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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. My alt is releasing my sweet little log cabin in Handover, in a moment or two. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Handover/24/92/0
  2. Ah Lindal, Thx so much for the serious reply to my tongue in cheek post. I thought the reference to wearing a mask while eating would give it away. Yeah, I know the scientific theory behind the shelter in place rationale. But who knows? You might have helped somebody with your post. wasn't sure whether to giggle or say thanks, hence my reply
  3. there just isn't a reaction button for sighing nostalgically and shaking my head with you
  4. I laughed but I really just wanted to say "Awwwww!"
  5. I was wondering.... as long as I stay home safe in my little cocoon of no covid germs, do I have to be so compulsive with the handwashing? And I'm really sick of wearing this mask.
  6. Does it mean I'm a boomer because, while I've heard her name lots and seen pics, I have no clue why she is famous or for what.
  7. you can also mix it up and say Back Asswards, people do.
  8. Sorry Dano, I'm a murican as @Seicher Rae likes to say, but I had no clue what this finna word means. Urban Dic says finna means "fixing to" or "gonna" oh, never mind, @Amina Sopwith already 'splained it.
  9. hey, take those reasons to be cheerful whenever you can!
  10. I don't think I've ever won the day. I'm not sure when I joined. I know I posted as Kali once or twice back when Kattatonia was in charge, but then there was about a 9-10 year gap before I came back in when Dil's music thread died. Where the heck is Dillon anyway? Part of why I came back was so I wouldn't lose touch with the peeps in the music thread. Not that I was very active in the music thread, I'd do drive-bys now and then just to get some hugs and share a song or two. But no matter; I like it here and you just can't get rid of me now. and @kiramanell Ditto on the @Beth Macbain
  11. I'm in awe of ya'll. where's that flounce pic, I'm leavin!
  12. Glad that you will get to see daughter again, Sad that you're in limbo and scared not knowing just what's in store for you; couldn't decide what react suited so just offering support and virtual hugs
  13. Can I stick my oar in? I think you can prove most any point with statistics but that doesn't mean diddly squat. It's just the nature of the beast. Sweden has more deaths than it's neighbors who closed things down before the crisis but less than other countries with more condensed populations who closed down later. What a surprise. East Bumfeck has more than West. The truth is quite simple, if you are in a high risk group like myself, then you have to keep sheltering in or risk death by Covid until the herd immunity kicks in or a vaccine is developed. If other people want to open the world again they are quite welcome to; I'm gonna stay in my cocoon of safety either way. While it's true that we're all gonna die someday, I prefer to die from something other than stupidity.
  14. Do you get anything for winning the day besides that little notice? Not to cast aspersions on the warm feeling you may or may not get.
  15. So all this talk of reputation made me go look at my own. Not much there really. My stats page tells me I'm kind of boring. I don't think statistics really tell all that much about an individual. Winning the stats for the day is not really something to be ashamed of or proud of. Especialliy since the plague quarantine, it's just a reflection of how much time we have to spend here. I'm in and out all day long, just trying to hang on to my sanity while I work.
  16. 81 here in the foothills east of Sac. I don't want to live here come fire season. Last years was bad enough. Don't even want to think of what it will be like with the plague quarantine accompanying the power outages.
  17. I'm better today Took some action yesterday so I don't feel quite so helpless. Texted my realtor who says yes houses are still being sold and the market's not bad. talked to my brother who said the sheltering in is making it very hard for him to finish settling the estate. But he's going to work on it. My head felt normal this morning which means I've got my meds back up to snuff. Today I'm going to shoot for a tele doc meeting with my shrink. Reasons to be cheerful....
  18. They sure are taking their time locking this thread. IBTL
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