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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. Está disponible en un sitio llamado slide.me, no es gratis y es una versión anterior a la última disponible que estaba en la tienda de Google Play. from google translate
  2. Worth checking directly with LL before the marketplace there was it's predecessor XstreetSL/SLexchange, Slapt.me & OnRez i think it was called once LL took over Xstreet all alternative online marketplaces soon disappeared
  3. For a time I did a bit of hosting, booking acts etc in a club. Worst job building and creating stuff I used to do it for fun, ultimately I never had the skills to be really decent, however pre mesh I could make enough in a week to cover up to 100% of my rent. then mesh came along that was/is way beyond me. I got in to pose making until my computer died then never got round putting daz on subsequent computers
  4. It's a type of mesh head from Utilizator https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/44810
  5. It might have something to do with the OP wanting to know how to make the boobs bigger
  6. If the item wasn't a one off no copy gacha you can report it under "Disallowed listing practices > Item was disabled and relisted "
  7. 3 for me i have mainland and Bellisseria, Though rented i like being able to rez what I want on mainland and be able to have my store. In Bellisseria i have a stilt home in a great location that I enjoy, it's my favourite of the themes so far. I went premium just for Bellisseria and would only give up my current home if a better theme came along or I could no longer afford it
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