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Marigold Devin

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Everything posted by Marigold Devin

  1. I was having issues with my bridge using Firestorm yesterday and ended up deleting the bridge in my inventory, and a new one was created as if by magic. It would be a good idea for you to pick the brains of the Phoenix/Firestorm Viewer Support group via the group chat in world (if you're not already joined to the group, it's listed on my profile). If no other answers are forthcoming here, but you find the solution that fixes your problem, please do return to this post and let us know; that will be helpful for anyone else encountering this problem.
  2. The only thing I can think of is that it's showing pictures with Depth of Field enabled. Go into preferences (cannot remember exactly where) and there's the option to add shadows and DoF. For Phoenix/Firestorm-specific issues, it's always a good idea to pick the brains of the Phoenix/Firestorm viewer support group in world via the group chat (this group is listed in my profile if you aren't already joined to it). 
  3. Lucinda Bulloch wrote: Sorry, you told me a lot then, sometimes I am blinded by my arrogance and unjust sense of superiority, it is good to feel the ground on my feet, ty, again I am sorry. There are worse things for me to be called than the alt of a Linden :matte-motes-smile: You have no need to apologise to me.
  4. Sorry, you told me a lot then, sometimes I am blinded by my arrogance and unjust sense of superiority, it is good to feel the ground on my feet, ty, again I am sorry.
  5. Dillon Levenque wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: My Second Life is for purely leisure and pleasure. Sadly, I learned early on that my building skills were very basic, and the fact is, my concentration span is very short, so I tend to log in with an intention to do one thing, and then usually get distracted and do something completely different. I do not enjoy shopping, except if it's for pyjamas. I love to live in pyjamas, which I could not get away with in real life (although once they cart me off to my very own private padded cell, I am sure I will get a bit fed up with wearing pyjamas :matte-motes-wink-tongue:) Yesterday I was thrilled to bits to find that Linden Lab have given all the premium members something that I have always wanted to have a ride on in real life. It is slightly less perilous to travel in this way in Second Life. Ahhh simple toys are often the best fun. Yes, all things considered, my Second Life has to be about the fun, emptying the head of the real life stressful stuff for a little while at least.   I still haven't picked up my handcar but I'll get it one of these days. Never enough time :-(. In addition to "O Brother" there is a really funny short film in which Buster Keaton rides a powered version of a hand car from coast to coast across Canada. It has some hilarious slapstick moments including at least one like yours. I found what looks like the whole thing (almost 25 minutes) on youtube: My SL: A wonderful place where I explore, create (not that I'm anything to write home about in that department, but knowing how to do some things certainly gives me an appreciation for those that are really good at it), and most of all share experiences with my friends and friends-to-be. Absolutely perfect - loved that youtube clip so much, and intend to wile away some hours looking for more similar stuff in there later on. And to Tamara - walking through people's dreams - yes, we are. Sometimes they're nightmares :matte-motes-frown: and sometimes there is chaos, but exploring the ever-changing world in which we live, in a safe environment, in jammies if we so wish, at 2am in the morning, is purely blissful.
  6. Dirtnap Mumfuzz wrote: Whole-heartedly agreed. And exceedingly grateful to see that conglomeration of nonsense utterly removed. Bullying, especially the passive-aggressive form, has no place anywhere. A person who is in emotional distress needs to be exposed to healthy choices, not reinforcement of unhealthy ones. Thank you to the moderator. And good luck to the OP - I hope you get the support you need, and the answers you seek. Again, re-read all advice given in this thread. 
  7. I really do hope the OP reads through your post, and all the posts in this thread, and obtains the help that he seeks and needs with a happy outcome. LL need to be locking this thread now it's become one of tip taps once again between certain parties. It's not useful at all to the OP when a thread goes that way, as I'm sure you'll agree. 
