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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. I think a lot of it goes back to an issue that was at the fore when I first began SL in 2007 - the issue of "age play." I can't recall the specifics but, iirc, a European country (I want to say Germany but not absolutely positive) filed a complaint with LL over the issue of what could be "perceived" as adult sexual activity with children. There is an established, thriving child av community within SL that has nothing to do with age play but the entire child av community was unfortunately painted with the same brush back then and some areas within SL decided to play it safe and just not permit child avs in...period.
  2. An intriguing thought came to me as I read your post, Jewels. I am not shy at all, in fact I'm one of the approximately 2% of the population who LOVES public speaking; I am energized when I can stand in front of an audience and...well, speak. I'm the type person in RL who starts conversations with strangers in grocery store lines. Have you ever noticed that when people get on elevators they tend to stand a bit stiffly and look blankly at the door, never glancing right nor left? Enter Czari who begins talking generically to whomever wishes to answer. That seems to freak people for some reason. Now although I am outgoing, I am not an extrovert. After all these years I recently realized I had been equating "introvert" with "shy" which isn't the case at all. I am an introvert in the sense that I am energized by alone time whereas extroverts are energized by being with people. My preference in socializing is with one person at a time or, at most, 4 total - including me. So back to the thought that came to me while reading your post - in 5+ years of being in SL I have never initiated a random conversation or even a random "Hi." By this I mean starting a conversation with someone outside of an "activity." I take a lot of classes and greet fellow classmates; when I worked at a club years ago I welcomed customers, etc., but have never begun a conversation with anyone outside of these parameters. This provides food for contemplation since in RL I talk to random people I encounter all the time. The only difference that comes to mind at the moment is that when I log into SL it is generally with a purpose - to build, work on my store, take a class, go to a specific activity, etc. When I'm not doing any of those but still in SL then I'm usually in my SL home maybe listening to the radio while weeding out inventory or chatting with one of my good friends. I admire you and others like you, Jewels, for wanting to overcome your natural shyness to reach out to people. It's ironic that I don't have a shy bone in my body but in SL I am focused on "goals" and don't engage in the type of random talk that is second nature for me in RL. Thank you for posting this.
  3. This ^^ Best explanation for how security orbs, properly configured, work as opposed to banlines.
  4. Heart Brimmer wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: I know an estate manager who gets a very large parcel on the estate rent-free with no prim limit except to "keep it reasonable." Managers for a dance club (where I used to work) were also provided rent-free parcels in the sky on the estate...again with no set prim limit. I would LOVE a no set prim limit! lol. What I could do with that *grins* You and me both!!! The person to whom I was referring has an AWESOME place. It is probably one of THE most detailed homes I've ever seen...I mean to the minute detail. Great outdoors as well including a sailboat.
  5. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Gosh I thnk I've met some of these in Second Life. I've dated a few. It all becomes very clear now.
  6. I know an estate manager who gets a very large parcel on the estate rent-free with no prim limit except to "keep it reasonable." Managers for a dance club (where I used to work) were also provided rent-free parcels in the sky on the estate...again with no set prim limit.
  7. Check to see if Tatsumi no machi still exists. It had free yukatas in the gift shop. If not, then there used to be a free kimono on the Gion sim: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Gion/85/159/25 If the above two don't work out, and if the Gion sim still exists (sorry, I'm not in world atm), there is a fun and fairly easy hunt in the Gion sim for great kimonos and other Japanese attire items, including a Maiko skin.
  8. I just posted an answer to this exact question in the Relationships forum.
  9. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: One thing I have noticed over the years I've been in SL. The longer someone is in SL the less they desire the RL replica dream house/mansion and the more they want a smaller SL type house with only the rooms they use. The exception being people that use the house for roleplay. I have found this to be true as well. I have a ton of large houses of various types/themes in inventory but, since I just want a "home base" on SL now and don't have visitors, etc., I use simple skyboxes with minimal furnishings and use the prims on my parcel for other things.
