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Lasher Oh

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Everything posted by Lasher Oh

  1. Phoenix latest version has the 'in' folder and a 'merchants out' folder but currently there is no way to activate the merchant out in Phoenix. However Firestorm is working just fine - if you are coming at the merchant outbox for the first time you might have to wait a while for it to recognise you and accept your items. It took about 16 hours for it say hello to me but that might have been because of system overload on the first day. If you have less than 100 items then it should be a reletively easy process to get yourself up and running with DD the real niggles and clunkyness start happening with inventories that are in the hundreds or even thousands and if you have multiple magic boxes in different regions a bit of forward planning is advisable. The snags arise when you come to clean up after the migration. It would be a gross understatement to say that the inventory tools are inadequate - more apporopriate words for them are not allowed in a family forum tlike this. Removing your unassociated items involves a little dance back to the long forgotten > xstreet page that hosts your magic boxes https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&file=adminservers > Delete the relevent boxes > jump back to your inventory > do a sync with magic boxes > refresh > if your lucky the unassociated items will be gone (most likel;y not) > sign right out of marketplace > sign back in and go to your inventory and this time your unassociated should be clear. Now if like me you intend to deliver your goods packaged so that all the nice branding etc can be seen on rez and not encourage newbie laziness you need to progress to the second movement of the dance. You will need to tell customers that they will have to unpack the goods themselevs. The MP default is to tell residents that pre-opened folders will come their way. You can do this one by one by editing your individual listings and beside 'User Requirements' tick 'Unpacking' Fine if you only have a few items - If you have more than a hundred items >use the bulk edit by selecting all the items you have just uploaded then > select edit from the drop down menu at the bottom of the listing page > tick unpacking as above and then > update button. It will take a few minutes minimum to refresh maybe longer I read two pages of a novel while waiting for the last update cycle to finish. I truly fear the MP server is going to blow up before this exercise is cooked. A final word of caution don't try to load more than 100 items into your 'merchant outbox' - that is a recipe for confusion and more problems. Sadly the Commerce team have said they will not answer any questions until early april and true to their word they have said next to nothing in order to help us out in these early days. But they put a lot of thought into rendering a creepy bear image gloating while burning a pile of magic boxes. Personally I think the boxes are meant to represent certain residents. ^L^
  2. Hi CLT - you ought to to let folks know that they also may need to log right out of the marketplace and then back in. That was a piece of excellent advice I was given this morning when everything else I tried failed - just visiting and deleting my boxes from the old xstreet page then syncing and refreshing, as you suggest , does not work. Or least it didn't for most of the folks this morning. It was only after I had done a full logout and then back in that the unassociated items dissapeared. ^L^
  3. Since the last downgrade you made sorting inventory by date 'oldest' the default position. Quite frankly this is usless for me and I wouldn't mind guessing most other merchants with large inventories. Now it wouldn't be so bad if I could change the parameters to organise by Alphabet A - Z and find it sticks that way. Persistent with every login. But it doesn't and it's worse..... Because to sort by A-Z we need to make 2 clicks because some brainiac down your way appears to think that Z - A and back to front is the standard sorting method. But the pain doesn't stop there when I get it to A-Z I then realise I'm displaying only a measly 10 items so then I have to refresh with 100 selected and guess what - it jumps back to sorted by date. In fact everything I do that requires a refresh take the page back to the bogging date arrangement. Come on guys your smarter than that - you've got to be really!! Give us some inventory tools that persist and work and while your at it maybe you could shift that awful unassociated items box to the bottom where it belongs or even on another page. ^L^
  4. the really scary crazy thing is that having to delete each item 1 by 1 and it taking at least 45 second each to refresh must be putting much more load on the server than what it would be if the bulk delete feature actually worked ^L^
  5. I'm not inworld - the problem is that the merchants tools for the marketplace have always been below par, slow and ill thought through. The people who work on this site seem to have not a single clue about how to design a speedier interface rather they actually seem to deliberately build in stumbling blocks and have taken away simple common sense features such as persistant refreshes when we have chosen our prefered inventory layout. ^L^
  6. And the new sorting of inventory by date rather than by name is making the task even more time consuming especially as it takes two slow clicks to sort the list alphabetically then when you do get the items cross checked and deleted the page defaults back to sorted by date again. It's crazy!
