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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Hands up if you know the difference between the Questions area and the forum for feedback about the Questions area. If that is your question, yes, I know the diffrence between this forum for Community Platform feedback and the Questions & Answers section of the platform. Do you need an explanation?
  2. Mags Indigo wrote: I don't think rank has anything got to do with it at this stage either. But as these forums are still a 'work in progress' I hesitate to say anything for definite just now. I'm not sure, but perhaps rank and kudos will (or will be) related, because there is "Kudos weight" ( http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/kudos#kudos_weight ): "Your Kudos weight is the number of Kudos that you give each time you click a Kudos icon. Kudoes weight is currently set to 1." PS. Another reason for vote against ranks: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3705 :smileytongue:
  3. Timmy Bulmer wrote: ... and buying them through a 3rd Party, avatarsexchange. .. Is "avatarsexchange" in the official list of L$ resellers? --> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/L$_Marketplace
  4. In any thread of the forums or Q&A you can "Subscribe" with the dropdown menu of "Question Opions" and "Options". See also "My Settings" >> "Subscriptions & Bookmarks". PS. Clickink your own name, you will see your lasts posts, questions, created threads...
  5. AFAIK yes, you can delete the drafts if the post was posted. The drafts are created by the system (failures, long time writing the post...).I have deleted many drafts. BUT I click the "x", accept delete... and apparently nothing happens. Only after relog the draft has dissapeared. I don't know if that only happens to me LOL
  6. Vania Chaplin wrote: (como siempre, predonenme mi 'portuñol') Al menos en mi opinión, nada hay que perdonar. Por lo menos yo, feliz del portuñol, espaguese, alemanglés, y cualquier combinación. Y si todo falla, nos quedan los besos, que esos se entienden en cualquier idioma
  7. Wildcat Furse wrote: Cato Badger wrote: incorrectly spelled, jumbled up in sentences that make no sense and in a language that few comprehend. one of the strengths of second life is the rich mixture of languages, I find it amazing and educative that people are trying at least to make themselves understandable in a language that is not their native one, kudos to all of those .... *meows* And after Cato Badger wrote: "@Wildcat: "Trying" isn't good enough.". Cato, do you want a forum of residents around the world (and then, with "bad" English"), or many forums with "perfect" English, Spanish. Portuguese, German....? I prefer find and socialize with people of all the world even at the cost of use VeryBad English, Spanish, Japanese, or GoogleTranslator. I I like people, not the correctness of their language. - - - - - - - - - - About images, I think that limit the number is a no sense, specially if we attend at SL Answers.
  8. Funny, thanks for share!
  9. Knowl Paine wrote: I was considering creating the Second Life group, S.L.R.P.P.A. Second Life Residents for the Prevention of Proliferation of Acronym's I will join that group. Acronyms are a headache for no-English speakers
  10. No, better give you many kisses from Irene
  11. Sorry, a small precision about "you are a non-american". He is a non-EE.UU. America is bigger than EE.UU Only that, no personal problem Peewee, greetings from Spain
  12. hehehe Great Mags Welcome to the specific section of the JIRA "Lost Causes In Advance". But hope never die
  13. Keli Kyrie wrote: Oh and we must not forget Spain. Applause!
  14. Probably I'm a bad person, because I think that the problem is the interest of some residents to have a great rank. Yes, a mailicious thought, but it's my thoutght. So, vote against ranks ( https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3705 ).
  15. Thomas Velinov wrote:. I hear non US residents have some issues with it now, maybe this is the reason? Iam from Europe Perhaps. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Local_Payments_FAQ
  16. That info is avaliable in the login secreen of some Third Party Viewers, but not in the offcial Viewer. Another "great idea" of LL.
  17. More in this thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Community-Feedback/FFS-Now-we-aren-t-even-ALLOWED-to-sort-Answers/td-p/737079
  18. In this system, "open in a new window" means (and make) "open in a new tab"
  19. In the Knowledge Base articles, some links (I cannot know if ALL the links hehehe) open "in this window". In fact, "in this window" is the option by default in the Editor. I think it's more comfortable that the links open "in a new window". Perhaps the default option can be changed to "in a new window".
