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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. Hi, once a texture is applied to a prim, it doesn't matter any more if it is in your inventory, so it is safe to archive them.
  2. The "review" is about an unsupported version and includes the comment "logs in OK" along with problems that could have many causes. I would wait to see a better review before I worried much. Oz Linden is a Mac user, I think he will be keen to make sure his viewer wil work on his own computer.
  3. Today's restarts took mesh-prep off the grid and out to the wood shed for a good spanking. Those regions are temporarily running the main channel version. I will guess that there was a little hiccup during the restarts, and the configuration changes let mesh uploads leak through for a short time.
  4. Inside Agni I have been to Earth and Oz and Wonderland and Vulcan and Alderaan and the moon and Gor and Pandora and many more. Agni is a whole unverse and there are even parallels within it! The other grids are parallel parallels ouch!
  5. SL eyes force resolution from 512 to 256? Yes, baking scales it all down. Prim eyes can be tough too, LOD can make them look very strange if they are supposed to confirm to the "natural" eye sockets.
  6. It can be a pain to do this. You can loop thru the region coordinates in rows and columns, with 4m skips, and use llGetParcelDetails to match IDs. Average the extremes to find a good guess at the center, but should add a "next best match" fallback in case the parcel is not a regular shape.
  7. Yes, that was defintiely it, the profile I added it to is flagged adult now. I guess they were aiming for "XXX" and aimed a little sideways.
  8. Still waiting for confirmation on the x.x thing, search-beta is taking a really really long time to update today.
  9. Hi, search-beta.secondlife.com updates are a little slow today and I am atil trying to confirm, but I think the trigger could be the "x.x" emoticon in the part about white chocolate. I am seeing lots of innocent profiles with repeated "x" patterns that are flagged as adult. Adding -- this is the kind of search that gets the adult flag, the problem can be very confusing to explain when we have three separate kinds of search going on!
  10. One of the best things about Second Life is that the forum lets us hide signatures! Uncheck "View signatures in posts" and the spam goes away. Even better, it becomes bannable if the ads are moved out of the signature.
  11. AmyNevilly wrote: I don't get it. My friend plays IMVU all the time and it looks boring to me? Am I missing something? :matte-motes-kiss: Hi, I don't think you are missing anything. IMVU looks like a virtual world but it is really only chat rooms, and the possibilities are very limited. Second Life is the real deal.
  12. Is there any way to get a name change to persist if done on a worn object? No, that is a limitation for attachments. The name can be changed in the inventory window, but changes by a script or in the edit window will not stick.
  13. There are many planets on the grid, so we know that the concept of a single planet does not fit it well. "World" in the sense of a universe fits better.
  14. Hi, here was Robin Linden's take on the world's name. Once upon a time (May 2002) we had to come up with a name for this place? service? world? other than the one we had used when it was a project (LindenWorld). We struggled through all sorts of names that had interesting meanings that might seem like a place. - Sansara (world of appearances and endless change -Sanskrit) - Thera (ancient Greek island, thought by some to have been the lost paradise of Atlantis) - Luminus (Latin, light of life) - Jardin (garden, French) Then we thought about Linden trees. - truth made clear - "Those born under Linden Trees look at the world through the glasses of their dreams and imagination, without them we would end up forgetting how beautiful life is." - Protector We even tried to make up some new words. - Lindia - Viviterre (land of life) - Creoverse (world of creation) For a while we got into sci-fi and math. - 333 Again - Area 333 - digital-gen - Rule 110 - The Grid Finally we decided we wanted to have a name that suggested the experience rather than a place. Someone came up with Second Life. We asked our Early Creators, who all said "YUK!" - Not catchy - Insulting to my first life - Too religious - Am I dead? Hmmm. Ultimately, Second Life started to feel right. It said a lot to us about what we hoped the richness of the experience would be. Plus we could get the domain name AND the trademark. And so it became Second Life, where we're all living happily ever after.
  15. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Mmmm, should I be concerned? Signs point to no.
  16. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: I haven't received anything odd, and I've visited the shrine several times. :smileyhappy: Yes, they have other things to do most times. These bots get lots of jobs but their main ones are -- Join groups to make them look more popular than they really are Add places to picks to make them look more popular than they really are Appear at places on demand to make them look more popular on map dots and traffic than they really are Send IM spam to groups Their distribution when they are on the mainland would not be very good for general land and avatar scanning. It would be very good to survey certain objects. Lots of her friends are missing from the mainland today too, but their office is "open".
  17. Hi, gestures will show up in character order, that is mostly alphabetical, and you can put characters like "-" or "." in front of their inventory names to make them be higher in the list. Usually the gestures are under the Gestures folder in your inventory, but you can use Show Filters under the inventory gear menu to find others that could be hiding in other spots. You can use this chart for a rough guide to the sorting. Also in inventory, you can right click on a gesture and pick Deactivate, then it won't appear in the list. You can always right click and Activate again later, if you change your mind and want that gesture.
  18. "Reset to default" button is only for one setting at a time, it will not set the whole thing back to factory,.
  19. Hi, current SL viewers do not have this message, but see this thread for a way to disable them on old viewers. I am afraid that it involves finding an XML file that could be in a hidden folder and editing it by hand, but it works if you cannot upgrade.
  20. Hi, first see this wiki page to find the Second Life user_settings folder on your system. Quit the viewer before you try to do this. Inside the SecondLife/user_settings folder, look for settings.xml [ the .xml extension could be hidden on your operating system ] and delete it. If you use the beta viewer, the file will be called settings_betaviewer.xml and so on for different special viewers. If you use a third party viewer, it could have a special name like that under SecondLife/user_settings or be in a whole different directory, check with your TPV supplier. So, once you delete that settings file, all your preferences will be returned to the factory defaults, and that includes things you set in the debug menu.
  21. Hi, most saddles are really vehicles. The dragon sits first, under the saddle, and the vehicle has replacement animations to take over for the AO and simulate walking. Then there is another seat or two on top for the passengers. Threads like this should be next door in LSL Scripting, I asked for a move so do not be alarmed if we see it turn up there!
  22. HI, the regions are up when you get there? What tools are reporting the blinks? Some of the older region crash reporters can be fooled by dilation, and temp rezzers are good at making that.
  23. Yes, Second Life is having issues.
  24. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Just as long as that "feature" is not on by default. I'd hate to have to avoid sitting on anything ever again. It is a parcel flag and off by default. The setting will affect all viewers, but a future viewer will be needed to enable it.
  25. Alien Blogger wrote: how do i watch myself from the front walking so i can see the boobs move, i can see my bum moving its nice just the right amoutn of bounce Hi, press the View button in the bottom tool bar, then the eye icon, and then Front view. If you use a 1.x viewer, hold down the Alt key and use the left and right arrows to turn the camera around, but this snaps back once you start walking. If you use the right AO, it might allow your avatar to turn around when you walk backwards with the down arrow, so try that too.
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