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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. Seems to me she left and we are just talking amongst ourselves now yeah, the wrong word choice was noted earlier, by Seicher I think. I thought she said something to the effect that she'd been in SL for 12 years and now she wants to stop being all about the sex and be a "realistic dreamer" whatever that is Yup, definitely anti sex now
  2. I don't even like ham with pineapple rings on it, so why would I like that on a pizza?
  3. 'kk, I have to go to work, I'm still feeling meh but I took a shower and had breakfast for a change before I sat down at my desk, this is an improvement. Hugs and kisses everyone!
  4. That's why I use them too.... To be honest, I didn't learn this in school like we were all supposed to. As a former juvenile delinquent, I missed most of high school (long story that I'm unlikely to elaborate on).... I read it in some forum somewhere when somebody 'splained it. I took it to heart, looked it up to be sure that they weren't just blowing smoke up some body orifice, and practiced a bit to make sure I had it down.
  5. I'm so glad Cindy! A beautiful spot filled with warm feelings of love and tenderness is just what everyone needs right now. So happy for you, you deserve this spot! Enjoy it!
  6. and I was seduced and succumbed to the temptation to 'Splain to the OP that she was doing it wrong. As if @Seicher Rae and @Beth Macbain and @Sylvia Tamalyn hadn't 'splained it enough already. Oh and I'm peeved now, ya'll are bad influences on me. (just kidding and trying to be on topic).
  7. @LittleBittieOne I don't want to belittle your efforts, but I don't think you understand what a forum is, and you don't seem to get that this is Second Life's Forum, and the people reading and posting in here already know all about SL. So what does the title of your blurb, essay, epistle, whatever, have to do with your blurb? Seeking him? All you said was the cliche "Sl is all about sex" is not true. Then you romanticize the notion of doing something other than sex, which I gather has something to do with making and selling things which you've labeled "realistic dreaming" and confessed that it's taken you 12 years to arrive at the point where you want to do something other than sex and be a "realistic dreamer" yourself. Then you thanked us for reading and something about to be continued....(and by the way the right way to make an ellipsis is three dots and a period, in other words 4 dots, which should follow directly after the last letter).
  8. I think as long as we are peeved about the foods, we're safe. The key thing here is peevishness, right? I'm peeved that you all had so much fun while I was working my butt off at the evil job that pays my bills.
  9. Don't let them lay these guilt trips on you. Your life is much more important than a pair of shoes. Stay safe.
  10. From 2009 - my first av with her first lover, then me and Zig the night we met, then something from burn2 called the temple of love.
  11. as a strictly amateur picture taker, I keyed in on post raw shots, since that is the only kind I can do. All these picture threads intimidate me but I love to take pictures. So I think today is my first time posting a pic of mine.
  12. Thanks Lewis, but I don't use poses, I just take candid shots when I'm out and about. But just remembered the other thing I do to fix things - I crop out that bad part.
  13. I am not very sophisticated with my sl photography. I know how to derender things that get in the way of my shot, and sometimes I will fool with the pre made windlights, but that's it. I do wish I knew enough to be able to fix the hair here.
  14. I want to believe this. I didn't experience it when I lived in Indiana, but I have known extremely kind and generous bigots in California. There's some kind of disconnect where people they don't know they can dehumanize and despise intolerantly but the individuals they come in contact with they don't identify as "other". Now if only we could fix it so they understood that "those people" are not "other" either.
  15. I'll take Meh over Anxiety anytime, you cheered me right the feck up
  16. Totally agree with feeling protective of my avatar who I worked hard to make unique and she is me the way I wish I looked. I never want to copy someones entire look. And I certainly don't want to drag someone down who's out to party hearty with mundane talk of shopping. I don't have any opinion on Vikings, I've never watched the show.
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