  7. I've now got what you've got Marcus . No way to delete the unassociated items in bulk. Just 1 at item at a time and painfully slow refreshing that would make chewing my own ankle off less painful - grrrrrrr - Thank You NOT CLT ^L^
  8. My Merchant Outbox isn't working. What's up? If you are using the Second Life Viewer, a relog should get you going. You might even have to log off and back on the Marketplace to make sure your account is all set up. If that does not work, file a JIRA or contact support. ------------- Would have filed a jira by now but it seems this particular premium paying member is barred from the process *sigh* ^L^
  9. Nah it was petty, I just disagreed with his request for comments on that controversial jira about online status to be purely technical and not have emotional 'me too' responses as well. A few hours later I was unable to log into the jira system and have been locked out ever since - maybe coincidence but I think not. I can read the jiras but can't login but the same password lets me access all other areas. I was shut out without notice or explanation so I can only conclude that if not Oz then some other Linden saw reds under the bed. You can check it out here https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4823? Anyway back to the main topic. I still can't get my Merchant Outbox to activate. I've tried every viewer possible and cleared cache and logged out of market place and back in - all to no avail. I'm happy you and many other have had some success and it really wouldn't bother me too much if they hadn't said that there was a 2 month to drop dead date. I have a heck of a lot going on RL right now and some vacation time coming up too. So with over 1000 items needing to be migrated (and I will not be sending unboxed folders to folks as the box is part of many of my products) it's going to eat more time than I was planning for :-( ^L^
  10. I ordered and got the bear no problem right away. Then decided to give the DD a spin. Tried phoenix and surprise surprise Phoenix is not compatible so merchants can't upload to market place with that. So switched to Firestorm - got the merchant outbox opened tried to drag my first item in and nothing will flow into it. Just a frustrating no entry sign. So then I bite the bullet swallow my pride and launch viewer three (one of mankinds genuine abominations) - surely that will let me load my products to the merchant outbox. Off course not - silly boy ! Now some folks keep saying that the udate is still updating but not one single CLT member has given an status report so I can only assume at this stage the system is borked before it has even started. And if I was so inclined I would raise a Jira , but Oz Linden locked me out of the Jira permanently so now I cant even vote never mind raise one but that's probably a blessing for me in disguise :-) ^L^
  11. So they give us a 2 month deadline (shorter if you have free sample to give away) and right now the DD merchants folder will not allow me to deliver my items to it from my inventory - more than frustrating !!!! ^L^
  12. It's an early April Fool - Please tell me it is! ^L^
  13. Me wonders if when I choose to stay with the good old reliable 'box' delivery method right to the end IF I will still be able to add new product in the traditional way as well or will I be forced to practice the DD method after the 21st for all new products. Just a thought! ^L^
  14. Josh Susanto wrote: It means you don't need the box until LL suddenly decides that, yes, maybe you really do need it after all. By which time it will most likely have completely ceased to exist. LOL thanks for the Friday giggle - you know the ways of the Lab all too well. I bet we'll be back to square one in 2 years from now and calling it a 'drop box' when the magic has worn off! ^L^
  15. Bella - I know that pain all too well it has taken more than 18 months to get my listing sorted after that nasty migration and then their ludicrous maturity demands. This time round I'm praying that it won't be such a malevolent process. As far as I'm aware we do not need to rush into the DD thing. We can keep our magic boxes for a period of time not yet disclosed. I certainly don't intend to be giving up my boxes any time soon and my finger nails will be embedded in them right to the last. I don't trust LL devs to make this new system run smoothly as they tend to do things that suit themselves and not their customers. However I hope I'm proved wrong this time around. ^L^
  16. *sigh* I'm afraid to try especially after things are just settling down after the last marketplace downgrade. I did however just look at my inventory and holy s@*t the sorting is a mess. Everything arranged by date - did anyone ask for that? And when I tried to rearrange the order by name it took about 2 minutes for the page to reload. All is par for the course as the 'Top Searched' feature for instance has never loaded for me on any browser. I'd even wander over to the jira but I'm still locked out of there since two weeks when I disagreed with one of the Lindens comments and he struck me out in a petty huff without even a note or explanation. ^L^