  8. I used to wonder what the point was of RL couples logging into SL together, but over time realised that it was exactly the same point as RL couples going off to sit by a lake for a couple of hours in an afternoon; it feeds the pleasure centres of the brain, as does building for the builders, exploring for the explorers, photographing for the photographers, etc. You just can't put a price on the simplest joys in life, and they are often hard to explain to others with different interests. 
  9. :smileylol: That's a good question. I think I may be a ghost!
  10. JeanneAnne wrote: >> The only house I ever built had no windows or doors, so basically was a box made up of several linked prims, with a black brick texture on it. It was home for a while, the inside was quite nice.<< When I was new to SL ~in like my 1st week~ I built a house at a sandbox. It was very basic, with all 90^o angles & a flat roof. It had rectangular openings for doors & windows, & interior walls tho. I also put a brick texture on it. Since I didn't "own land" I didn't have anyplace to put it so I just saved it to my inv & I guess it's still there. The experience taught me that building isn't difficult but that it would take practice to get fast & good at it. I didn't feel like I had the patience to practice building, tho, so haven't. SL seems so over-built to me anyway, that I didn't see much point in adding to the clutter. Jeanne Nothing is difficult - if you put your mind to it, and have enough time. I lack patience. Good point you make about not wishing to add to the clutter. I wonder if I still have that boxy house I made all those years ago - methinks I must go and have a good ol' rummage in my inventory, empty the inventory out totally. :matte-motes-grin:
  11. Perfect! That is exactly what Second Life should be about. And many congratulations on being a success story, taking your happy SL relationship into real life too. I raise a glass to your ongoing health and happiness (only diet coke unfortunately, but as fizzy as champagne). :matte-motes-big-grin:
  12. I had forgotten about the UUID for notecards too. Always useful for adding extra information.
  13. I'm sorry to hear you've had such a negative experience, klika4. Sadly yours is not the first case of this type that I've heard of. Luckily most people do not listen to idle gossip about another person, and your true friends, and probably any complete strangers your ex contacts with negative information about you will most likely ignore him. Continue to cut him out as much as possible, block, mute, AR, and yes, if you feel the need, contact the police. I wish you a happier future. As Irene says, you must be very careful about what you share with anyone - real or virtual lives this does apply.
  14. The only house I ever built had no windows or doors, so basically was a box made up of several linked prims, with a black brick texture on it. It was home for a while, the inside was quite nice. Those people who can build massive 6000+ prim castles that pop out from a rezz faux absolutely amaze me. Complete with dungeons, moat, gargoyles, fountains, fireplaces, turrets. At least it keeps the Linden economy going when we can't build everything ourselves. :matte-motes-smile:
  15. Tracy Redangel wrote: Ooooh I need to go get mine! Have you seen 'Oh Brother Where Art Thou?" That totally reminds me of that movie LOL I need to go check it out I haven't yet seen 'Oh Brother Where Art Thou' but I'm going to have to seek that out now. There was a scene in a recent episode of UK soap Coronation Street though that had part of a wedding party pursuing a train on one of these handcars, plus Laurel & Hardy (I think it was), and I just for so long wanted to have a go. There were loads of people out on the lines; some slowed down and were very tentative when coming close to another person in a vehicle, but others just pumped away and carried on regardless. Some of those driverless tanks and cars happened along the railroad track too, just to add a bit more surreal fun to the journey. I'd almost forgotten SL could be quite so much fun. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  16. SaltyBoy wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: Regarding the OTR that Phoenix had, I never believed it was possible to have a totally private conversation, because what a field day potential terrorists/paedophiles/bank robbers etc would have. OTR just was there to give people a false sense of security (in my opinion). You live in the United States right? This is why you're losing all of your rights and why you have the TSA everywhere and NDAA bills getting signed when no one is paying attention that basically negates every right you have and you're absolutely fine with this? "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." (Benjamin Franklin) Better a false sense of security than no security? Better to have a lock on the door even when not impenetrable? It's one thing to observe and document and quite another to act on it and harass a person, if this is in fact what is happening which I cannot know one way or another except to go with my suspicions and what I think I've been observing carefully enough. If you had bothered to read through my earlier post, you would see I am not in the United States. If you cannot be bothered to read the advice that you have already been given, then no one can help you. You can go on and on and on with your conspiracy theory, which is all it would seem to be, or you can gather all your evidence together and send it to the only ones who can really help you - either Linden Lab, or a mental health professional. Seriously! /me follows Immy out the door of this thread. 
