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Paladin Pinion

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Everything posted by Paladin Pinion

  1. I am unable to get it to launch in OS X Snow Leopard on my iMac. It freezes on startup, the initial window never appears, and I have to force-quit from the Dock. I tried three times. Activity monitor shows it as "not responding." I'll try the next one.
  2. For Mac users with ATI graphics, it's another story. To get Anti-aliasing to work you have to enable FBO, which unfortunately breaks Name Tags. And any attempt to use the deferred renderer results in a system lockup that will cause residents to lose unsaved data in other applications (not fun). Yeah, I'm bummed. I bought a top of the line Mac for its powerful graphics card, but it's ATI (that's all Apple uses now) and I have less capabilities than I had on my old Mac. I do hope they fix this soon. Otherwise it's back to my PowerMac with the little screen.
  3. You can mute yourself? Oh wow. I had no idea. I'm going to have to give myself a good warning and make sure I behave, just in case I piss myself off by accident.
  4. You have to tap the trackpad pretty hard to register clicks, I had the same trouble when testing the demos in the Apple store. I've also found that pointing accuracy with the new mice is difficult. I'm not fond of those new mice and when I bought a Mac recently I specifically requested a wired, traditional mouse. If the trackpad wireless mouse is a problem, you can purchase any inexpensive 3-button USB mouse and plug that in instead.
  5. filthy Adored wrote: so its better than v2 but crashes every 5 mins interesting You misread the post. Apple released a system update a few weeks ago that has a bug in one of the video drivers and in the OpenGL library. This bug is crashing lots of apps -- Photoshop being a major one -- and SL is also one of those affected. I've been rock-solid on all the Mac viewers until the last system update was released. I've crashed hard since then three times, and it is a total lockup of the machine, requiring a hard power reset. Fortunately it doesn't happen to me every five minutes. Some people are backtracking to OS 10.6.2 temporarily until the fix is released. So this isn't a viewer issue, it is an OS issue, and a fix is in the works. Apple knows about it (believe me, their forums are full of complaints.) I have another app I use daily that is also affected by the same issue.
  6. Suella Ember wrote: It's a tricky one and I see where you are coming from but, overall, I'm happier that people are forced to write a review. I'm with you on this. Someone trashed one of my items over on XStreet, gave it 1 star, never contacted me, never said what the problem was, nothing, just rated and ran. I'm convinced it was a griefer but there was nothing I could do about it. Now that people are forced to leave their names and actually write something, we'll have a way to follow up. My item didn't have many ratings, so that one star really pulled it down. I think the old XStreet method was unfair.
  7. There's a warning unless the user gets tired of all the warnings and hits the "don't show any of these" button in prefs.
  8. I like very much that the databases were merged -- that's really nice. I just looked at my pet bug, which I thought was in limbo, and can now see that the team has been following it and updating its status. That is very encouraging, and I think it qualifies as "more transparency." I'm sure when the nay-sayers get over their dislike of anything that sports a newer appearance, they'll start to notice and appreciate the improved content as well. BTW, the last status update on my pet bug was done on my birthday a couple weeks ago. :-)
  9. It's historical, but there are some fascinating maps of the original SL continents on the walls at Yadni's Junkyard.
  10. I was playing with the new beta last night and I could not edit outfits. The place where the gear should be at the upper right of the sidebar was just an arrow spinning. That persisted until I logged off 2 hours later. Since (apparently) inventory wasn't loading correctly, I couldn't edit any outfits or do any other clothing inventory maintenance. Any ideas why this would happen, and has it happened to anyone else? I've never had any inventory issues before. I did dump my cache the day before, but viewer 2 had no problem with that.
  11. Torley, I wish they'd just ask you first.
  12. I see that constantly. Never thought to associate it with megaprims, but the two places I hang out are inside megas, come to think of it.
  13. Seems like there are an awful lot of posts today about this, more than usual. I wonder if it's a server issue.
  14. I saw this exactly once a couple of days ago. I tried to save again immediately and it saved normally. I just figured it was a server glitch or something going on with viewer 2, which I was using at the time. In my case it was transitory so I forgot about it.
  15. Numbakulla. It was the first thing I did in SL and I kept going back for months. I still go back once in a while just to hang out. If you liked the Myst computer games, you'll love this; some of the same people worked on it too. It's a wonderful adventure game, challenging but not too frustrating. Gorgeous sim complete with flying ship and a terrific backstory. The ending location is gorgeous, and when you finally solve it, you get gifts.
