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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. I love this topic! Seeing yourself is one of the things I truly love about SL. My first avatar made her first alt, me, when she was one month old. I had only just learned that you could have an alt. And the first thing I did with her was send her off to all the places i'd heard about that sounded somewhat scary to me. I was an insanely reckless teenager, who hitchhiked and ran away from home and participated in the hippie thing, exploring the real world fearlessly. That person had disappeared inside a frightened lonely woman stuck in a marriage that she could see no way out of. Then I found SL. When I first arrived I was timid and terribly serious, but incredibly intrigued by the possibilities. I created Kali to be that person lost inside of me who was so brave and alive. Then I sent her off to do everything that frightened me. My first partner had a few alts. In fact he was one of the alts. We had so much fun. I partnered with his alt, Kali had an ongoing affair with his main and my first male alt chatted with his female alt. when that relationship ended 3 years later, my first av was heartbroken. So I retired her and let Kali be the main alt. I went to new places, made new friends and started my 3rd life. But even before that I'd been making alts, each one exploring a different aspect of me.
  2. So this happened in some other thread. Somebody said something to the effect that preventing one from having other friends is considered abusive, and it was just so matter of fact. Of course that's abusive. Yet I was married to a person who did that to me for 24 years. And he was never physically violent with me, although he had quite a temper. I've been ruminating about it ever since I saw that. I could never see that it was abuse. I see it now. But oh, how I wish I had known sooner.
  3. Mine too! I can't even remember how I discovered her but she is one blogger that i keep on my bookmarks bar so I won't forget to go see what's new. about whats his name, take your time, you can answer when you're ready and you'll know what to say. You don't have to say anything until you want to. Man, relationships can really be the pits. I found my self thinking about a failed one again tonight. I've been with Carson for over a year now, but there was one that didn't work out before him, not right before because I always need to be alone for a while after a break up. But some time after things didn't work out for us, he had a stroke. It left him somewhat paralyzed in one arm and he left SL because he couldn't type a conversation anymore. I've thought about him a few times since the plague struck.... He was very isolated. I'm sure he's even more isolated now. Makes my heart ache.
  4. Not wrong at all, I hate all the trauma our society inflicts on those that are born ill at ease with their assigned gender role. Why can't we celebrate each individual for their uniqueness? Why do we have to conform to gender roles anyway? Short answer - we don't. You belong here!
  5. yes, it's a tough decision, I'm going to have to sleep on it
  6. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Handover/245/82/54 and http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Handover/28/82/55
  7. I'm leaning towards the one with the hill, butthey are both pretty sweet, I think I will go back and count fireflies after work, before I decide.... If any of the hoverers are here, let me know and I will tell you when I am ready to release it
  8. Which one to choose - above? has water on 2 sides and a hill on one side, provides more privacy Or Below Bordered by water on two sides and there is a sweet little picnic site on that part that juts out, plus bridge view
  9. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Handover/128/128/2
  10. I just got a place in Handover, is this a newly released region?
  11. @LittleMe Jewell, I'm glad he's feeling better. From what I've read, the covid 19 is an ornery ickle virus and there are all kinds of anomalies reported regarding the way it affects people. I would continue to assume he had it and believe that he is one of the lucky ones who's immune system successfully fought and won. Who knows? Around here they won't even test you until you've sustained a high fever for 3-4 days. I'm sure there are plenty of folks who don't fit the criteria yet still have encountered the wee focker.
  12. I so, so don't feel like working today. I have let go of the names threads, there's nothing more I need to know about it. I'm sure if I did read any of them I would get grouchy about it so I'm not going there. I could grouch about GoH but that would be petty. Truth is I'm not sure why I am even playing GoH but maybe I'm hoping for that rush I got when I got the almost perfect Victorian house and the perfect Trad house. I already have a piece of mainland that I can put any kind of house I want on, but still I keep playing. Meanwhile my job sucks, I was supposed to be retired by now and my realtor is MIA. And @BelindaN, I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. Losing parents is a killer. I lost my Mom about 6 years ago and she suffered a long decline that ended with an elective heart surgery that was supposed to prolong her life and she wound up dying of complications afterwards. I miss both my parents still but I am glad they are not around to suffer the Covid plague.
  13. Anybody want a spot next to the volcano in Far Far Away? Releasing it now
  14. Yeah, that is sad. I've had people tip me by accident before and I always give it right back to them. Which then leads to a conversation as we confirm that "yeah, that was an "oops" or no, that tip was for you." I've also tipped people by accident, it's easy to do if you are in a crowded place. And they've always given it back too. But clubs are not as often frequented by thieves like that. You don't last long in a club if you are known to be a thief.
  15. What's the scam? I am almost always invisible when I go to crowded events. It's the lowest lag outfit I can wear, just the whole body/head alpha only and nothing else. Of course I don't stand in front of the vendors, that would mean bumping into all those people that can't see me, I just cam over them when I'm ready to buy something.
  16. It reminds me of a gambling addiction. "Ok, I'll pay $10 buck for another alt to go premium for a month, I just know I'll get a good one next try." I could have paid for a name change already if I didn't keep playing GoH. Not that I really want one....
  17. I've used up all 12 of my trys and nothing to show for it.
  18. so darn frustrating! just keep getting discards, mostly ones I discarded myself!
  19. Why do I get bummed out every time I see that thread has more comments? duh, My Dad doesn't say anything any more. Never mind, the pity pot is a one seater and I'm going to bed
  20. I know that feeling! I've felt it when I voiced with someone who I'd been text only friends with for a long time and his voice changed my whole perception of him. It's very disconcerting, but fortunately, for me anyway, it didn't last.
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