  17. My Second Life is for purely leisure and pleasure. Sadly, I learned early on that my building skills were very basic, and the fact is, my concentration span is very short, so I tend to log in with an intention to do one thing, and then usually get distracted and do something completely different. I do not enjoy shopping, except if it's for pyjamas. I love to live in pyjamas, which I could not get away with in real life (although once they cart me off to my very own private padded cell, I am sure I will get a bit fed up with wearing pyjamas :matte-motes-wink-tongue:) Yesterday I was thrilled to bits to find that Linden Lab have given all the premium members something that I have always wanted to have a ride on in real life. It is slightly less perilous to travel in this way in Second Life. Ahhh simple toys are often the best fun. Yes, all things considered, my Second Life has to be about the fun, emptying the head of the real life stressful stuff for a little while at least.  
  18. Welcome to Second Life Answers, klika4 Do you remember from childhood: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but calling never hurts me." If the harrassment is just verbal, I strongly advise you do not give the abuser any attention at all. Block/mute and ignore them. You may also submit an abuse report inworld - premium account or not - via the "help" button at the top of your viewer screen. A form will appear on your screen, click the box on the form to include a screenshot if you are including any chatlogs. Be brief but to the point when filling out the abuse report. Read carefully the Terms of Service. Racism will never be tolerated for one thing. General insults and what amounts to schoolyard tip taps though will largely be ignored. See also Irene's great post. If you feel so inclined, you can also print off hard copies of any evidence you have of harrassment and send it with a covering letter to Linden Lab's head office at Battery Street, San Francisco.
  19. SaltyBoy wrote: So, it's normal and acceptable in second life to have people grabbing phrases from your personal chat (which is not secure by the way - even though the phoenix team tried to make it so and did for awhile but was denied by linden lab?) and details of your personal life and creating accounts around that only to be destroyed later? Better advise, would be to leave this game, wouldn't you agree? There is a very serious problem in second life that no one wants to admit. If the game is making you feel vulnerable or undermined, and not happy, then you would be best advised to leave the "game". I don't enjoy playing chess, so I don't play chess. Regarding the OTR that Phoenix had, I never believed it was possible to have a totally private conversation, because what a field day potential terrorists/paedophiles/bank robbers etc would have. OTR just was there to give people a false sense of security (in my opinion). Again, though, I would advise you to change the way you are perceiving your Second Life, alter your ways slightly, observe more, take things less personally. I sometimes go and sit at Bear or Korea3 and observe. Every time I go to the "welcome" areas I spend half my time IMing people to sit on prims, because they're being chased around and called phaggget or whatever by losers' alts. Half the "private" chats they may be firing back at you can be guessed at too, some information can be garnered about you from the groups you are joined to, anything that anyone can "google". Don't rule these things out. Lastly, if you really believe private details are being divulged about you, and you believe it is a Linden alt, you must continue to submit ARs, but do keep them brief. Crazy rambles and speculation will not be taken seriously. Also, anything hard copy to hand? - pop a copy of it all with a covering letter to LL's head office at Battery Street, San Francisco. 
