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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. Hi, later, probably in a few weeks, there will be a new server feature that lets us make avatars and the objects they are sitting on invisible across parcel lines. It works both ways, people outside will be invisible too. This will not hide us from the map or hide the stuff inside houses, but it should be enough to defeat peeping toms.
  2. Hi, I have not seen this bug in 2.7.5, but most problems with textures that show out of scale happen when "Develop>Rendering>Texture Atlas (experimental)" has been switched on, so that will be good to check first. The feature is unfinished and not useful right now.
  3. Kris Messmer wrote: I'm really confused as why there are not here. If the engine can render 3d, it can render normals, correct? HI, yes it can render them, but right now they can only be used to change the Linden water ripples in the Windlight settings. There are a few simple hard coded bump maps for objects but nothing custom right now. LL would have to go through the same cost vs. benefits pain that meshes are going through right now, the extra textures for normal maps and the rendering work won't be zero.
  4. Hi, if you think that some attachment could be in the way and preventing you from even getting to inventory to remove it, and don't have support options, you could try a text only client to do the cleaning. Radegast can be good for this, it will give you full access to your inventory and attachments so that you can remove anything that could be in the way, change to a different shape and clothes, etc. It has in its menu some options to update appearance and rebake, it works best to pick those by hand after you change what you are wearing. Once you have the avatar down to the basics, you can try a regular viewer again. Even if that is still a problem, at least this client will let you keep up with messages and use your inventory until you can find a real solution!
  5. You are being overly dramatic here. There have been griefers and sim crash exploits for about as long as there has been a Second Life. Some of those really did take down the whole grid. We are still here.
  6. Astringofcharacters wrote: Hi. A naive question about GIMP here. A clothing tutorial instructed me to "turn off" all the layers in its example template except for the last one - the base. There were 121 layers, and I dutifully clicked the eye shut on 120, one at a time. Surely there must have been a way to turn them all off in a batch, rather than one by one. Could anyone out there tell me how I should have done it? Hi, hold down the Shift key when you click on the button in the "eye" column and only that layer will be visible. Also click on the thumbnail for that layer to make it active, that is a separate operation in Gimp. Shift+click again to make them all visible.
  7. I suspect that "p38" and "p-38" are not intentionally on the list, it smells like a regular expression gone wrong. Those things are handy but evil.
  8. PatriciaCordone wrote: So does that mean and others will see the box but I won't? Oh no, if you accidentally wear a box on your hand, you will know it too! Try to wear a house or car somewhere that doesn't have too many people around, you will be amazed at your strength. =D
  9. Hi, LL ruined all the fun and changed the default attach point to the right hand! A few creators try to keep the tradition alive with prim settings, but we do not get to see this much any more You can read about the box opening ritual here on the knowledge base. You will probably wear a few boxes even after you know how it is supposed to work. It is all OK because we all make our avatars do strange things when we push the wrong button or click the wrong thing. We all do it sooner or later!
  10. Alazarin Mondrian wrote: Cerise Sorbet wrote: Oh, she fits a pattern... Do tell. Please enlighten me. ...even the first name that starts in 'b', are common for the roadside scourgebots... Correct about the first name. You must know alot more about her ilk. When we inspect their attachments -- I think this information is easiest to see in V2, in the sidebar display -- we can see that they all are using the same group named 'traffic injection'. It will be easy enough to learn the different things those bots are for from there.
  11. Hi, you should be able to install the drivers, but do not install the Killer Network Manager. See VWR-25113 if you find more details to add to the bug, but it is prolably more something for Bigfoot Networks to fix, rather than LL.
  12. Hi, I think that the problem term could be "P38" !! If I search on P38, I also see two other non-adult items, a holster and a pistol, that have also been flagged as adult. Also I see that your "1969" plane has an almost identical description, except that it does not mention "p38" in the description or keywords, but it gets a General rating. You could try to replace "P38" with "P-38" or "P 38" etc. etc. and see if that helps,
  13. Hi, this was possible in the past but it was fixed a couple of years ago. The IM protocol still has a location field, but it is now blanked for messages from avatars. It is still filled in when objects send messages.
  14. Alazarin Mondrian wrote: Darius there's nothing in her profile that would suggest that she's a scripted agent. If anything her profile looks almost too 'normal'. Oh, she fits a pattern. The movie star group tag, the profile's random camwhore photo and profile text style, and the ground sit on Linden owned land. even the first name that starts in 'b', are common for the roadside scourgebots. The only big variance is that she is on abandoned land and not protected.
  15. OK, then do you have high resolution snapshots to disk switched on? That was a problem for some epopel for a long time, I don't know if it was ever really fixed. The bug for that one is VWR-13630. For the keyboard shortcut, maybe another program is capturing that combination. That key is also in a fragile character position, It might not work or it could be in an unexpected place if your keyboard differs much from the usual US layout.
  16. squashy Beeswing wrote: Yes. When i clicked on the mini-map to take me there, i'd get the message "couldn't TP closer to destination". This message is about land settings, land owners can set teleport routing so that you can go anywhere on the parcel, or only to the landing point. Current viewers are OK with teleport to high altitudes on the map, older ones had trouble with it.
  17. Hi, to check the first things first -- If you use the Ctrl+` for quick snapshots, or you most times use snapshot preview in the small view, open up World>Snapshot and open it up with the More button. Make sure that the size is set to Current Window, the automatic cropping can be disappointing with the preset resolutions. It almost always works better to crop by hand later in an editor.
  18. Hi, that is just an old limitation for the mini map, the protocol only has enough bits reserved to accommodate the old 768 meter build ceiling. Avatars over about 1000 meters, like in skyboxes, will overflow the field, so they show up below instead of above.
  19. Hi, the game reminds me of Monopoly but set in the middle ages. There are many of the same elements, you acquire land and collect tribute etc. Players only accumulate in game wealth while they are logged in with the HUD running, that is why they like to park.
  20. Hi, for most SL leashes, the handle and the collar work together to form the leash. On command the collar sends out a particle system that looks like a chain, and that seeks the handle. There are items like this one too, if you only want a prop to carry..
  21. Hi, check the Library folder, there is new stuff under Library>Clothing>Initial Outfits. It looks like "Animal Avatar Tiger" is him, but some silly bugger did red eye reduction
  22. Hi, yes, there is new stuff under Library>Clothing>Initial Outfits, lots of animals and robots!
  23. It can be revealing to watch object updates on things like that. Sometimes less is more, the viewer interpolation is simplistic but it can work well when it is exploited.
  24. Hi, it is true, SL avatar hands are filled with cartilage, there are no bones in them past the wrist! The hand postions we can use are hard coded morphs. It is possible that we will get custom skeletons in the future after mesh, but nobody is promising a schedule for that yet. If they do happen, they probably won't be available on the current standard avatar, only on attachments, though those attachments can be complete replacement avatars. For now you would have to settle for hand attachments made of prims, and use scripted prim movement and rotation to move the joints, or swap out skin and transparent textures on colocated hand parts.
  25. Do not worry too much about tiny llSleep, the scheduler is brutal with them. They usually deny you time until the next frame even when the sleep is small. There was a rumor that llSleep used up lots of script time, but that came from a faulty display in the estate tools. That is mostly fixed now.
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