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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. Hi, this is not a real solution but it works as a cheap hack. Make a new pair of pants in your inventory, edit it, and drag on "*Default Transparent Texture" from the library. The invisible pants then "soak up" the flare and you can have your ankles back. If you use a viewer that support clothing layers, you can wear these same pants on top to convert no modify flared pants to the boot friendly kind.
  2. Hi, the most practical fix will be to sell the land and move to a region with the rating you want. Usually LL will not change the rating for a mainland region, but they do reserve the right to do it if they want to. If you can get all the land owners on that region to agree to a change, it won't hurt to ask, but moving will be surer to work.
  3. Now we all know this is a problem cause when they created V2/Firestorm, in the low right corner there is the envolope and you open it and all notices just show up on a list, so you can start at the bottom and just keep hitting the X to delete them. We can right click on the little envelope and delete them all at once. Bliss <3
  4. Marianne McCann wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: There shouldn't be moment like that - with a road crossing through private land. I've ridden one of the mainland touring pods and passed by one of those - with my pod avoiding it. Some moles will tell you there's nothing they can do about something like that, but I've seen others make very inventive road shapes - and even seen things that a mole told me there was nothing that could be done about, get later fixed by 'someone'. A small curved segment to the road could fix the problem in that screenshot. From the look of that road, I'm betting that is somewhere in mid-Sansara. Back when Michael Linden chairs the LDPW office hours, he discussed situations like this. The roads build in the pre LDPW days (especially the 2003-2004 era) often did not concern themselves so much with parcel boundaries. This has led to situations like this, places where road was returned by a land owner, and other "fun" things. FWIW, the Moles are factually correct. There is nothing they can do about the above. The old ROWs are owned by maintenance, and they can't fix those legacy spaces. That said, Michael Linden could. Best bet is to ticket it, and let him take a look at fixing that issue. Ebisu is not far from the collapsed Fujin bridge, so there is plenty of matching material that could be recycled, maybe bent guard rails or barriers. I am already paying enough in rent, and will not re-enroll in the premium program just for the privilege to report LL's build error.
  5. Make me use a microphone and you will get this. So, no.
  6. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Are you sure? I know that avatar physics work when I'm playing an animation out of my inventory or when I'm using a dance HUD. But when I use adult furniture, I can't seem to get any jiggling going, even if the animation has me bouncing all over the bedsheets like a bunny on crack. Oh yes, the motion is definitely there, but existing animations were not made with this feature in mind, so they do not exploit it or only do on accident. If an animation moves the pelvis a lot so that the whole avatar moves, or there is a lot of motion around the shoulders [ that being motion relative to the sit target ] , it is easier to see that the effect is there, Maybe it is natural to try to make the settings look good with a walk and stop there - that is how I tried it at first, and that can give unsatisfactory results when we are sat on objects. Especially I find that the spring and gain should go a little higher, so that there is time for a reaction to the smaller movements. Damping might need to go higher too, plus a little mass, to keep the jiggle under control when standaing and walking.
  7. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Alas, when you sit down on a poseball or any other object, your avatar becomes non-physical and the avatar physics no longer work That's why I don't use a physics layer. I don't want my polygons to jiggle all over the place while I'm walking because it interferes with my prim clothing. The only time when I'd like my bits to bounce around is when I'm using adult furniture, and that's the one thing that is not possible in SL. Hi, the avatar physics layer does still work when we are sitting on objects, but there will be nothing to make the motion happen if the animation is a static pose. Pose balls with dances, for example, let the jiggle wiggle. "Avatar physics" is a little bit of a confusing name, it is not related to Havok. It is a client side effect just like flexi prims.
  8. Hi, permissions are mostly per script, you can even hold different permissions for different avatars in separate scripts of the same object. For attachments, the most common permissions are granted automatically, and that works in both the root prim and child prims. PERMISSION_DEBIT is one big exception, that one always needs manual activation. PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS needs confirmation too, but link and unlink do not work in attachments anyway. Automatic permission granting used to only work in the root prim, but it works on child prims too now. If you have separate scripts in HUD buttons, maybe it is time to reevaluate the design. There used to be lots of good reasons to have separate scripts in child prims, now there are very few. llDetectedLinkNumber can find what prim is touched and the script in your root prim can figure out what to do from there.
  9. Hi, there is a little extra viewer work to render planar mapped textures but it is a very small difference. It usually will not be enough to notice. ARC is not a very good measure of much, but it assigns 4 points for alpha and one for planar, so even the ARC police do not think much of it.
  10. I am afraid that the oo and aah morphs are not regular animations, they are viewer effects and LSL cannot see them. We can make custom gestures with the same triggers that the standard voice gestures use, and that way voice can send chat commands to scripts. There is not a way to do it in LSL if a person is not runnign those gestures. It is possible to do this with a bot, there are libopenmetaverse clients can piggy back on the SLVoice from 1.23, you can look at their source to learn how the interface works.
