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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. this new system seems a bit like a kick in the teeth i had to jump through hoops to get manually age verified back when you needed a passport or driving license thankfully i'm still able to access adult rated stuff
  2. if you are not getting a hud it's because it's slow to load there are two things you can do to kick start it and get it quicker firstly run up the rocks at a certain point it will TP you and act like you have just gone through the portal or standing where you are jump and it will act like you've just gone through the portal you will have to do this several times but you will eventually get a hud
  3. i think what kept my initial interest in SL was freebies camping wonder chairs zyngo and a little booth in a mall i rented two or three weeks after i joined SL i didn't properly get hooked until about 4 months in when a friend at the time introduced me to a free land group and found an empty flat i could live in on one of the free land sims i managed to grab a few prims when other people had deleted stuff and rezzed some tacky freebie furniture i was so delighted to have a place to call my own that i used to spend all day every day in the flat up until the land owner did a bi-monthly sim clean two weeks later when the sim was open again it was a rush to furnish the flat again so i could have another two week stay if it wasn't for the active group chat and a lovely guy in the group who taught me a lot about SL became a good friend (even to this day) and for a little while we were even partnered i think my interest in SL/the flat would have quickly waned and thngs wouldn't have turned out like they have
  4. Claireschen Hesten


    can't be done the best you can do is tansfer all transferrable inventory and money from one avatar to another
  5. i think 'No Fly' is a pretty dumb restriction it's not too difficult in any viewer to override it i know Firestorm has a keyboard shortcut in the LL viewer i think you just need to enable the god mode menu or which ever menu it is that the options only work for Lindens i'm sure other viewers have their own fly overried options in addition to the LL viewer one
  6. lupopa Grau wrote: Okay Then I'm going to find a cooling pad. Did you perhaps a hint that cooling pads are really useful? cooling pads are very useful and stop your laptop from getting as hot as it would do with out one mine has one giant fan i don't know if that makes it better than the multi fanned ones or effects CPU useage but running the latest firestorm viewer my AMD dual core runs between 35-50% (it peaks a 60-65% when rezzing stuff) cpu even with about 40 chrome tabs open daz studio and photoshop open i don't know how hot it gets but the internal fan blows out warm air instead of being as hot as a blast furnace
  7. you are probably best off sticking to the sunspire because the cheats don't bother going there one of the sims that makes up whisper hollow is a gold mine for orange crystals but you'll be lucky to get anything there because thats where the "cheaters" go they have tools which they won't reveal what they are (i've asked) that allow them to sweep up every crystal in a couple of seconds if you're running towards an orange crystal they'll suddenly appear out of nowhere and swipe it from right under your nose
  8. SL is a very demanding program and will cause a laptop to heat up what you need to do is clean out the fan of your laptop or replace it if necessary if you don't feel confident doing it yourself a computer repairer will do it for you then get yourself a cooling pad they are usually usb powered with a fan that constantly keep your laptop cool i use a cheap cooling pad but i have come across ones designed for gamers
  9. i know at least one SLplugin is for media if i remember correctly the rest are for search and you get them when you open up search so if you never open the inworld search when you're logged in you shouldn't get them
  10. as long as the two TV's use the same texture where the media is shown they will both show the same thing at the same time
  11. a badge seems unneccessary our profiles on my.secondlife already tell us if we're a plain 'ole resident have payment info on file or used or if we have some other status
  12. have you tried Lucky Designs you can get exactly what your looking for from there except it requires the person to visit your place of business 24hours later to claim their profile pick prize
  13. definitly try Elikatira the style looks very similar to the one wear from the rainbow colour pack from there called Pretend
  14. i wonder which continent that is because i swear Jeogeot which i'm on now is far worse for the number of plots forsale
  15. add them to the ban list in about land when you are in your home or turn off public access or you could be cheeky and put restricted access on such as needing payment info on file or age verification or you could set it to sell passes so you could set it for L$5/5min access to your land if you wanted to and someone who wanted to access your land who have to pay what ever L$ amount you set and only be allowed on your land for what ever time you set
  16. if there's no covenant restricting what you can do with the land you can open as many stores as your prim allowance can hold
  17. go to https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ to create a support ticket choose Land & Region then Report an offline region and fill out the required details in my experience a linden will get your sim back up in a few minutes they are certainly quick to respond to mainland sims so they should be just as quick with private sims
  18. if you can link your pre-paid card to a paypal account you can use it on a number of third party exchanges i personally use http://www.eldexchange.eu which is on the third party exchange list i've been getting L$ off there as and when needed for a few years and they've been very reliable and have probably the best exchange rates of all the sites on the third party list
  19. the delivery method may make a difference if the expensive item doesn't show as direct delivery on the listing it's comming from a magic box a while back i remember seeing somewhere that LL would phase out magic boxes by the start of june (if the date hasn't been pushed back) and that could be why your expensive item isn't delivering
  20. if you've seen this animations in an item you've used go back to it right click it go to edit mode click the contents tab right click each animation choose properties that will tell you who made the animation if you click their profile they might even have a link to an inworld/marketplace store
  21. i think you've been scammed the website you appear to have used isn't an approved third party L$ exchange using LL's riskAPI and the link the sites csr gave you is to buy WOW currency so you might have bought WoW currency instead of Lindens if you paid using paypal it's possible to get your money back via them but in the future if you want to buy L$ take a look at http://wiki.secondlife.com/w/index.php?title=Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Exchange_(LindeX)&oldid=1159217 it's a list of all the approved third party exchanges using LL's riskAPI that sell L$
  22. what TV brand are you using? i have a VEA TV and it has a power on control if the TV isn't turned on you can't control it and get it to play media maybe your TV has something similar
  23. it doesn't matter if you buy land from another resident or direct from LL you will always have to pay rent of some sort be it L$ or RL currency or hope a generous resident lets you use their land at no charge
  24. surnames don't exist anymore LL got rid of them about 18-19monrhs ago in favor of usernames if you want a surname you can change your display name to include a surname for a while some of the third party sign up pages could allow you to get a last name after LL made the official sign up page user names only but if you do find a third party registration page with last names they won't work anymore
  25. i like my face light it illuminates my face enough to make me look as good as i do in the daylight at night while i don't mind other peoples face lights i don't know if it's just a linden realms thing (as it's the only place i've seen them) but while i've been there i've seen people using the equivalent of face lights on steroids they're so blindingly bright and white even wearing sunglasses wouldn't help tone them down
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