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BabyLuv Lane

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  1. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/45370
  2. Like you, I make and sell templates, not so much clothes but more like accessories for clothes. Some buyers like it when you offer the PSD files so that they can customize it to fit their outfits. You might want to try considering offering that to see if it helps your sales. I agree with all the posters regarding pictures being very important. If the pictures are lousy, the customers will think they are getting a lousy item. I don't alter any of my pictures to make it look better in PS. What my customers see is what they get. I don't do much advertising. I share a shop with 2 partners and they pretty much do the advertising for our store. They advertise our new releases in their groups, participate in hunts, and hold weekly sales. I once paid for a feature front page advertisement for one month in the marketplace which was a total waste of money. Join groups where they will give you notice rights to send out notices about your product. Do you have a blog? If you don't, you might want to set one up. You can get one for free. Try using Flickr, tweeter, facebook, anything that will reach the public where you can show off your stuff.
  3. The search is up and running if you're not signed in. Once you are signed into your account, you won't be able to view your items because nothing will shows up. I wanted to edit my items but can't. The front page where it shows "what customers are buying now" has been the same items since I've created this thread.
  4. I had a "partially failed delivery" about two weeks ago. To me it was a "failed delivery" since I did not get any lindens from it. Ever since I've signed up for 30 days front page feature listing, my sales have dropped. As for now, I can only view my items if I am not signed into the Marketplace. When I am signed it, I can't edit any of my items because nothing shows up when I go to my store.
  5. I was able to bring up my store less than an hour ago but after reading about all the problems that the Marketplace has been having, I've decided to sign in but none of my items are showing up. I went to look up a friend's item and none of hers are showing up also. Edited: Nevermind, they are showing up now but when I sign back in to try and edit my stuff, I go to my store and nothing shows up again.
  6. I sell full perm items for builders/creators. The items that I make are stockings, gloves, belts and a few outfits and other stuff. My sister in law suggested that I should start offering to sell my items for personal use as in mod, copy, and no transfer in case a customer wants it for their own personal use or who isn't a builder. She also suggested that I could offer an upgrade where the customers pays a price difference if they decide they want the full perm item instead. Do you think this is a good idea or do you think I will lose customers from doing this? I don't know how my customers will feel if I do this and I don't want any of them to think I am competing with them. I know some people use my items as an add on or enhancement to their outfits. What do you think? Would you buy a full perm item if the seller also sells the same item for personal use?
  7. Larry, thanks for calling LL and checking on this for me. Its a total shock that LL has already answered me back. It usually takes them over a week before I actually get a reponse from them. They pretty much told me the same thing you said. It doesn't make sense why they would have it set up where it records the date when the customer put the item in their cart rather than the date of when the item was purchased. If I had known ahead of time how the featured home page item worked, I would have never paid $2,899 lindens for 30 days. LL seriously need to pay attention to what their customers are saying. The way the featured home page worked during Xstreetsl days was a lot better.
  8. It has been almost a week since I've paid for home page feature item for 30 days. I have spent a few days literally sitting in front of my computer for over an hour repeatedly scrolling thru all the feature items, refreshing & scrolling again, basically doing this over and over. I have seen the same item from other creators show up over & over again but my item has never shown up. Also, the "Transaction history" in my account shows that a customer of mine had made a purchase on 2/28. But when I look at the "Reports, Orders" section, I see that it shows the same customer making the purchase on 3/6 and not on 2/28. My customer actually made the purchase on 3/6 so the "Transaction history" is wrong. Anyone else have these problems?
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