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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. Duh! has a nice range of shoes all under L$100 you might like to visit inworld http://slurl.com/secondlife/Coco%20Falls/82/132/896 i don't think the marketplace does the full range and SKIFIJA has a good selection under L$100 really great quality
  2. check out http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer-Basic-Mode/android-tablet-and-second-life-viewer/m-p/1426379#M774
  3. i'd love to incorperate mesh in to my 'wardrobe' but the problem i have with all the mesh i've demoed so far on the largest or man size is that it's designed for someone as skinny as a bean pole which is too small for me and my av isn't fat when the deformer comes along that should make a huge improvement
  4. it could be dóctór whó is on a banned list of words because it's been used by spammers in the past i can't see any other reason why it could be banned it's not like it's a swear word or anything bad lol
  5. you would need to deed the land to either an existing group you own or create a new group and deed then create a role for the person and assign them the chosen roles you want for the land if you don't want them to profit when the land is sold turn off accounting for their role and the 'all' role
  6. the crystal count not showing must have been a bug as soon as the LR sims were restarted the counts were showing back on the hud
  7. take a look at the system requirements page https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php?lang=en-US i don't think your choice of Mac will even run SL you need OS X 10.5 or better your choice shows as 10.4 plus it only comes with 512mb ram and an intel graphics card neither of which are much good to run SL i don't use a Mac but know such little ram and intel graphics really struggle with SL. for your $350 you could get a new laptop running win7 with around 4gb ram and a decent ATI/AMD or nvidia graphics card that will handle SL a lot more smoothly
  8. as i understand things the new changes only effect TPV's if the LL viewer lets you see when friends are online so will the TPV's if the LL viewer doesn't show true online status a TPV can't
  9. permissions for what? you should edit your question and add more details to get a good answer
  10. the viewer has no spy or adware but some anti-viruses wrongly flag up or give false positives on parts of SL as viruses like SLplugin.exe and you need to whitelist them in your anti-virus software
  11. for the glasses take a look in your library in one of the male avatars male rocker i believe there are some wayfarer style glasses downside is they are white but i'm sure you could go in to edit mode and tint them black
  12. i think if you use 'clothing layers' everyone will know what you're talking about thats whats most commonly used the only time i see 'system' used is in reference to clothing layer skirts i've never seen 'slider clothes' used ever
  13. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I don't care how many sizes are offered, I've found none that fit my avatar and I will not change my shape to wear it just for the sake of wearing mesh. i've noticed exactly the same i'm not curvy or as skinny as a broom handle but i've noticed the biggest/mens sizes are often too small even with alphas which is a disappointment as some of the mesh i've demoed i would have bought
  14. take a look at this topic http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer-Basic-Mode/android-tablet-and-second-life-viewer/td-p/1245179 it does seem there is some way to get the full graphical SL on an android tablet
  15. as long as the computer/laptop you are using has an SL viewer installed you can log in on that your avi and everything associated with your av except chat logs are stored on LL servers not your computer
  16. i organised the picks i wanted in a set order by numbering them 1,2,3,4,5 etc but you could use a,b,c etc or *,**,*** etc anything you like
  17. Trinity Dejavu wrote: Distching my main account of 5 years is not an option. you don't need to ditch your account get an alt use it for a few months the stalker will soon give up if the person they are stalking isn't around you can then go back to your main
  18. you could try looking at Akeyo Vista Extreme Animations or Ministry of Motion they have a lot of cool dances
  19. with out becomming a premimum member or renting land or a flat/home from another resident you don't automatically get a home in SL
  20. i wish they'd fixed it a couple of days ago when i last bought something i waited hours for it to be delivered
  21. what ever is on that website is very outdated i found my self on there the profile pic/description i haven't used since the second half of 2009 and thats getting on for more than 2 years ago it seems like the site was one that paid av's for some thing or another
  22. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: Support Case? But thats going to take months to years to do probably. if it's for ghosting support always used to act pretty quickly to unghost an avi
  23. if the ghosting problem that had been irradicated has come back :matte-motes-dont-cry: the solution that used to work for me back in the day was to change log in location and repeatedly attempt to log in there would be a short window every 15 minutes that would allow a successful log in then once logged tp to where you ghosted
  24. i personally like re-size scripts if i make something to wear i'll put a re-size script in and leave it with modify perms. when i buy something and it has no re-size script but is modify and needs making bigger to fit i'll chuck in a re-size script providing it's 2+ prims adjust the size via script then adjust the position in edit mode if needed when i'm finished i just delete the script i can usually get a great fit that way
  25. you can either look on the marketplace or do an inworld search when you find a home you like try and demo it in world if you can at the creators store if you want to buy it make sure any land you rent from another resident or land you pay tier to LL on is both big enough and has enough prims to contain the home. another option is to pay for a premium membership you are allowed either a Linden home they come in a variety of themes and styles or a 512sqm plot of land tier free you can't have both without paying tier on the 512 plot
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