  20. Wanted to share this also with you. When I had been in Second Life for several months, I was convinced someone from Linden Lab was watching me, and my then German partner. It does seem plausible that a company with the name of Linden Lab would be conducting experiments for one thing, and a lot of very strange things seemed to happen, that felt like more than coincidences. Example: on some days it felt like I was being followed around the grid. Wherever I would go, I would get a message in the stop right hand corner of my screen saying that the sim was going to be restarted in the next five minutes and that I would be logged out if I remained in the sim. I would teleport out to a random sim, and a few minutes later, what do you know, the very same thing would happen again. It was obvious I was being followed, someone knew my every moment - wasn't it? Another example: I could have several hours of enjoyment in Second Life, and whenever me and then partner got into an awkward point in a conversation, my viewer would suddenly crash, and it would take ages before I'd be able to log back in again, by which time, the partner had gone off in a bad mood. Another example: After one of the above sudden crashes, I was flying about the sim I returned to, looking for my partner, who was also flying about, when we discovered strange silent avatars with no details on their profiles on every corner of the sim. We thought we were being surveyed by these avatars. Over time I discovered that I am not in the least bit interesting, with or without a German partner (I am in the UK). It was a coincidence that I was landing on sims that were about to be restarted, because I did not know back then that this happened on a day when there were deploys/rollouts to the whole grid, so it would have been very unlikely not to have this message come down onto my screen several times in a session. The sudden crashes were because we would be rowing about some weapon that my partner had used on me, which was heavily scripted, causing too much strain on my graphics card, hence poof and I was out. Being unable to log in for several minutes, was the server just being a bit slow logging all my avatar details out. The strange silent avatars turned out to be land bots. They used to be placed at around 200m in the sky, and as it was relatively rare for people to be flying around, they could sit there with their land botting scripts functioning without anyone even realising they were there. Conspiracy theories - this is all they were - and hopefully in time, you will be able to make sense of your current situation. While you are in the middle of this though, you cannot see objectively what is really happening to you. This will pass, and you will laugh about it. If you spend time at busy places, sit on a wall or the nearest prim and just observe, alt view around you, it will become apparent that there are people just out to harrass people, and you have not been singled out for this treatment.
  21. I cannot agree with Imnotgoing Sideways enough on this one - you really need to completely ignore whoever these people are that are targeting you for grief. And believe it or not, it sounds like pure coincidence, rather than a Linden alt using God powers to come looking for you. I am not in any way dismissing you, or trying to undermine your belief system, but it sounds like you are visiting busy places, and there are most often people at busy places who do create alt after alt with the sole intention of calling people phaggget (spelt like this in the hope it won't get bleeeped out by the automatic moderation system on these forums). A professional counsellor would give you the same advice as Immy, and others - go about your business and ignore messages from people that are obscure, insulting, harrassing. It is far easier in Second Life than in real life to block/mute someone, and you do not owe them a reaction. There are people who will send a "." as a message, just because they are sending everyone in the vicinity a message similar, to see who they can goad next. Sad but true. Those people need professional help and/or a life - you have a life, and you are entitled to live it without harrassment. Once again, to emphasise what Immy has already advised, block/mute and ignore completely anyone who invades your physical or mental space. Do not feed them with even a teaspoonful of attention. I honestly do not believe anyone is following you or your alts in Second Life. It really is pure coincidence.
  22. Welcome to Second Life Answers, FoxyPepsi. Reset your modem. When you bring up your log in screen, change the login start location to Furball or Quarrel or Robinson and see if you can log in. 
  23. Is it a while since you updated your graphics drivers? Check you have the latest drivers installed for your graphics card. You will never have to scrap your account; it's yours forever, even if you have to take a break from Second Life for any reason. Most technical problems can be overcome.
  24. It sounds like you must update your graphics drivers. What type of graphics card do you have? ATI/Radeon, nvidia? Visit the appropriate website and select download latest drivers. If you think it would help us to understand better your problem, please upload a screenshot to this thread of the message that comes up on your screen when you click on the Second Life icon to start up the viewer.
  25. Yes, the Linden roads are great. I'm sure there is a more official way of finding where all the rezz zones are, but I just fly along until I find one, they are not very far apart. There is a roundabout where Filip sim meets with others, rezz zone there, Lyonet has a rezz zone, and Peraut (I think), on a different continent. Have fun !
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