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Vick Forcella

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Everything posted by Vick Forcella

  1. Art Stickfigure wrote: Is there a way to have a second avatar on the same account? Are there really such things as "alt" avatars, or are they just additional accounts owned by the same person? Answer to your first question, no. Accounts are not linked with each other. Second question is a matter of opinion. Some will say there are no alts since it's the same behind the keyboard so it's just another account. Others will tell you they have a Main avatar, and some alts to do different tasks. I once met a Mistress with a handful of slaves. Took me some time to realise she was on her own with several accounts running at the same time. She was quite disturbed.
  2. Zoenen doe je met een hugger. S3x doe je met een s3xhud of gewoon, op bed.
  3. There are some nice sea creatures in your inventory, the Library. Most scripts inside are full perms IIRC.
  4. I would like to see, perhaps as an option, recent activity. Perhaps it's there but I have not found it yet.
  5. This was the latest blog entry http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Welcome-to-the-New-Second-Life-Community-Platform/ba-p/704195 So it's being used but LL doesn't have much to tell. My guess they are much too busy with something. Remeber there are just 250 Lindens that have to take care of 600.000 residents that are on-line every day. The TOS change you speak about is not a TOS change, it's a policy change. Policies can be seen as a clarification of the TOS therefore LL can change policies silent, without any notice.
  6. I have also made some contributions and now find myself unable to even comment on a KB article. If you want access to improve the KB I think there are two ways to get access. Make as many replies to SLA as possible to gain points and credibility (.....) Contact the Linden that is closes to the KB article you wish to correct (probably in Melon Colours).
  7. I also see items that I have dropped ages ago. I don't mind though. But I think if you start a ticked, with a clear defined request, I'm quite sure LL will act on that. Support has been improved a lot lately.
  8. Despite being hated, for no obvious reason (it's a religious thing), the latest viewer from LL is the most stable one. One simple reason: it's the viewer that is updated most frequently. You can not mix the cache of viewers, always make sure they are on different locations. If you want to do a fresh install also remove the settings directory before installing, not only the cache directory. One is in the Roaming directory, the other in the Local directory. For windows you should not need to worry about network settings, but if you are behind a local router it is quite important to open up some ports. I have opened up the ports 3478-3479, 5060, 5062,12000-29999. Look at the manual of your router to do so. I am using the Virtual Server settings in my router. 9/10 times TP problems are network related.
  9. To celebrate this forum, my fav below. (probably not available in Second Life so to stay within guidelines)
  10. For having music on my parcel, and change easy, I have installed VLC Player. Then I open up www.shoutcast.com . At the bottom of the page there are Settings and make sure it plays on the default player. Then search a station you like, play it with VLC, copy paste the URL you can find in Media Information towards the parcel Media and you'll have music.
  11. There is a need for GD. My suggestion is to make a Private Forum named "Second Life General Discussion" and make [all] member. With that, I expect (not sure), that the GD won't spam up the Recently Created Threads. The suggested name implies the topics have to be SL related. I wished the Buy and Sell Land would stop spamming the Recently Created Threads. Future will tell. The formatting and readability of the forum is greatly improved compared with what we all have seen on the Lithium website. I love the IM thingy! I have to figure out on how to make a clickable link in my sig. Would be nice to have a forum related forum with hints, tips and suggestions for improvement. Still trying but loving it so far. bbye Jive :smileyvery-happy:
  12. Toysoldier Thor wrote: AWESOME LL! You done good! RZ was the pointer to the hole. For that I am sad to see it gone.
  13. Qie Niangao wrote: Jeepers, Vick. You start this thread, a handful of posts later: problem solved. This is some forum here, eh wot? I wanted 600 posts... But I'm very happy LL plugged this hole temporarily.
  14. The Jira https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-24746 is overflowing and has become totaly unreadable. No so strange since Jira isn't a tool made for discussion. I suggest we continue here.
  15. I don't tweet, I don't blog. I'm just waiting to get in-world.
  16. Venus Petrov wrote: Welcome back forumites! Spill your guts and tell us what you did while the SL forum was offline. You know you want to. I tried sloff to discover it was a trollfest. Tried Twitter but still don't like it. So, I'm happy now. Forum back
  17. *kneels down and kisses the holy ground of LL forums *hugs the furum whispering: missed ya..
  18. @Taamon That looks completely wrong. Try SLA, Live chat or (the new and improved?) support to get this fixed.
  19. I must be missing something. People talk about opt-out and privacy in relation to webprofiles. Profiles have always been accessible through web. The new profiles are in their standard setup not accessible through web. The only thing that needs to be accessible through web is the avatar name. Linden Lab has disabled leaching of profile information about two years ago afaik. The link between profile and twitter or other accounts has to be activated by the user. It can't be activated by default. It can't be activated by others. The tweet button and other buttons only give information the user has allowed to be shared with web. So, I think I'm missing something big here. @Torley: What am I missing? Is there need for further explanation?
  20. Vote while we still can vote! hehe https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-24855 https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-24853 https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-24854
  21. Both search and the webprofiles share the same cookiebug. If selected internal viewer, disallowing cookies (as advised to prevent identity snooping), both search and the webprofiles break. IMHO this is a mayor bug.
  22. I already commented but I will add some to it. I see the potential of this sort of profiles. Many like profile browsing, specially during socialising (if they can find a place where there are green dots since search still isn't capable of doing that easy). The profile is huuge blobbing up the screen. It should be about the size of an open sidebar. There should not be horozontal slidebars, vertical are ok. The bug of ever openeing own profile is very annoying. The bug of the few sec between openeing is very annoying. Positive, I have noticed that the inv is cached better and more efficiently. Modifying group info goes very slow, can be more as 5 mins. Should I start Jira's?
  23. The identified ports are the LL outgoing, me incoming ports. The me outgoing ports are somewhere in the 50xxx-51xxx range. My software filrewall just declares slvoice, slplugin and secondlife as trusted so they can chat whatever they want. On my (wireless) router I know ports have to be opened to prevent massive lag. My NAT has two methods for that, next to DMZ that I don't want to use. Virtual Server linking incoming port (range) with a local IP. Special Applications linking outgoing Trigger ports with incoming ports (range). I have used the Special Applications so far without really knowing what I was doing, but it worked making SL lightning fast. I will now try Virtual Server on 5060, 5062, 12043 and 44125. The rest can be negotiated as usual. I found it odd not seeing traffic on 5060 or 5062, perhaps that only happends doring negotiation during log-on setting another port. Also I find it odd to see 44125 as a very stable port for traffic. I could sniff out traffic and make stats, but that feels like energy wasted. I just want to make sure NAT isn't a cause for lag.
  24. hm. after a relog the ports have changed. slvoice 10501 50502 52238 52248 52249 slplugin 52230 52229 secondlife 52232 52231 44125 12043 The only ports that appear persistant are 12043 and 44125
  25. Inspired I checked traffic I have traffic on the following incoming ports Voice 52061 52062 10501 10502 SL Plugin 50659 51620 Secondlife 12043 44125 50662 51621 That excludes http, https and login handshake. I have set the above ports in my NAT as Virtual Server linking them with my local IP. The Wiki is incorrect. Or I'm infected with a bug. Can you check that Torley?
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