  17. This is a huge and well documented problem. I constantly have to redeliver items that a customer has paid for but hasn't received. The shopping cart is the elephant in the room. If a customer fills his / her cart there's a good chance that at least one item will go astray. If the the customer fills same cart with goods from different merchants then there is even more chance of something getting lost in transit. If same customer opts to send an item as a gift then the risk of loss again goes way upwards. I now advise all my customers to buy 1 item at a time from a single merchant. Having said that I wouldn't put all the blame at LLs feet. Accidently dismissing the accept button happens a lot more then folks care to admit. A heavy lag storm a region where the magic boxes are held or the goods are being sent to can also disrupt delivery. And of course there is the ludicrous 'capping' that LL insist on imposing. And sometimes folks spend ages looking in the wrong folders for the goods whose name they have forgotten. So when you stop and think about it, it's nothing short of a miracle that so many transactions do go through without a hitch. I tend to give all my customers the benefit of the doubt and press the redeliver button for them. Afterall goodwill is worth a lot more then products value. There might have been the odd scammer over the years, but lifes to short to worry about that and I prefer to see the good in folks. I guess if the Commerce Team were certain their delivery process was watertight then we wouldn't need the redeliver button they provide would we? ^L^
  18. Trying hard not to be one of the usual suspects but I jeez CT this is daft! - would be smart to pay heed to the sage advice offered on this thread. It's not an upgrade to the system it's a downgrade. I suspect that this is the only way that the devs can make DD work. But then they are the same folks who sold us the much hated Viewer 2 borked turkey :-( Too late to go back to the drawing board I suppose? ^L^
  19. I've never banned anyone and never will on the basis of a recommendation or a denounciation. And I would rather a dozen guilty ones get away with it than 1 innocent be falsly accussed - but that's my personal liberal sentiments shining through. I have banned folks but only when I have seen with my own eyes that a misdemeanour has been committed or have had undeniable proof presented. Looks like this guy was a casualty of the old Red Zone and copybot paranoia era. ^L^
  20. LOL - I think I'll give that particular thread a by-pass I remember it well. Meanwhile this morning there has been another mess they have got me into. My Whole store has dissapeared from the Marketplace - just like what happened to Mickey a few weeks back . Non of my items can be found in search and the shop front has gone completely except for the banner . I guess that solves the 'Delivery Failed' problem for a while! ^L^
  21. Midnight Snapshot: 11 out of last 15 orders failed to be delivered!! Good eh!
  22. Been there done it got the T shirt - a while back - and I might add it's still not our role to try suss out how to fix a mess that is of the CTs making. We pay over priced tier and commission so that LLs engineers can run a smooth efficient machine. Why the heck should we be expected to jump through hoops and play the 'detective geek' They had a system that worked - the rather oddly named Xstreet (but that's another story) then they dumped it for some cheap floozy called Ruby of the rails or Ruby on dope or something like that and ever since they have been chasing their owns tails trying to patch the leaks. Personally I feel it's about time LL threw in the towel and admitted that they are not cut out to run a commerce site. I'm sure there would be plenty of outside third parties who could pick up the baton and show them how to do it properly. ^L^
  23. Lifes too short to play the Einsten and jump through all those kind of hoops. Making sure that product is delivered is SLs job provided we have set up the tools as recommended which I certainly have. It's not our place to have to drag scripts out re rez and mess around while waiting for pages to load and regions to restart and commerce teams to get their fingers out. The system is broken - period. It might not be hurting some who seem to have time to dance to LLs merry tune and who don't mind endless tinkering - but sadly that is not my cup of tea - dinner to make kids to feed roofs to fix. ^L^
  24. Here's a typical snapshot from my Order Status page this week. Note nearly 50% failed! Recipient Names Obscured for privacy http://bit.ly/xHahqm
  25. Thx Zanar - I haven't done anything with my boxes or moved or added things for a while. I'm a great believer in not tinkering with a working machine. I started having some troubles early December when they did that disasterous update. At that point my boxes just wouldn't show up until the region restrat dance had been done. Not easy when you are on mainland. Off course the last time I referred to that issue the thread was deleted - I reckon I must have touched a raw nerve with someone. The problems I am experiencing now has hit me since the Valentine's day troubles and seems to be increasing exponentially. It's a pain in the proverbial because Life second or otherwise has many more important things that require our attention and time. ^L^
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