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Lasher Oh

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Everything posted by Lasher Oh

  1. It looks to me like Europe get's the worst of the spam - when America wakes up the mods jump in and dump it, which basically means that most US residents wandering into the forums are unlikely to know much about it. Thus problem swept under carpet for another day. ^L^
  2. What's the score in the Spammer v LL Forums face off? ^L^
  3. Looks like we are in for a Tom and Jerry style chase - spammers were silent yesterday and back with force again today. I feel this will be a long running series. ^L^
  4. Ishtara wrote:The rating system has always been gamed in one way or another and should be completely done away with. Got to agree with that statement. I would like to see all star ratings removed from all listings and search based on star rating completed eradicated. On the other hand I have nothing against retaining a 'customer comments' section with the opportunity for the merchant to add their own responses to spoiler comments. The star rating system is not an evealution of how good a product is, it's merely an indication of how far a merchant is prepared to go in order to ensure they have a high star count. ^L^
  5. I can understand your hesitation - the C Team have a E minus grade when it come to introducing major changes. However so long as the Inventory to Inventory delivery scheme just send our original packs then I'm sure it will be ok BUT there was a scary monster rumor a few months back where the brainiacs decided that it would be better to deliver the box contents direct without the need for a customer to rezz and open our delivered packs at the other end. That scares me! If that crazy scheme is still on the agenda then you can say goodbye to nicely crafted delivery boxes and a whole lot of box contents disappearing into the asset servers black hole and cheerio to notecards that pop up to highlight Conditions of Sale or Important user info. The deliver box is as much a brand item as it is a container - a plain old boring utility folder has no visual benefit and no pazzaz and unless they retain the blue pop-up accept button the item could easily be missed - even if deliveries are made direct to an exclusive market place folder. Somehow I can help thinking this is just another step towards forcing the horrendous viewer 2 down our throats. ^L^
  6. I have a feeling that if you wandered into LL's head office in Battery Street today you'd see a few of heads butting the walls :smileymad: ^L^
  7. Was it just my imagination but was the good old simple forum format, free of Hot Linden $ spam ? You know - the blue one before the horrendous flogrum disaster. I thought Lithium was meant to cure all that crap. In fact I don't recall any mass spamming on the orginal forum format - but I might have missed it. Such is progress *sigh* ^L^
  8. No matter how pretty it's wrapped out, and how many whistles and balloons are attached - substance will always prove resilient. Good to see some of the old threads back where they should be. ^L^
  9. How about bringing back a proper classified section. LL in their infinite meaness have crippled event organisers by removing decent resources. And even worse for places that happen to have been forced into the Zindra ghetto. ^L^
  10. 'Of Topic' - LOL - Of course it would have been an embarrassment to have just restored 'General Diuscussion' as the section name. That would have been an admission of a mistake and we all know that LL NEVER EVER make a mistakes. So they call it 'OFF TOPIC' to put a deliberate negative spin on the section. Wonders if the lab have employed a senior manager of propaganda or if it's just something that cvomes natural. Still beggers can't be choosers and I'll just take whatever scraps I can get from the Micro Manage Politburo. LONG LIVE THE FREE REPUBLIC OF "OFF TOPIC" :smileyvery-happy: ^L^
  11. Spot on - I've felt that way about those Office Hours for a long time. Not that I was a fan of Jack's hours but at least there was a two way exchange and most folks attending didn't really expect to come away with much of a a result but at least it was a chance to vent and the jousting could be fun to watch. Commerce Hours seem to more like office Buzzword and jargon Masterclasses where a lot of wind is expelled but very little of worth is conveyed. At least with a blog post we all get a chance to respond and ask detailed questions. I suspect though that vagueness and lack of clarity is seen as an asset for the C - team. ^L^
  12. Please Bring Back General Discussions. Do you want a lively community forum or a micromanaged forum? Or is the removal of 'General' another step in LL's determination that they can outdo the Chinese Government when it comes to controlling what people do and do not see? ^L^ PS - I like the new forum interface so far, it's a big improvent in that previous pile of poo that should never have seen the light of day
  13. It sure is going to take some getting used to but at least tools seem to be a little better than the blogrums disaster. Is it just me or have they lost the 'General' forum? ^L^
  14. Does this mean that the much vaunted but rarely used 'Merchants Home' page is now officially redundant space? In earlier marketplace days this lovely piece of white space was used to communicate Marketplace updates and tweeks rather than forcing folks to follow tweets. ^L^
  15. Rene the full transcript warts and all was posted on the thread Today's Office Hour - oops I mean user group meeting! Anyone got a transcript? but now I see the transcript post itself has been removed. I'm pretty sure it would not have taken down by the original poster. Expect to see a sanitised version apear soon once it's been cleaned up by the lawyers. ^L^
  16. Reading through the transcripts of today's User Group Meeting it's clear that the legal team is now running Linden Labs and all other employees have to pay lip service to them. In other words the lunatics have taken over the asylum. It's all preparation for the buyout folks. Still there is good news. These past couple of weeks have seen the incredible successful launch of a new viable working 'European' grid with it's own economy and liberal doses of common sense. Every day I see a familiar names over there aquiring their sims and moving in. It's refreshing and heartening to see so much building going on again in a virtual world. The excitment is infectious. My guess is it won't be long before some enterprising individuals set up a new dedicated Marketplace equivalent to service it . I predict a mass migration before too long. Looks like there won't be much left in Battery Street's inventory to sell on if they keep letting the lawyers whisper their poison in their ears. ^L^
