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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. @Winterharte I experienced the same earlier as there were moles in my region I just assumed they were tinkering with the mailboxes. All fine now just slowly losing the will to live trying to decorate the mountaineer style I may have to rethink what I've done so far
  2. There's some borkage going on I was so busy staring at the pond I didn't notice the house that was rezzed vanished it's since appeared and vanished a few times
  3. Got a lot on Angstrom my back garden looks out on to a pond which is good enough for me
  4. I hope they are only seeing the other styles at the moment
  5. Just abandoned one in Angel Saltando would prefer better location now no cabins showing
  6. There's an official post I'll be abandoning now and trying to get one
  7. If the cabins are released i'll be abandoning my Easton Priory home very soon
  8. They did with the Victorians then a short while later did a main release
  9. Don't let this one incident put you off from logging in some people think they can do as they please on the net and not get in trouble for it. I too have had people come out and say they hope i get corona and die, i've had my fair share of strangers randomly IM soon get abusive and make hollow threats that never came to anything also been griefed plenty of times. you can AR the offenders they might be targeting lots of people over the grid if they are physically pushing you around Ctrl + Alt + S in Firestorm at least will do "force ground sit" you'll stop in your tracks and they can't push you giving you time to report them or contact someone in the location that can kick them out. for the short term find somewhere new to hang hopefully the griefes will soon get bored
  10. I've taken back any no copy stuff i had rezzed will be removing my sky platform nearer the time then will just abandon, i've bought a few things from recent weekend sales events that would be log cabin suitable so when i do get a cabin i'll have to sift through the coalesced object that was my Vic and see what i want to still use
  11. If you are extra vulnerable i saw this deal https://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/food-package-for-the-most-vulnerable-if-you-sign-up-3430712
  12. Stock up on cans of evaporated milk if you can get any, you can dilute them with water and use them as fresh milk.
  13. There's a gallery on their Faceache page https://www.facebook.com/pg/Access.SecondLife/photos/?tab=album&album_id=3173511729381231&ref=page_internal
  14. When you want to get off your chair and go get changed but SL has other ideas 😏
  15. If the AO you happen to have bought is from Akeyo all you need to do is rezz the AO on the ground right click > edit mode in the contents tab find and delete the animation you don't like then drag and drop your new animation in to the contents tab and it will automatically configure no need for you to faff around with notecards
  16. One of the most popular female fashion stores on the grid Blueberry does good casual stuff and the texturing is always really well detailed. if you join the group they give out free outfits and store credit from time to time you should still be able to get their latest store credit offering in group notices
  17. Those would be the "Elderglen" themed homes
  18. Something you cold do is buy or rent a parcel of land buy a nice skybox and place a shell that resembles a tower block around it i saw this done at approx secondlife://Katipo/158/145 can be seen from the road in that region someone put a Trump Tower shell round a skybox/liveable space Living in a tower block is SL isn't very practical if people above/below you are using local chat or things with sounds plus you can easily be cammed on
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