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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. I remember back when I was a newb I saw this sign at a club once that said it was hiring and so I applied. I had not been to the club before and generally didn't go to clubs much so I don't know why I wanted to do this at that time but anyway. I think there was a form on a notecard that I filled out. One of the questions on the form was can you emote? Well I didn't know exactly what they meant by that but I said sure I can. They gave me an interview and for a while it was very confusing. There was a bunch of them there and they never typed anything into local. I was typing away and nobody was answering me or even asking me questions. Finally figured out they were all using voice. I hardly ever used voice because one) I don't like to wear headphones and two) most of the places I frequented didn't enable voice. So I dug out my headphones and we continued the interview and they wanted me to demonstrate an emote. I totally failed. They didn't hire me. Prolly just as well. At the Junkyard where I've been hosting for the last 7 years or so I never filled out an application. After I'd been hanging out there for about a year, Dina just added me to the hosts role and told me I could host if I wanted to just change the role in my tag. And she gave me a couple of notecards about hosting at the Junkyard. I hadn't even asked if I could be a host. About a month later I was there when the host of the moment suddenly had to exit to RL and asked me to take over for her. So I did. Before I knew it was the go to sub and then I got a few permanent time slots. Over time I dropped some of them so I wouldn't burn out, and now I'm down to just one a week. I don't do emotes. To me those things are kinda phony and annoying. I just greet and talk to everyone and make sure everyone is having a good time.
  2. Car battery is dead. Well duh, I haven't used it since March.
  3. I loved the idea of witches, Wicca, magic ever since I was a little girl. I read everything I could find about it. As a teenager and into my 20s I dabbled in all kinds of new age cults and practices. It was a lot of fun. I still read tarot cards on special occasions. Sadly, I've never seen any evidence to make me believe that any of it was more than wishful thinking.
  4. Depends on what you mean by a lot. It's a matter of perception. How many? Even encountering one such person is more than enough for some people. Others focus on the many other peeps who are not mean, and their perception is that yeah, there are some meanies, but there are so many good, nice, interesting people why let one (or a few) bad apple spoil things? There are many days when I don't encounter any meanness at all.
  5. well, the people in the electoral college are supposed to vote the way the people in the state voted; you get a different electoral college dependent on the vote the rest of us proles voted in. With some variations, some states have a winner take all rule and others get a percentage of electoral voters equal to the percent of them that voted that way. It's a terrible antiquated system and I don't know why we still abide by it. It reduces all are created equal to some are more equal than others.
  6. My boss sent me 3 cupcakes by Express mail! Our team had recently met a goal we'd been working on for the last couple of years. Now I've got a sugar rush because I ate 2 of them.
  7. After the seemingly endless bickering in the forums lately, I saw something that gave me hope yesterday. In of all places the pet peeves thread, I saw people who've been at odds with each other for as long as I can remember actually cut each other some slack. Finding our commonalities isn't easy. And after 3 months of solitary confinement it's a miracle. So anyway, I thought we could all use something new to talk about. So this is a thread where you can talk about things that give you pleasure. Can be anything, from seeing people declare a cease fire to finding some cool new place in SL that you hadn't seen before. I'm glad that I tried out the new premium homes in Bellisseria. It gave me something new to do in SL and I really had fun trying the different home types and decorating.
  8. I love him too. I remember when I first discovered him I could not get enough.
  9. When I look at this question in the context of the hundreds of people I've met in SL, I have to say, most people are genuine and decent. But there is that handful of total jerk-wads. I've only met a few really awful people. The ones that have zero empathy. The ones that always have an ulterior motive for anything they do. Mostly it's about perceptions of power. They think that if they succeed in making you believe in their false face, that it gives them power over you. It doesn't really but they get off on that feeling of power. I think it's kind of sad really. That need for power and control is almost always born out of deep trauma.
  10. My sister, went to the department store to check out the bridal registry of our niece whose wedding was coming up soon. When my sister returned from the store, she tossed the gift list on a table and declared, "I think she's too young to get married." "Why do you say that?" I asked. "Because," she said, "they registered for Nintendo games."
  11. Yes Sylvia, you are correct, it wasn't so long ago for me so I remember. I think you could put a custom sig a lot sooner, but I don't remember exactly. I know the 500 post minimum to change from advanced member to whatever you like because I played the game threads to bump my post count til I got to 500.
  12. my peeve is the lack of sensitivity of some posters, who rationalize their callousness by minimizing the impact it might have on others. Whenever I get riled up and want to reply in anger, I always stop and ask myself is this going to hurt someone? Am I willing to cause pain to others to satisfy my ego? I usually wind up deleting the post.
  13. I love blue. But that's not blue, it's full bright aqua. Not a bad color but it sure clashes with everything else. I agree with @Bree Giffen The old palate went well with the old bluegreen hand. it looks bloody awful with the new aqua hand. As for the new text, it's nothing special, not much to say for or against it. As for the launch, I'd give it a fail.
  14. At the club where I am a host, there are only 2 forbidden subjects, Religion and Politics. Our 3 preferred topics are Food, Sex and Music.
  15. Yeah, I basically agree with you Scylla, but that kind of satirical humor is way too serious, not to mention the work; my humor leans closer to gentle irony, and I always try to honor Thumper's father's advice. 'Sides, I don't wanna hurt anyone.
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