  20. Yes, it's about images buit also about general formar. See the second example (KB: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_DNS_login_issues ----- Post: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/unable-to-connect-to-simulator/qaq-p/736305/comment-id/3756#M3756 ), the general format (headers...) is missed, is not accepted as HTML code.
  21. If you copy+paste an article of the Knowledge Base in a post (very frequent and useful in SL Answers) there is a issue with images and general format. Example, see and compare with the original article ( http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Flagging-an-item-on-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700183 ) this KB document - - - - - - - - - - If you find merchandise on the Marketplace that you think is in violation of the Marketplace listing policies, you can flag it. Customer support reviews flagged items to determine the best course of action. To flag an item on the Marketplace: View the listing.Click Flag this item on the right. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://d1yjxggot69855.cloudfront.net/images/e/e0/Marketplace_flag_link.png" border="0" alt="File:Marketplace_flag_link.png" width="267" height="309" />In the Reason for Flag dropdown, select your reason for flagging the item. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://s3.amazonaws.com/images.wiki.secondlife.com/images/thumb/1/12/Marketplace_flag_item.png/640px-Marketplace_flag_item.png" border="0" width="640" height="340" />In the Detailed Reason dropdown, select a more detailed reason. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://s3.amazonaws.com/images.wiki.secondlife.com/images/thumb/5/5f/Marketplace_flag_detailed_reason.png/640px-Marketplace_flag_detailed_reason.png" border="0" width="640" height="374" />Click Flag to flag the item, or Flag and Block to both flag the item and block it from your search results. - - - - - - - - - -Or see this another example in an answer of the SL Answers forum: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/unable-to-connect-to-simulator/qaq-p/736305/comment-id/3756#M3756 (it's an article of the "old" KB, the KB still in the wiki)
  22. Perhaps this artyicle of the KB: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_DNS_login_issues If you can't login to Second Life because you see the following error: Unable to connect to Second Life. DNS could not resolve the host name. Please verify that you can connect to www.secondlife.com web site. If you can, but continue to receive this error, please go to the support section and and report this problem. Or: Login failed. Unable to connect to a simulator. The Domain Name System connects machines across the Internet by translating numerical addresses into human-readable ones. If DNS can't be resolved as described above, it's somewhat like dialing a forwarding phone number that recently existed but the phones were disconnected — perhaps at the other end, or something in between happened. Since there are several possible reasons why this might happen and if waiting and retrying periodically hasn't worked, try the following steps to deal with the problem. Check Grid Status Reports On rare occasion, this is a problem that affects Second Life broadly. It eventually resolves after we fix it. Restart your computer and Internet equipment Yes, it's such a general step. But it may work. Fully unplug your cable modem, router, and other gear you use to access the Internet for several minutes so that residual memory is cleared. This may purge "stale" settings. Use a DNS service **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://s3.amazonaws.com/images.wiki.secondlife.com/images/thumb/4/49/KBwarning.png/32px-KBwarning.png" border="0" width="32" height="27" /> Warning: We can't guarantee the quality of these, they're provided solely for informational purposes. Companies like OpenDNS and DNS Advantage claim to provide more robust DNS resolution. Contact your ISP A problem at your Internet Service Provider's routing servers may block your access to specific places like Second Life. Check if they have any known issues. Flush your DNS cache manually See "Easy Ways to Flush DNS Cache in Mac, Windows, and Linux" if you feel technically comfortable.
  23. Catwise Yoshikawa wrote: Yo también leí eso, Irene, pero está claro que en horario nocturno de alli, nadie trabaja en el foro Y el caso es que o yo soy mu' tonta (que lo soy jejeje) o un cierto parche al problema no es difícil: dese permiso a 8 o 10 residentes de uno y otro lado del charco para borrar mensajes, con el aviso estricto de que si borran cualquier mensaje que no sea spam puro y duro como el que estamos viviendo se les expulsará del foro a ellos. Luego ya LL le tocaría cancelar la cuenta del spamer, pero por lo pronto no estarían los mensajes. Por otra parte, tristemente estoy de acuerdo con lo que estás diciendo, Damian, en tus posts. LL es rígido cuando quiere y para lo que quiere.
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