  16. Sugarlips.Shackleton wrote: One or two people have said something about putting frequently used things at the top of the list, but I'm not sure how to do that. Create a script you want to use as your default. Name it with an intial asterisk or other low-ascii character, like "**default script". Drop it into your main Inventory folder (not in a subfolder.) Change the view option of your inventory not to sort all folders at the top. Done.
  17. Sugarlips, what I meant by "used to it" is just that we all know it's there and we're...just used to it, is all. Like, I'm used to seeing advertising stuffed into the newspaper. It's just what's there. It doesn't hurt anything and some people do use it. Actually, I used the template script routinely as a starter for a while until I got tired of the talking and began creating scripts other ways instead. It's there as a simple launching point so you don't have to type a few common things. You can either ignore it, delete it, or embellish it.
  18. What you're seeing is the default script as it executes on creation. It's a simple one that just says "Hello Avatar" on the public chat channel. We're all used to it and I don't know of any way to change it. As you noticed, you'll see it with each new script you create. It isn't one of the "messages" defined in the preferences, it's a result of the sample script running. Like you, I got tired of it, so I created a blank script of my own that contains a few basic framework handlers. I store that at the top level of my inventory where it is easily accessible. Then when I want to make a new script, I just drag my template into the object contents instead of hitting the "new script" button. Blessed silence ensues.
  19. Cerise.Sorbet wrote: Now there is a blue one too! Tell me if you see glitches in these sheets, then I can fix them, thank you! So it was you? Well done! Can you make it put a divider between the sig and the message content? Then Void wouldn't have to edit the html in her posts.
  20. Johan.Laurasia wrote: If you use firefox, I found this today. It makes the green text darker and changes the font to Veranda. It helps alot. You must have firefox to use it though. http://userstyles.org/styles/24865 Oh my, that is fantastic! Thank you. I wish we could perma-post that link. It takes away a lot of the frustration I've been having with these blogs. Bravo to whoever wrote that. I had installed GreaseMonkey for use in the old forums, and adding this script was a simple one-click affair for me. Funny how simple appearance can make such a difference in user perception.
  21. Void.Singer wrote: nope, scroll up to the top of this page, on the left side of the first post is a box labeled "Actions", the second item down should be "recieve email notifications" (it may be first, I have an "edit this thread" link above it) I see it now, thanks very much -- proving once again that I'm blind, or nearly (actually, that's almost true. My vision is very bad.). I think it' the green text, my eyes don't always see it.
  22. Void.Singer wrote: then you all have my sincere apologies for the extra spam.... and once you have disabled the feature for all threads you CAN selectively turn it back on for specific threads, when viewing the thread,in the action bar at the top of the thread to the left.... How would I do that? I turned off all the generic email notifications a long time ago in prefs. If I go back to prefs while reading this thread, I get what looks like generic options again (but it shows the default settings.) Is the selective option identical to the general one, except that you are supposed to know intuitively that if you get there from a thread, it applies only to that thread?
  23. Void.Singer wrote: this entire posting was about comparing resources SLA vs the forums, response time, interest generated, completeness of answers, etc Share your findings? I was tempted to paste in the answers given in the forums, but I restrained myself.
  24. Void.Singer wrote: part of the experiment of this post is to see how much attention it recieves, how quickly, and at what level of expertise. it's not perfect though, since some will obviously ignore since I said I know... I only found this by accident because it happened to be at the top of the recent posts. I wouldn't have seen it otherwise. But I'm very glad you're here.
  25. I certainly agree with you about human nature. But I forgot to mention in my other posts that I usually don't log on here, since it isn't required if you only want to read the posts. I generally come in via my dashboard by clicking on one of the "recent posts" links. That pops you to the middle of a page and the search field is scrolled completely out of view. Also, it did take me quite a while to find the login link too so that I could make my first post -- and if you aren't logged on, you can't ask how to do that. All those things are scrolled out of view if you come in by some other method. Then there's the deal where after I finally did find how to log on, I was never asked to log in again. That's because either the dashboard remembers my login, or there are cookies, or something I haven't determined yet. At any rate, I never use the login link and haven't since I first logged in some weeks ago. It remembers me now. The top of the page is rarely in view. I once bought some generic raisins in a yellow package. My husband couldn't ever find them in the cupboard. Finally I poured them all into an old red package from the most popular raisin company. Now we see them instantly. Humans expect what they are used to, and virtually every major web site keeps a prominent search field in view, usually in a sidebar. I'm not especially out of whack about this, but I hope the web designers here will take the hint. Once you know where Search is, it's a piece of cake. But it isn't easy to find if you expect what almost everyone else does, and ease of use is important in a venue like this one. I won't belabor the point any longer.
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