  11. Hi, those strips of land are an unpaved Linden road. There is another thread about those bots here.
  12. Hi, you can check the X-SecondLife-Shard header from llHTTPRequest, reject anything that does not have Production in that field. It is good to check that the address is in LL space too,
  13. Suella Ember wrote: Red hair. That is all!
  14. It would be nice if MLP grew that capability, but if it can do that now, why is it still using pose balls? o.0 The nPose scripts use different avatar offsets for each animation, no pose balls are needed so they don't become buried. Is that the system you had in mind?
  15. Barring rolling restart reversals, two new scripting toys will go to BlueSteel today. llTargetOmega is added to llSet*PrimitiveParams* and llGet*PrimitiveParams with [PRIM_OMEGA, vector axis, float spinrate, float gain] llHTTPRequest gets a new parameter HTTP_VERBOSE_THROTTLE, it is a switch to spew errors or be silent when the script makes too many requests. (Default behavior is to send the messages. You don't really need the messages because llHTTPREquest will return NULL_KEY when it's throttled, so make the grid a little more peaceful and use this!)
  16. Hi, it is just buggy. When we see a string like [COUNT] in the interface, it means that there is a mismatch between the XML interface definitions and what the viewer C++ code fills in. There is no patch on the build result and the JIRA for that change is private, but I would guess that maybe "PE" is "physics engine" and that could be the physics cost that used to appear after the slash.
  17. Agreed, it is a very confusing system! Dakota seems to follow threads like this, so ... Does LL have a apot on the marketplace that shows the whole category tree expanded? If there is no view like that, can somebody make one? I bet that it would prevent a lot of the flagging work for both you and the merchants!
  18. Hi, right now I see the ":F: Schooled Complete Avatar" is filed under Avatar Appearance » Complete Avatars, it probably velongs one level down in Avatar Appearance » Complete Avatars » Complete Human Female Avatars with clothing. The boots are in  Apparel > Women's > women's Footwear but probably belong one level down in Apparel > Women's > Women's Footwear > Women's Boots You make some really nice stuff, I am glad you posted, now there is new stuff on the future shopping list.
  19. Hi, people are doing about the same thing for clothing items, they are attached to the skeleton and move with the avatar, but they do not replace the whole body. The seam around the neck or head could be a challenge, but maybe even a fun challenge, if you like that kind of thing.
  20. I do not know if any Lindens do this any more, but Blondin used to jump around infohubs and ejects bots that piled up. The water near them could be where they bounce to.
  21. Yes, the adult rating specifically includes real life images. "Photo-realistic means that an image either is or cannot be distinguished from a photograph." Yes, controversial content is specifically encouraged. "Take a walk on the wild side. It's a fact of life — controversial things sell." There is one restriction on the marketplace, only digital content that can be used with SL is allowed, physical goods are prohibited. Things like images and online video definitely can be used inworld.
  22. TheDude1973 wrote: I saw on the old forum a post back in 08 saying that it wasn't possible to create a script for a wearable object that could let you and/or others teleport to another SIM. I know many changes have come along since then and was wondering if this was still impossible to accomplish? Hi, there are no new built in functions for teleporting since then, attachments are mostly limited to physical movement and llMapDestination. People who use RLV can use a force teleport command, but there is not an equivalent that can work for all users on all viewers.
  23. Hi, it is probably time to start saving the logs and looking for common problems at the end. If you find that it usually crashes around the same finctions, that could give you cloes about what is wrong. If it breaks in a compeltely different spot every time, it is time to suspect hardware.
  24. Hi, do you use RLV, Cool VL, or another viewer with that code in it? Those viewers can act funny with the Wear command when RLV is enabled, you should always include the name of the attach point in the object title -- for example use "Left Shoe (left foot)" instead of only "Left Shoe". Use the same names that appear in the Attach To.. menu, following the same weird inconsistent usage for "L" vs. "Left" etc. If you do not want to rename the shoe or can't, you can make a folder named ".(left foot)" etc., then put the shoe in there. Then RLV can pick up the attach point from the parent folder. I don't think that viewers that use the RLVa patches have this same quirk, but you still might want to include the extra name stuff if you will be selling or giving them away.
  25. Imee Kenin wrote: I heard from friends that all secondary viewers except Firestorm are being ban by LL.. Is this true? I just started playing w/ the singularity viewer and love it cuz its causes me less lag. It would suck if I had to go to Firestorm or V2 because I hate both viewers. I tried Firestorm because its by phoenix and as soon as I saw it was just like V2 I uninstalled it. It is totally false. Any viewer that keeps up to date and stays compatible with SL will still be alllowed, if it follows the TPV rules. Any viewer will eventually lose users if it does not keep up with grid evolution, because it won't show all the content. LL won't need to ban unmaintained viewers as long as they are not doing anything harmful, they will slowly die off from disuse when the compatibility is not there. It will be easier for V2 based TPVs to stay relevant because LL is writing the compatibility part for them. For TPVs based on 1.x, their maintainers have to adapt the V2 code or write their opwn replacements, so it is more work for them. Cool VL Viewer's maintainer is working very hard to keep 1.x viable, and I think he might succeed. Other TPVs like Restrained Love, Kirsten's, Dolphin, Imprudence/Kokua already have V2 editions and should find it easier.
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