  10. InterwebzSuperHero wrote: I live in a country where I don't make a lot of income so I buy what I can and use legit freebies. The other responders to your post are wonderful and great information; however, being brand new to SL, it may take a bit of time to fully digest all the info on what copybotting is, etc. My best advice to you is: 1. NEVER EVER accept ANYTHING from someone you don't know, ESPECIALLY in sandboxes. 2. To get some free items to get you started...I think a store called Free Dove is still around. Various creators in SL donate items so that a new avatar can start acquiring avatar items (hair, skin, eyes, clothes) that are legitimate. There are some other "freebie" stores in SL that have been around a long time, Free Dove is just the one that popped into my mind. Perhaps others will have some suggestions as well. 3. A fun way to get some really nice high-quality free items is to participate in hunts. This serves several purposes: you get some nice items, you will find some great stores and often some amazing sims/builds, might meet some other hunters along the way who will become friends, and it's great fun. To find out what hunts are in progress or coming up, check out this site.
  11. Sy Beck wrote: I'm know it's the future and there is no doubt that the end effects are far superior and I'll buckle down to it at sometime, though I'm spending most of my time in InWordlz at the moment so I'm not compelled to learn it there. One of my best friends spends most of her time in IW and moved her business there. She knows how much I detest the "mesh movement" and is using that as a draw for me to spend more time in IW.
  12. Clarissa Lowell wrote: Who teaches how to make mesh stuff? What skills and what programs do you have to learn? One forumite mentioned on another thread that she has no idea how to make mesh but is using a tool that converts to mesh. Checked out her blog and found she is using this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Mesh-Studio/2993083 Apparently the person who mentioned using this has been converting buildings in her sim to mesh.
  13. Pamela Galli wrote: Do you use mesh things? If so, worn or rezzed items? If you do not use mesh (worn or rezzed), what are your reason(s) (eg do not use mesh viewer, have heard bad things about mesh, other)? I currently can't see mesh items (at least rezzed correctly) due to not being able to run a mesh viewer. I am having a lot of fun seeing avatars that look really odd. My opinion on mesh at present is I don't like it and don't plan to use it even when I can see it properly. The main reason is because, true to LL form for recent releases, it's not quite ready for prime time. Clothes: I'm not changing my shape to fit clothes; clothes have to be able to fit me or not buying. Furnishings/Houses: This Land Impact thing is like trying to break a secret code. Plus the whole issue with an item having a Li of x, but if it is resized the Li can skyrocket.
  14. WOOT!!!!! Issue solved today! A friend and sister forumite offered to test out the closet on her sim with pathfinding turned on. It was the first time someone else besides my customer got the wonky closet door issue. Friend turned pathfinding off on the sim and reset it. Meanwhile her assistant and I went to assistant's sim where the closet appeared to be working properly; however, friend joined us and had figured out the issue. The way the scripts were operating together depended on sequence. For example if the closet door was opened and shut and then the animation sequence selected, when the door was clicked open afterwards, it went wonky - BUT - if one first went through the animation sequence and then opened the closet door, it worked fine. My options at that point was: 1. To add to the product description to not open the door before going through the animations, which is cumbersome to say the least 2. Create two closets - one that simply had an open/close door and the other that was the "fun animations" style, but the closet door would not open/close independently. My friend then suggested a script that she uses that can "call" to another script and that she thought would work. I promptly purchased the script but, not being astute at understanding a lot of detailed (to me) scripting stuff, the script didn't work when I tried it. However, my friend did say it would take some configuring and she would work on that. Bottom line friend configured the new door script to correctly link to the animation script. I now have a closet that works properly the way I had intended (and didn't realize it did not until this incident :matte-motes-bashful-cute:). A huge thank you to everyone who responded to this thread. Between the advice/scripts offered here, trying to trouble shoot the issue myself with my limited scripting knowlege, and the wonderful friend who solved the issue, I have learned a LOT that will be most helpful in future builds.
  15. Kelli May wrote: Turns out I had a bit of time to recreate the look... I believe this is more or less what I wore... Susan as governess or maybe later on as teacher. The shape is what I normally wear, so might not be exactly Susan's "skinny but basically attractive" one (or "gammon" as Ridcully might put it). I've acquired the button boots and hat since the time of Pterry's SL appearance; both feel perfectly appropriate to me, although the hat makes the black streak in Susan's hair tricky to see. Love it!!! I go around SL in Victorian garb a lot of the time. That is a great look!
