weeks, maybe 3 weeks tops. I'd have to search through my forum posts to get the exact date it started, but I'm pretty sure it has not been the entire 4 weeks that I've been on the upgraded viewer. However, due to the new EEP conversations that should be happening between viewer and server, I might drop back to the older version for a bit just to see if there is anything in that thought.
  12. The problem is that it does not happen to every avatar and it does not happen on every TP and not even the same TPs for a given avatar. For me, it is more like roughly every 2 out of 5 TPs - and then after I disconnect and log back in, I can do the exact same TP that caused me a problem. When something isn't consistent and easily reproducible, it can be very difficult to debug. I will agree with folks that it is frustrating as hell to those of use experiencing it, but I imagine is is equally frustrating to those trying to figure it out and fix it.
  13. I like "The Forumite". Other possibilities: Forum Fashion / Forumite Fashion Forum Vanity / Forumite Vanity Forum Style Fashion de Forumite Forum Divas Can you tell that I do like the idea of the title referring back to the Forum in some way.
  14. My guess would be that they are finally just about ready to roll out the Last Name stuff and maybe tiered membership packages.
  15. They had already said that the house texture packs, both outside and inside, would be available to us.
  16. I'm pretty sure they will not wait until late June. When the Previews first came up, Patch said they were just "weeks" away from launch.
  17. @Patch Linden - In case you are aren't closely following this thread, note Blush's comment here about contents of the texture pack. Add to that a previous comment about hoping the grass texture is also included.
  18. The bug affects all viewers because it is an SL/server issue, not a viewer issue. There is a potential fix that has been rolled out to a few regions. That fix will roll to all regions with next Tuesday's region updates. The comment about Singularity is that that particular viewer does actually have an additional separate bug that will require a new version of the Singularity viewer.
  19. I am really bad about sales, especially the 'closing down' ones where things get marked down dirt cheap. More so with clothing or hair, but I have done a lot of L$ damage at home & garden stores too. I'm looking forward to logging in later and going to the Truth sale, though I tend to buy 75% of the Truth store every time there is a huge sale. Yeah, I don't end up wearing/using half of what I buy at the sales. I'm pretty sure I bough everything at Last Call and Simone when they closed and probably more than half is still in inventory unpacked or at the least, never worn.
  20. There is an issue with teleports such that they are stalling and causing disconnects for many residents. Not every teleport, but many of them - some have estimated 2 out of 5 fail. LL is aware there is an issue but since not everyone is experiencing it and it doesn't happen on every teleport, that makes it harder to debug. Skim the forums for various threads related to TPs and Sim Crossings also. Are you truly 'crashing' -- i.e. the viewer just flat exits with no warning - or are you getting the infamous 'you have been disconnected' message and you have to close the viewer yourself and relog? There is a difference in those two. Disconnects: If you just tried to TP and it stalled or failed and then you were disconnected, it is likely related to the TP issue going on. If you are really just standing aournd in a sim doing nothing and after many minutes you get disconnected, that is typically an issue with your connection itself -- maybe long ping times or high packet loss.
  21. I'm pretty sure I would never work for someone that doesn't bother to read the forum descriptions so that they advertise in the proper place. It tells me that they aren't really serious about running a truly top-notch club.
  22. My Friend's list is more of an "Acquaintance" list. I don't talk to people very often and I pretty much never IM anyone just to say "Hi". If I don't have something specific to tell someone, then I don't IM. That follows how I behave in RL - I don't call or text people just to "chit chat" about nothing in particular. I'm also not very social in general (very much the loner type), so I will seldom IM someone to see if they want to come dance or shop or explore with me. I can go months or years without talking to some people on my list. I don't have a problem if that isn't someone's style and they want to unfriend me for it. I do have a problem with people taking me to task for it, because I do explain "my style" to everyone before I accept a friend offer or when I extend one.
  23. You just have to remember that not everyone is going to be interacting in SL the way that you do. Everyone is here for a variety of reasons, so you just have to modify the expectation that everyone will do it the same as you on all fronts.
  24. If it is modifiable, can you not get rid of the green lawn surround entirely? Then you could add any surround that you like and that fit better. This does bring a question to mind though: We will have a texture pack for the house. I wonder if that will include the grass texture.
  25. If something didn't actually get submitted, then the next time you click into a Reply box it will show the old stuff. Near the bottom of the Reply window, just above where you drop pictures, will be a "Clear editor" link. Click that and it will clear everything in the window. You can actually use that any time you are having difficulty with the Reply window and just want to start fresh: Refresh the page and click back in the Reply window and your previous stuff is there - just click "Clear editor" to clean things up.
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