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Lasher Oh

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Everything posted by Lasher Oh

  1. Hey Brooke - I just downloaded the new Txn CSV  (still not sure what Txn is short for. Texan perhaps?) Now I have a query, and I must confess, I've never really been a one for using the marketplace CSVs before as I prefer the xlm's from transaction history. So I'd like to ask and get an explanation why you need to use 3 rows for each transaction? (see pic below) It seems a touch excessive to me and overly repetitive. For instance the transaction description (Col C) tells me what was sold but then you tell me again to the right on (Col H) Also you tell me in Col D that you gave me L$94 in one row then you tell me in another that you took L$ 5 commission - surely you could put that on Col E Then on the 3rd row you tell me once more what was sold and how much it cost before you took your cut. Again couldn't this just occupy another column?. So that in the end we only get 1 row representing 1 item sold..... Just a thought - but then maybe there is a good reason why you feel we do need 3 lines for each sale. Will check in for your reply later, thanks. ^L^
  2. You do it so well - rock on :-) ^L^
  3. Tokenism for those of us who have been premium for years. It might look like a deal to newbies but old bears like me will see right through it. What premium members really really need are some guaranteed service standards and quick access to support. As it stands the only real benefit of premium membership is the paltry stipend which could do with being increased to say L$500. I won't be holding my breath for that though. In fact I wouldn't be surprise if these latest baubbles are the first step towards increasing the cost of Premium or cutting back on the size of the stipend. Afterall, during his keynote talk Rodvik went out of his way several times to tell us that he would not comment on pricing. I can feel a price hike coming in my digital bones. ^L^
  4. I'm a premium member - have been for years so I own land and don't need a sandbox. Never liked or used sandboxes anyway. Prefer to do my work, on my own, in peace and quiet without interuptions and knowing my work will still be there when I log back in. And if I need to show someone what I'm doing they get an invite to my workshop. So why should I feel that elitist access premium only sandboxes are a significant benefit?. Then there are the freebies. Again I have to ask myself and you 'why? whats the point whats the PR benefit you get out of it? I guess you might tempt a few newbies into thinking it's a deal but old cynics like me can see right through that one. I feel what premium members really need is guaranteed service standards and quick access to support. Duh - didn't you used to have that? Apart from being a passport to buy and own land the only real value of premium membership is the measly stipend. Now if you are really serious about giving Premium Members extra goodies how about increasing the Stipend to say L$500 a week. That's something we would all find very useful indeed. ^L^
  5. It's not so much what it means to me as what it meant to LL's lawyers. I could be wrong but I was under the impression that the 'Your World Your Imagination' Tag line was quietly hidden a long time back. Sometime around the Zindra fiasco when LL started stamping on their residents and customers with their jumbo sized 'made in China' jack boots. The phrase itself - a laudable concept! was proving to be an embarrassment to the admin and the lawyers who were getting fed up with it being thrown back in their face each time they took a new action which was plainly against the spirit of the phrase. Altough LL still retain ownership of that tagline - can you point me to where it is now prominently displayed or used other than in the small print of brand use terms and conitions? I feel LL are just enjoying the residual PR benefits of a philanthropic slogan that most people still mistakingly think is SLs mantra. ^L^
  6. Good succinct explanation Toy, that is exactly how I understand the proposed change as well. When the Direct Delivery idea was first mooted a year or so ago I thought then it was simply just a case of placing the packs we already have in our magic boxes into a new dedicated folder. Which would then send the item direct without the need for a third party not so Magic Script to clog up the works during lag storms. Simple easy done no fuss no bother - carry on trading as normal. I WAS all for it! But then someone in their infinite stupidity thought that it would be a cute idea if we just deliver our customers already opened folders. Thus denying them the handy and important pop-up notecards we include and doing away with all those nicely crafted boxes and packaging that made so much difference to brand presentation. That for me is like handing over a birthday or Christmas present without any wrapping yeeeeeeuch! how tacky is that! I'll give the commerce team top marks for consistency though. Ever since LL aquired and created their marketplace monopoly, they have periodically forced us down the road of perpetual time wasting revisions and alterations to our listings. But then as Couldbe said in her post LL are "not in the business of making life easy for us" ^L^
  7. "If I had walked into their office with Osama Bin Laden's head on a silver platter, the most well-considered thing I'd expect them to do is to separate the two items into different recycling bins." LOL you'd most likely be told to list it in the appropriate sub category and not the top level/root Men's Heads as outlined on the Second Life Marketplace Listing Guidelines ^L^
  8. "How things look is of primary importance, it's foolish to think otherwise. I'm not the only one who thinks this way, the nearly half a million people who walk away from Secondlife feel the same way" Realy Ralphy - you've asked them all - ROFL. What a silly thing to state. When you come down out of your cloud why not go have a look at how successful AVN has become with it's restricted freebie policies and marketplace embargos designed to cater for merchants more than customers. From what I can see they are getting pretty desperate for supporters of their strict elitist stance. In fact they are getting pretty desperate for anyone. As for why folks log in and don't stay to spend with you or anyone else I have a feeling that it has a lot more than just how where they happened to land looks. Viewer complexity, harrasment, and lag just to name a few. ^L^
  9. Oh dear Ralphy - banging that old worn out elitist drum again are ya? Didn't agree with then and don't agree with you now. But good to see you've still got that big wooden spoon for stirring the poo - nothing like a freebie storm to get folks all hot and bothered. ^L^
  10. @ Dakota - Thanks for the insightful and useful info re the magic boxes - very much appreciated! ^L^
  11. Is it just me or are other merchants experiencing a higher than normal delivery failure ratio during the past week. I'm having about 2 or three a day whereas before I was having 1 or 2 a week. Now as the summer is traditionally a quiet season for me sales are lower than normal yet failed deliveries are higher than they have ever been. Doesn't bode well for the end of the holiday season I fear. ^L^ PS interesting that almost without exception the failures have come from the customers whose shopping cart contained items from several other merchants at the same time. Hardly any sigle purchased items have failed.