  16. I just want a PC that runs SL well on a decent graphics setting with a great vid card and that I won't have to update for a bit. All these specs are confusing my poor lil mind. LOL
  17. Teagan Tobias wrote: I live in Florida and I am always on the lookout for a better radar to track storms. Take a look at this one, I like it a lot. Look down on the page, use the controls on the left to go full screen and other controls to see computer models and the projected path. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/weather/ Florida here too and grateful we dodged this bullet. My thoughts go to all those in affected areas. Been in some hurricanes...not fun.
  18. Phil Deakins wrote: But my outright favourite is the little guy in 'Thief Of Time' - Lu Tze - the one who keeps referring to wise old sayings like, "For is it not written, 'I'll go to the foot of my stairs'?". I always pictured him as the little Chinese guy in the original 'Karate Kid'. If you're referring to Mr. Miyagi in "The Karate Kid" - that would be "little Japanese guy."
  19. 16 wrote: Ender's Game by Orson Card. It win both the Nebula and Hugo ages ago in the 1980s is about a boy and his classmates who play a computer space war game with huge battle fleets the way only children can. like no fear and not worry about how many ships and planets they lose and destroy. they just play to win. is not a game tho and they dont know until after they have won. and the boy's realisation of what they have done and then how he try to fix/undo it That sounds a little like the 1983 movie, "War Games." ~Shall we play a game?
  20. Kelli May wrote: Neal Stephenson... 'Snow Crash' could be seen as required reading for Second Lifers, but it's hardly what you'd call recent. A lot of SL terminology and concepts originated in this novel. I heard so much about "Snow Crash" when I first began SL that I tracked it down not too long ago and was anticipating a great read. I'm a prolific reader although I do admit Sci-Fi is not my preferred genre but...I just can't get into it. I've read about 5 chapters hoping it will get better but finally put it aside to pursue other reading. Maybe it's the teen/early 20's "speak" and point of view, but I don't think I would have liked when I was a teen. Some of the other books mentioned sound interesting.
  21. MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote: The thing is - vamp clans really ARE vampires and here is how - that game sucks their L$ dry. I don't know if they still sell this crap but at one time you could buy this crap caled wormwood so you could be bitten again. So yes, vamps are real, well at least the jokers running the show, cause they are crooks. QFT. I have a dear friend in SL who was in Bloodlines for maybe a year and a half or so. In addition to all the money one pours into it, the drama I heard from him re: his clan was so over the top. Of course that could vary from clan to clan but...gah!
  22. Raven1 Short wrote: If you could actually go through your screen and live in SL would you? Actually live your life where SL is real but still SL if that makes sense. Never. I love life on planet earth, specifically my "parcel" of it. My SL home is on an ocean sim. Many of my neighbors have a tropical theme. I live in a tropical area RL surrounded by palm trees with the ocean only a 20 minute drive away so I have that. My house is in the sky in SL. I would love to live in a skyscraper in a large city sometime. Doubt that will happen, but that would be close to living in the sky.
  23. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: 'I'm bored' is a useless thing to say. You live in a great, big, vast world that you've seen none percent of. - Louis C. K. ...and Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. - Auntie Mame
  24. Gadget Portal wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: The issue my customer was having was not due to Pathfinding, different viewers, etc. It was a combination of three scripts that didn't play nicely together. The issue was very random, ie. it worked for me and some friends who tested it, but not always for my customer. The solution turned out to be the order in which a person accessed its two options. If one always did A then B, no problem, but if one did B then A - issues. On the advice of the brilliant scripter who finally figured it out (after a week of me tearing my hair out) I purchased an updated script that she felt would work. Thus far it doesn't work any better, in fact worse in some cases but my scripter friend said it may need to be tweaked and is checking it out. Although frustrating, I learned a LOT about many things in SL as well as scripting through this experience. This is the huge problem with generic scripts you purchase, and then try to combine. It's also part of the reason the grid is so laggy. This will almost sound like self-promotion or something, but if you need to have something scripted that you can't do yourself and it needs to have multiple functions, you're really better off hiring a scripter to write it all into one script. It may not always be cheaper, but it will almost always certainly be better. Very true. I'm hoping the script I just purchased on the recommendation of the scripter will work after she checks it out with my product. The issue I was having deals with needing a script that "calls" (if that's the right term) to another script.
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