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Vick Forcella

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Everything posted by Vick Forcella

  1. Ceka Cianci wrote: i think only general section has something written to them.. It has all the appearance of a Linden that thought it (not sure if it's a he or she) was on PG.
  2. Ceka Cianci wrote: they should really learn to quote the exact definitions instead of trying to shoot from the hip.. this guy wasn't even close LOL that or they need to learn what adult content really is..private residents content is not considered adult content.. is your place listed in search? if so that may have something to do with it.. I have been at the Blondin Adult metings where the policy was discussed over and over again. I have it memorized (sorta). Seach is not on this parcel. And ever it it were the reaction would be a non-listing. That's how I know the policy.
  3. Knowl Paine wrote: Quote from the Knowledge Base: publicly promoted (...) do not use adult search tags. Neither is True.
  4. The items could be retreived. I have started a ticked, filed it under land->Misc. Tried to contact the Linden involved. Reading the e-mail again, and again, it appears as if the items were returned thinking land was PG. <quote> General (or G) next to the Region name at the top of your screen indicates that you are in a General content region. Any content that would fall into Adult or Moderate is not allowed in a General content region. In addition, sexual content in textures, sounds, or animations; content depicting sex or strong violence; and anything else broadly offensive is not allowed in General content regions. </quote> I do hope to get a quick responce. Else I'll have to sell up, and with me others.
  5. I have the name of the Linden that returned my artwork. First I'll have to enter world and pray it's retreivable. One is a bougt frame with a georgeous image, no copy and no mod. Hope it hasn't been eaten. Next I'll start a ticket, won;t bother life support since it's weekend.
  6. Read and shiver. <quote> Any content depicting sex, strong violence, sexual content in textures, nudity (image or avatar), or anything else broadly offensive is considered Adult content needs to be located on regions that have been rated as Adult. <end of quote> That is part the e-mail I received. That does not match the policy that only speaks of outside visible and commercial. The returned items are not commercial and not visible from the outside.
  7. It is owned mainland. It's in Jenner and last time I remember it was Mature land. The artwork was inside, not visible unless you did your best with camming. (after teleporting) It was artwork, no spread legs, just soft curves and no RL images. If this would NOT be allowed it would mean most of us would have to abandone our mainland land. If this is not allowed no mature play is allowed (1+1=2). Also odd that there is a weekend linden roaming around Prolly without training. Where should I go now? Blondin! Help!
  8. It used to be allowed to "do whatever you want as long as it isn't commercial indoors" on mature land. At least that was Blondin's take on that. Now I have had artwork returned from mature land. Artwork that was not visible from the outside. A sweet note followed shortly after. That is odd since afaik it is allowed. Is there a change in policy? No more fun allowed in Mature?
  9. The boat is broken for me on my land, it reports some weird Physics error.
  10. I love it! For the old pearsons the current deal doesn't bring much but for the new clients, this is great! Love it! More new Premium clients. Yay! Sure I'd like to see a price reduction on everything but all know that would shake and break the market for that. In reality we get a price reduction every year! Normal prices increase every year, LL tiers and fees have been the same since about always. Great! Love it!
  11. It appears I am the first to comment, that on it's own is worrying. Somehow the blogs and forums do not attract the crowds it used to attract. But back to the data presented. The new method of registration works. The step in the graph is clear and is related to the new method. Compliments. Websales appears to be flattening. Now the rest, erm, well, erm, it's sort of, dunno how to bring this kindly, the people come, but they don't stay. Why? is the question we ask about every quarter since the last few years. We all know once we can keep someone in for a month or so they are addicted for ever. So, what is wrong with that first month? Sure it's not flat like Ze Webz. It's not type and click. But yet SL has been able to bring in and keep them in the past but not any more. The outflow is in balance with the stayers. And the stayers appear to stay less time on-line, next to that the stayers appear not to have the same need for land as us oldies. Why? I think there is a shift in users. Less creators and merchants, more chatters and socialisers. To start creating appears to be a big step, with Mesh the step is becoming even bigger. To start a new store in a world that is already swamped with stores is also a big step to take. Perhaps not a practical step but a psychological step like in: Why bother? (graphs on this?) The chatters and socialisers spend L$. But how many jeans would someone buy? After a few they stop buying jeans and the jeans market crashes unless new residents come in. Why can't we keep the visitors and turn them into clients? Make it easier? It's almost impossible to make it more easy (unclutter options). Or perhaps, make it harder?? (you have completed the challenging task of mastering the SL Viewer, took you a month and now you can't leave) Give more help? Provide more things to do? One thing I do know. The world appears empty for new residents. Look at 9/10 atmospheric images of SL, barren and lonely. Help new residents to find meeting places! Help them as best as you can since that is the way to keep them that critical month. oh, and get people onto the blogs and forums again. Bribe us, there must be some land left over looking at the graphs...(buy this posting for 16 sqm! Cheep! ) oh, and mesh won't keep the visitors. Sorry I am the one that told you. (Web brings them is, point made, Second Life must keep them, with or without Mesh)
  12. Rolig Loon wrote: If you're in a V2 viewer (LL's or Firestorm, probably Kirsten too....), go to Develop >> HTTP Textures and uncheck it. Then relog. That should do it. AFAIK not only textures went from UDP to HTTP. Also the inventory crossed over. No idea where that setting is in V2.