  17. Thanks for the candid feedback Brooke it's much appreciated. Persistant logins is the way to go linked to our inworld prefs ideally. Given that there is a considerable problem concerning many crossover items being flagged as more mature than they should be and a bug that makes some clearly adult thingys PG perhaps it may be best to call a moratorium on the start of the Flagging Festival which was due to begin today. ^L^
  18. Magnet Homewood wrote: Bottom! She said bottom! That's at least a Moderate word, if not adult! Ahahah, see how silly this all is? It sure is, a logic defying farce - which is near nigh impossible to defend. I discovered today that a pair of 'kinky' boots are forced into Mature but the same 'Fetish' boots are perfectly acceptable in PG who I wonder is the sad person or even saddder comittee that sits and ponders over the intrinsic corruptions and connotations implied in the words 'Kink' and 'Fetish' do they have a metaphorical pair of scales on which to measure the naughty weight behind each word or do they have some lab rats sitting in a research room having every word in the dictionary read to them, and depending on their noted wince and grimmace factors each word is then graded accordingly.? And what happens when they just can't make up their mind or worse get their Pedophiles mixed up with their Paediatricians ? (it has happen more than once). Do they solve their conumdrum with a flick of a coin? And what effect does this have on the hapless censors do their minds become adled and corrupted due to over exposure to toxic inuendo that their next port of call is litigation to sue LL because in the process of enforcing the companies adult content policy, their formerly innocent minds have been corrupted. Just a thought ^L^
  19. Fantastic response Darius very nicely explained and put's a lot of what's bubbling in the pot into perspective - Thanks :-) ^L^
  20. Rya Nitely wrote: Well, the people who are most likely to make a fuss are parents. Parents see their 16 year olds as children. LOL - Yes how right you are - my dear 78 year old dad who is as sharp and smart as tacks still manages to make this 50 something feel like his 16 year old child at times. Seriously though, when people who should and do know better, continuously refer to the 16 and 17 year old group as 'children' or 'minors' they are imho putting an irresponsible spin on the topic worthy of Alister Cambell's darkest arts. Thus misleading the majority of folk who don't follow the debates and details as closely as most us here do. So my reason for voicing so strongly the need for accuracy when discussing who these new regulations are intended to protect is not to undermine the initiative but to inform and clarify so that folk coming fresh to the topic can formulate an accurate view for themselves. Whilst LL like manipulate and control the grid and discussions here in a manner worthy of the Chinese and Iranian regimes, so long as I have a voice I will continue to speak out and highlight glaring innacuracies as far I see them - that stance of course has got me into more trouble over the years than I care to recall but hell why change a good habit of a lifetime :-) just because it makes a few aparatchniks and jobworths uncomfortable ^L^
  21. Yes I fully agree that's it's all about LL covering their own arses but why keep referring to 16 and 17 year olds as 'children' and minors?. They are not children that is the wrong terminology. They can get married at 16 and join the army and die for their countries at 17. They can start families and they can drink in bars with a meal. Jeez, and from what I hear in the states they can even hit the roads on their own in a car @ 16 (a deadly weapon if ever there was one) I am so glad that a genuinely viable European alternative grid has finally emerged because since the lab started preparing themselves for the buyout the SL world as gone Ass over Tits - that would be the Donkey and Bird varieties. ^L^
  22. Rya Nitely wrote: we would all have agreed that something needs to be done to protect teens I would have disagreed - strongly. If those teens we are referring to were under 16 I would certainly agree, however these changes are being foisted upon us supposedly to protect the innocence of a small motely bunch of 16 and 17 year olds who frankly, are much more street wise and savvy about sex & violence drugs and alchohol etc than many of us matures. One could make a strong case that it is indeed us who should be protected from them :-) ^L^
  23. Hi Brooke - Thanks for the feedback and info, any communicatiuon is better than none. I'm a bit sad that you guys keep choosing what threads to hide away in that merchants forum thingy, as there are at least 3 others which are connected to this story that are now effectively dead. Dakota told us a few weeks ago that threads would no longer be moved into that dungeon - so what changed? At least you told her to get this thread out of the bucket PDQ. Thankyou. "Going Forward" a couple of things for you to think about while your in the shower. What I really wanted to ask is for the ability to sort our inventory by Maturity category. Nothing that involves rocket science just a simple bit of coding that rearranges our items by maturity. That would help us immensely to scan and sort our listings, cause then they could be bunched and easily identified. Oh and what about a persistant Maturity preference? When I go in world I choose once and only once that I want to see the whole lot, nawty bits and goody bits altogether. I don't need to reset my preference everytime I log in like I do with your marketplace. It's a real pain in the nawty bit having to keep convincing your server I really am an adult by clicking your tiny button :-) Hope your having a better weekend than the rest of us. ^L^
  24. Brooke, you need to understand how many times we have had to redo our listings for LL's new site, that we never asked for. It's not hours of our time wasted, it is days and weeks and months. Perfectly stated ^L^
  25. History repeating itself - with the Censor censoring discussions about censoring. We have been here a couple of years back when they started this adult content train wreck. We began compiling a list of known adult keys that were used by the search filters, but it was deleted before it really got off the ground. But back then we had Lord Sullivans wiki where an extensive keyword list was compiled - sadly that has gone now. Maybe someone can give us some space to create a new one. As for the weekenders who will be coming to all this fresh I sugest that we just keep starting new threads on the topic out in the open. Jeez if those people in Egypt can do what they are doing in the name of freedom, then I'm sure we can do our own bit to enlighten the other merchants not granted access to the black hole - know where we are at. ^L^
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