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Marigold Devin

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Everything posted by Marigold Devin

  1. Welcome to Second Life Answers, jericho1538 It sounds like you might be having some connection issues. Please unplug your modem for a few minutes - and be on a hard wired connection rather than wireless. If you wish to add more to this thread, please do so by clicking on "options" at the top right hand corner of your original post and "edit". 
  2. Good luck, Princess. Who knows, you could become SL's equivalent to Ellen Degeneres' favourite littlies singing sensations, Sophia Grace and Rosie ... and just who would not want to be that cute :matte-motes-big-grin: 
  3. The best course of action anyone can take when not liking how they play in the schoolyard is to ignore them completely, and not play at "tip taps", which this amounts to. Linden Lab will definitely not get involved with any abuse reports that are submitted on the grounds of someone merely stating they will not roleplay with someone, and frankly, anyone even submitting such abuse reports ought (in my opinion) have their account frozen for wasting Linden Lab personnel's time. However, please just advise your friend to mute/block anyone they wish to have no further contact with, and do not allow yourself to be dragged into someone else's issues - life is too short, Second Life even shorter. Does it really matter that they do not want to roleplay with someone? Who is going to read and take notice of that on anyone's profile? Really? It's all extremely childish.
  4. Welcome to Second Life and Second Life Forums, Alex It would be very useful to know what your system specifications are, and also what messages you are getting as you try to connect. 
  5. Welcome to Second Life Answers, Rochelle Your avatar really has no soul, and it is all make-believe, but for the purposes of the Bloodlines system, if you have allowed another avatar to "take your soul", then you will see your name up on the Bloodlines website. It will stay here, no matter if you delete your Second Life account. In other words, the person who has your soul will not lose that soul, just because an account is deleted. I hope this answers your question, but you can add more to your original post by clicking on "options" at the top right hand corner of it and "edit", or comment via the "permalink" at the bottom left hand corner. 
  6. Phil Deakins wrote: I never realised that Ruth was quite so pretty As far as I know, it's been years since I was Ruthed. I saw myself fine but others saw me with boobs - and a beard! And here he is... :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: 
  7. Welcome to Second Life Forums, Nikana. It sounds like you are having the Second Life Hell Version, and I do not understand why this should be so. If by "defend yourself" you mean you battle against your abusers with weapons, then why do that? You can't kill an avatar, and people who harass others just get a buzz out of baiting someone. All you are doing when you use weapons etc on another is causing stress on the asset servers, and using weapons against another is against ToS. LL will never be on your side when you do this. Not wishing to add to your current level of misery, do you not think it would be a lot better for you to make use of the block/mute button; sit on a prim if someone tries to physically blast you out of a sim. And, yes, AR, but never retaliate. Fighting fire with fire tends to just cause a bigger fire, and no one wins.
  8. If you are receiving real life death threats from a person in real life, then you have to go to the real life police!!! If I was receiving death threats, I don't think I'd be stressing much over $2.50 USD's worth of linden dollars!!! (edited to amend - they emptied your card, so obviously you're stressing over more than that amount of USDs - go to the real life police) Also, I'm rather concerned that the third party website may be using a key logger and will now have all the details of any other websites you visit - including any where you use your bank details, passwords, etc.  @ everyone - NEVER buy Linden dollars from an unapproved third party website. 
  9. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7902
  10. The history of "Ruth" http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Ruth  
  11. We have a cockatiel who tries all kinds of ways to distract me when I'm doing anything - I think he was a cat in his previous life ! Always remember - never panic - unless you had launched a wet drink over your computer, all can be undone and put right again. valerie's reply should work, or right clicking your mouse around the top edge of the screen could give you some more menu options. Wishing you luck, and hope you are fixed now. (Bad kitty :catwink: )
  12. Welcome to Second Life Answers, LHLeno. There are many reasons why this could be happening, but as Peggy says, we need more information from you. My guess would be either internet problems - ensure you are not using a wireless connection - and/or not enough RAM available to run Second Life. Please provide more info. 
  13. Hello again, GeneralWolf2, Thank you for posting your computer's specifications. You do not say what your graphics card is, but I think your computer is quite an old one, and the graphics card is old too. 1.99GB is not a lot of RAM to have, although I do run Second Life with less than that. It does also depend on what else you have installed on your computer that will be taking up your hard drive space. I have had to upgrade my graphics card, because I was having similar issues to yours when I first started with Second Life. Take a look at the system requirements page on this link - it will give you some idea of the type of graphics card you need to run Second Life better... https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php As to providing you with a link to The Sims - you need to do a search on Google. It would be incorrect of me to divert you from Second Life on a Second Life Forum to a non-related website.
