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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. In looking at the SSP area, they have duplicated many of the regions, but scattered the duplicates around so connecting regions aren't the same. With them scattered around the way they are, I imagine that the duplication will work out just fine. I am bouncing in my seat in anticipation of the next Preview.... but it is still 3 weeks away
  2. In one of Patch's earliest interviews about Bellisseria, he had made a comment along the lines of the road systems eventually connecting. I'm pretty sure I even have the specific interview noted at home.
  3. The one area that would keep folks holding on to existing Premiums is the Linden Home aspect. There are quite a few folks that have multiple Premium accounts specifically so that they can have more than one type of Linden Home. As to the ones that hold multiple Premiums in order to get additional Mainland slightly cheaper, it would have some impact but it would depend on how the numbers really play out and the proposed cost - and how many of the existing accounts could be rolled into being managed by a single account. Based on how much trouble they've been having changing the back end just to allow for a single account name change, I can't imagine what they'd have to do to completely overhaul the system to allow for a single top account to have multiple sub-accounts under it.
  4. I usually keep Firestorm set to show me where other people have their cursor. If someone else has their crosshairs where my partner *should* have hers, its visible ๐Ÿ™‚ In Firestorm, users can also disable the showing of their cross-hairs, so nobody can figure out where they are looking. I have mine disabled to minimize drama.
  5. Yeah, in thinking about it, because of creations, I don't think they could truly delete an account. The wiki does say that after a certain amount of time, you likely won't have inventory - so maybe that was where the year or so that I heard about comes into play.
  6. I have a few Mole bears, so they aren't restricted to just Lindens. Don't know if all Moles have created a bear though, just like I don't know if all of the Lindens have a bear.
  7. If you actually requested that the account be deleted and it has been that long, you really may be out of luck. I remember hearing/reading somewhere that deleted accounts are only kept for some amount of time - a year maybe. An account that just has been accessed in a decade would definitely still exist in the system.
  8. I just copy/pasted into notepad and removed all the line breaks
  9. Not a cabbage fan at all -- I'll let someone else do the taste-testing on that batch.
  10. I swear, every time this title pops back onto my feed, my mind goes straight to the gutter.
  11. I always wear panties under a dress or skirt, but never under pants. I wear bras depending on the type of top I'm wearing. I'm not much into low-cut exposure, but if I have a top that I like that seems to barely cover the nipples, I'll typically add a bra. Other than that, I wear bra and panties if I'm doing some sort of lingerie picture. Given all of that, I have tons of underwear -- both applier and mesh.
  12. As for duck tape - they have a contest every year for people to create their Prom attire out of duck tape. Some folks are really very creative: https://www.duckbrand.com/stuck-at-prom
  13. Some corrections and additions: RE: First Houseboats Preview โ€“ 14th May 2019 The first Houseboats Preview was actually at the Home Expo that happened before the April 15th release. What his picture shows is the first preview of the second Houseboats release, the Squishy Pickle. RE: The houseboats release opens โ€“ 15th May 2019 That release was the second set of houseboats - the Squishy Pickle. RE: Live updates: second batch of houseboats sold out โ€“ 14th May That date should be 15th May It might also be worth noting that during the initial release on April 15th, the Houseboats were all taken in roughly 12 hours and it took approx. 48 hours for all of the Houses to be snatched up. That release consisted of approx. 3500 homes (houses and houseboats). In the release of the Squishy Pickle on May 15th, all of the Houseboats were taken in under 30 minutes -- 27 or 28 minutes, if I remember correctly. That release consisted of 709 Houseboats. June 24th - They start releasing a single completed region at a time throughout the week. Sept 17th - Initial release of the Campers & Trailers.
  14. I've been known to tinker with the build so much that I never get around to doing much decorating. I much prefer the tinkering, though it is a whole new ball game with mesh - one that makes me cuss a lot and run away from it for lots of breaks.
  15. Not even on @Patch Linden's soonโ„ขยฎยฉ timeline...... and we all know what that means.
  16. Haven't posted a pic here in forever - heck, haven't even taken any in quite a while - but I took a quick snap of my new Halloween MegaPuss kitty for another thread (about cats) and decided to post it here also. He's a really big guy.
  17. Okay, now I am perfectly okay if people want to start their Christmas baking before Halloween.......... and I'll volunteer to come taste test for them.
  18. You can thank @Xerxes Kingstop for my title. Explanation here And I not only loved that you followed through, but that you've kept that title for so long.
  19. Yay - Kitty spam !!! I has a few rezzed inworld: And my latest - the Halloween MegaPuss: And another 16 kept in the Cattery because I don't have the LI to rezz them all -- I rotate the rezzed ones. And then my RL kitties:
  20. This makes me sad. Even though I haven't been in ages - I don't do couples dancing in SL anymore - it was one of the first ballrooms I ever went to in SL. After I returned from my long hiatus, I was glad to see that it was still around. I had many fun evenings there - lots of great memories.
  21. Knowing Patch, it is all a crap shoot. He loves dropping hints - hints that are somewhat obvious and hints that barely mean anything at all.
  22. Around where I live, Christmas decorations typically go up on people's houses right after Thanksgiving -- though the stores put stuff out before Halloween these days. There are a few folks that put their Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving, but it is rare. Again, where I live, it is considered tacky to still have your Christmas decorations up past the first weekend after the new year -- but they do typically stay up until the new year.
  23. My kids only come home for one of the holidays, rotating yearly. So my favorite is whichever one has them here - Thanksgiving this year.
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