  13. Two possible solutions. V2 is now using HTTP, you can force it back to UDP somewhere... (not using V2 anymore) Or your problem is unrelated to the viewer but is DNS related. Try and set another DNS.
  14. Highstaker wrote: I have an object, consisting of, say, 83 prims. I want it to become physical, but sl doesnt support physics for objects with more than 32 prims. But i dont need a very complex physical model, if it behaved like a cube, it would be fine. Is it possible to create a physical proxy, that is simplier, so the object behaves like this simple proxy object (in by case, even a cube would be enough), but still consists of 83 prims? Thanks in advance. If it's a vehicle, wear the 82 prims and sit on the box. Or use sculpties to combine prims.
  15. I could have a convo in a 500 + members group. that's new and I like that. The members were all surprised they could participate without a few mins delay. Cool! Don't know what you did but I like it!
  16. Not intending to use the Pré-pre-Beta viewer but I found the link on Tateru her blog to give it a test run. Feels intuitive but big and webby. Results appear accurate but with parcel spamming you can get a high score (probably also for the Beta that is implemented in Beta2). Finding places where people are that have the same interest appears to be more accurate. I am missing sorting on Traffic when searching in Places. That is a Must Ad function. I suggest to make the ads a bit more optional. A click on >> (similar to Hide Filters) should make them go away since it clogs up the screen (even more). As a paying customer I need to see an option to make ads go away completely from the viewer. Challenge and natural follow-up: Include SLM Overall, looks much better as V2 and a whole lot bigger and a bit less functional as 1.23. Include 1.23 functions, size and speed and you have something that I would love to see in any TPV.
  17. The images appear to have been made in Poser, or in another program that is capable of raytracing (Povray, Movray). Sculpties and Mesh are created in external programs, like Blender. The result can be viewed in a special raytracing program. That program, that can also import most of SL's creations like clothing and avatar shape, uses a completely different technique to create an image. That technique is very slow even on high end machines.
  18. Natalie Auggers wrote: All reasonable suggestions but the listings are still there, we arent dependent on repeat customers (only ever had one repeat customer I think), and the pg thing doesnt apply. Then I don't know. AFAIK SLM isn't acting up, my sales are low but still going. SLM reports failed deliveries, and customers are quite willing to tell the merchant if a delivery fails. So, I have no idea why your sales suddenly stopped. Last thing I can suggest is try and use search to find your store and/or products. LL sometimes changes search making stores float away to the horizon. Do the normal competition check, are your prices within range, are your descriptions inviting enough, is the category where your items are messed up. Looks like the sudden drop is by accident, dunno, sorry.
  19. Natalie Auggers wrote: I find that a bit too coincidental. Has anyone else noticed anything like this in the last week or so? No, not here. But check your listings, perhaps they were deactivated for some reason. Log in as an alt and look at your SLM shop with PG settings. Perhaps your sales were depening on just a few buyers and they have found an alternative merchant. Check your past sales, find the ones that have bought the most, IM them and ask.
  20. The utlra big difference between a Sculpt and Mesh is that Mesh can have a physical shape and a Sculpt not. Suppose a mountain made of a sculpt, you would need to hide primes below it to walk over the sculpt shape. With Mesh you just walk on it. Mesh can push out builders that don't (want to) use the off-line tools, but the same would be true for sculpts. Rendering is supposed to be about as fast as normal prims. But there will be plenty of bad builders that will compensate for that benefit.
  21. Each merchant should now and them go through the category identifying the misplaced items and report them. It can well be that the merchant doesn't know it is misfiled in the wrong category. Before reporting the merchant should be sure it is misfiled, knowing the category list. That way we as merchants make SLM better accessable for the customer.
  22. The packet I have allows me 40Gb/ month of traffic. It's my guess the server could handle quite a lot of traffic. I just don't know what code to drop where so I can try it out. I have no access to the root of the server.
  23. See my reply on that blog (2nd page) and the same graph.
  24. I have a website, a domain, a reasonable quick (remote) server. AFAIK shoutcast and Icecast require a unique IP and a dedicated (virtual) server. That I don't have. Is it possivle to stream using a normal website? If so, how? Without having 40 IP's hanging on my home PC bringing me to Lag Hell.
  25. If you have enough L$ on your balance you will pay from that and you should pay the normal amount. However if there is not enough L$ balance you first need to buy L$ and pay the fees (and VAT) to get them. That will increase the amount paid. You can pay with CC and PayPal and that will increase the amount paid a lot. I am unsure what has happened. Best is you do what others told and contact support and look at your transactions history.
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