  12. As Linden Lab run and control the SL community in much the same way as the Chinese regime overlord their own people I'm certain that they will be smiling and nodding in agreement with their role models most recent proclamations. ^L^
  13. Ah the good old summer slump thread. Now I know for sure that the seasons really have changed. It's good to see that in this constantly shifting world of ours that there are still some things we can rely on year on year :-) ^L^
  14. Very well put, I still shudder from the memory of endless hours of trouble they forced on the adult community when they pushed us onto the Zindra bound cattle trucks. So where does that place the 'predictable experience' concept now I wonder. Funny there was no official announcement about this either in the blog or in the Adult community shindigs. My guess is there's a new legal team in town the old one got rich pickin's from their dodgy advice but couldn't squeeze out anymore so in comes the new blood resets the game and starts all over - just waiting now for the reintroduction of gambling. ^L^
  15. Better still would be allowing us to cross list in other suitable categories (for a price like ebay do) that way certain items which can fall into several categories at the same time could get decent exposure and LL would make a few much needed extra bucks and could save on 'nit picking' moderator/reviewer staff costs - a win win scenario for customer and supplier - but hey this Linden Lab we are talking about where egos overule common sense. ^L^
  16. Ebay also allows listings in Multiple categories, for a price. A trick that LL seem to be missing as it could make them a few extra much needed bucks and save them time and money on staff who cruise the listings to nitpick and make their own personal judgments of where an item should be. Just a thought ^L^
  17. Tend to agree the rating system we have today gets MINUS 5 stars from me for usability. It's cumbersome and presents too many barriers thus it's most likely to be used by dissatified customers because those are the ones who will generaly break a leg to get a vent in. That is just human reality we need to live with. I've never been a fan of any kind of rating system as they all can and will be gamed. Some folks seem to swear by them which is fine by me so in the end I can take em or leave them as I never leave ratings ever myself. Can't for the life of me understand why on earth the designer of the current method felt it was better than the previous xstreet system which was functional easy to use and easy to access - thus what we have today is a spectacular example of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. ^L^
  18. LOL true - but, isn't that what the citizens of Troy said? :smileywink: ^L^
  19. Welcome back General Discussions , is this a sign that the Forums Micro Managing regime is finally crumbling and will this be followed by a more even handed and liberal approach to moderation? Has a rare flush of common sense broken out at last? Or do we still need to contiue voting with our feet? ^L^
  20. Sadly Google Translate doesn't have a facility for converting Lindenese to standard english. ^L^
  21. I just had a look and it's nothing to write home about - yet another LL triumph of viewer 2 style over substance. AND it excludes direct searches of classified or if it does allow then they have made a clever job of hiding the tab. Search results don't apperar to be significantly better or worse. Sliding back now to my self imposed SL forums exile. ^L^
  22. Linden Labs broke the community with their petty attitudes, micro managing, devotion to over zealous moderation and downright censorship of any references to any place that might not be connected to SL - In brief, they made the forums 'Bland and Tasteless' something their legal eagles no doubt love. ^L^
  23. I know what you mean I find it irksome too - I've tried to find the relevant preference setting to change it but I'll be dammed if I can see it :-( ^L^
  24. See what y'all are missing and what all us Europees have to tolerate everyday except weekends when Sir Spamalot takes a break ;-) .... http://bit.ly/dO2uVn
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