  14. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Lol, Marigold, I'm sure Mr. Palen just didn't want to disturb your impromptu nap smiley tongue cute :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:
  15. Welcome to Second Life Answers, Thundermabh You are in a Linden Home? What exactly is the message you are getting when you try to place furniture in your home? It may be that the amount of prims exceeds the number of prims you are allowed on your land. You can have up to 117 prims. There is much more information about all you can do with your Linden Home in the official Knowledge Base. Here is the direct link to that... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Homes/ta-p/700103 Regarding the piece of your house that is missing. Right click on the house and "edit" to see who is the creator. I think it will be someone with the surname of Mole - Silent Mole or one of the other moles. You can either contact them to come and fix the missing piece of house. You can also contact Live Chat, as you are a premium member between 8am and 8pm SL time: https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/  
  16. Chriz Palen wrote: "At the point of her announcing her age, I wouldn't have even spoken to her any more.." I didn't, I just told her that I couldn't friend her and logged off. "..but would have spent the time instead submitting an abuse report to Linden Lab." Well it was very late and I needed to get to bed, but I may still do that. "I talk to kids in real life - they're not a different species" Really?...erm, I have some great-nieces who are fantastic girls, so I'm certainly not anti kids. Writing your responses to me in a font that small was just plain cruel, I cannot read such small print - or were you attempting to whisper, knowing that I had fallen asleep at my keyboard? (insert whichever smiley face you think is appropriate here - I am veering between winkey smiley tongue and winky smiley mildly amused) It is not too late to submit an AR. As another pointed out in this thread, not ARing the person means she is able to carry on making other adults feel awkward.
  17. At the point of her announcing her age, I wouldn't have even spoken to her any more, but would have spent the time instead submitting an abuse report to Linden Lab. Mixing with the kids doesn't make me feel awkward at all, as I would never be involved in any conversation of a sexual nature, and I talk to kids in real life - they're not a different species, but as anyone under 16 shouldn't be accessing Second Life, it's up to Linden Lab to make some checks and take the necessary action. 
  18. Second Life is all about being who you dream to be, and you have found the perfect Second Life. You have just unfortunately stumbled into someone else's version of a perfect Second Life, and who they dream to be. There is mixed opinion, as you will discover over time, about how much real life should be present in Second Life. Leaving all the perfection that you personally have discovered in your own Second Life so far should not be destroyed by what you've found on Marketplace. Nor will leaving Second Life make it disappear. Sadly you can't unsee what has already been seen, but you can move on, and follow valerie's advice to change your filters, removing the 'Adult' one, to prevent this happening in the future. You are not wrong to have your own set of moral values, or opinion about what should and shouldn't be in Second Life, but neither are those who live out their own particular adult fantasies.
  19. Ohhh, Clarissa, I have tears running down my face at the stuff on that link already, and now I'm going back to read some more of it - I may be a while. :matte-motes-big-grin: Meanwhile, here is my current favourite funny vid - "Underwear Horoscopes" - but no prizes for guessing which type of day I will be having.
  20. Hello, GeneralWolf2, welcome to Second Life Forums. It really would be helpful if you would add your computer's specifications in your post. There are many reasons why Second Life would be slow to load for you. What type of graphics card do you have? Are you using a hard wired internet connection (avoid using wireless wherever possible) Most of us are not having the problems that you are describing - therefore LL do not need to fix this problem. You may need to upgrade something on your computer, or to change a setting. Please let us know your computer specifications and we can offer our best advice to you.
  21. Welcome to Second Life Forums, Amirith Check to see what is "worn" - are you still wearing a shoe base from a different outfit? You should be able to wear any skin with any footwear, but different footwear comes with different pieces.
  22. Does anyone else have permission to move your objects? ie a partner/good friend? Are you absolutely sure you didn't leave the baby with a child-minder? Check if he is hiding - click "ctrl" "alt" and "t" to highlight hidden objects. Use the menus at the top of your screen, the option for "beacons" to select your objects. Other answers will follow. (To Irene - this is the one I nominate as Thread of the Day :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: )
  23. oh crikey, hold on to your seat, it might be rollback Friday again!
  24. Welcome to Second Life Answers, summertime1212 It would be helpful if you could click on "options" at the top right hand corner of your post, and "edit" to add your computer specifications, and any error message that may come up on your screen while the viewer is loading, or how far the progress bar goes. 
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