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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Mesh is really nice for buildings and furniture - but ONLY if its mod so you can shrink it to reduce prim costs. Mesh or partial mesh is brilliant for buildings i purchased this build from Abiss after spending ages wondering if it was worth it i was stoked to to see it was only about 45 prims on it's own minus extras (less than half of what my previous building was) and even more delighted to find because it's part mesh it bought the prims/land impact down to 23 with all the prims it's saved i can afford to have a nicer skybox extra or primmier furniture if i want
  2. Claireschen Hesten


    if it's a genuine ban from LL they email you that you are banned and detail how to appeal the ban if you didn't get an email you could well have been assigned an IP by your isp/modem that is on LL's banned list you can try re-setting your modem/router or send a support ticket to LL to get the matter resolved
  3. i haven't come across any real problems with chrome and the marketplace that weren't caused by LL or a bad net connection and i've been using chrome almost exclusively for the past 4/5 years i couldn't imaging going back to internet explorer
  4. if you don't like seeing RL porn images you won't like the porn porn videos being piped in to SL via tv's and media devices there's nothing wrong uploading porn in to SL LL haven't banned it infact they created the adult continent zindra where adult themed commercial activities take place and sexually explicit imagary can be freely shown in public places. if you don't like RL images/videos of porn simply set your marketplace and viewer preferences to general (PG) and moderate (mature)
  5. the only thing i never have or will change is my shape other things i wouldn't change are my money garter skin and a heart shaped ring that i've not taken off since i got them and i wouldn't change my hair colour i spent a long time wearing red hair until i discovered rose pink hair now any hair i buy must come in that colour
  6. good news i've just tried the realms and the hud is fixed
  7. you might want to re-open your jira i suspect the broken realms hud is effecting everyone that plays in any of the portals i've certainly noticed the number of people in any realms sim is almost nothing since the hud stopped working
  8. if you can cobble together L$25 the lazy boots by death row designs are brillant and probably just what you're looking for https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DRD-lazy-boots-with-red-laces/3092726 if L$25 is too much Skifija do i nice looking pair of combat boots for L$1 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/combat-boots/944736
  9. in an attempt to fix something they broke yesterday LL had to break something else to compensate lol so they broke the realms :matte-motes-frown:
  10. jeeez and just yesterday in a group chat i was commenting on how stable the grid was and that noobies were lucky they hadn't had to experience the grid being down like it is at the moment i get the feeling i must have jinxed things
  11. truth may be worth a try i'm sure the red in the rainbow colour pack is similar to what you are looking for
  12. if there is a rental box on the parcel and you pay however much money it costs for one week you are allowed to use the land for one week unless you keep paying the rental box every week you don't own the land and you may need to join a group and wear the tag of it in order to build on the land when you pay the rent box you may automatically get invited to a group or the land owner will have to manually invite you
  13. a few years ago there used to be a gadget called profile sniffy i think that worked with a version of the now non existent Emerald viewer that would inform you when someone viewed your profile this gadget didn't last long the viewer was soon patched up so it didn't work.. there hasn't been anything since that will do that and i don't think it's even possible to create something that will do it not now profiles are web based
  14. if you have photoshop on a different computer to your SL viewer you can either use some sort of memory chip to transfer the file or just install any SL viewer of your choice on the the computer with photoshop as for a t-shirt template Robin Sojourner's template is both free easy to work with and high quality http://www.robinwood.com/Catalog/Technical/SL-Tuts/SLPages/RSW-TShirt.html
  15. it might not fit in with the stuff you already have but PrimPossible do a 1 prim complete kitchen https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PrimPossible-1-Prim-AMAZING-Corner-Kitchen/2940301
  16. in addition to the other great answers when you recieve the L$1000 there's an extra bonus i think it's based on what payment method you used to go premium when i went premium paying with Paypal i got an extra L$250 on top of the L$1000
  17. it could be the avatar has been logged in to SL the whole time when you are removed from a group if group chat is open i believe you can still paticipate in chat till you close it or log out
  18. working fine for me too and i'm using Google Chrome if that makes any difference
  19. Linden Realms is full of cheaters of some type i see it a lot i don't think there is any point AR-ing it since i have kinda cheated myself not to gain crystals but to get myself out of a sticky spot when the toxic water or the rock monsters fail to TP you back to the nearest summoning circle but in to the ether not on any sim there used to be a time when it was worth cheating for crystals because when you went to cash out your crystals if you stood on a crystal collector at a certain point it would pay you far more money than your crystals were worth and it had only recognized 50 crystals to be redeemed that 'bug' has since been fixed
  20. you can create clothes in SL but the are very bland and basic and white and look flat and fake and noobtacular you will have to get some sort of image editing software that works with layers if you want to start making clothes Robin Sojourners T-shirt template and tutorial http://www.robinwood.com/Catalog/Technical/SL-Tuts/SLPages/RSW-TShirt.html is a fantastic place to start once you get competent with a template you can buy more from the marketplace or download the avatar UV templates and create your own clothing from scratch edit: reply was to OP
  21. if you are using the latest version of firestorm you can use the new direct delivery system you just have to purchase something sold with direct delivery to create a received items folder and if need be log in/out of the marketplace and re-log your viewer. it's not worth using magic boxes any more it won't be very long before they stop working and you will have to use direct delivery
  22. if you don't want to buy L$ direct from LL there are a number of third party re-sellers using LL's Exchange Risk API which let you buy in local currency and you can find at http://wiki.secondlife.com/w/index.php?title=Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Exchange_(LindeX)&oldid=1159217 as for exchanges i use http://www.eldexchange.eu from the list just because i think it has the best rates and no minimum buy amount for using paypal but if you want to use a different payment method there are exchanges on the list that even accept text messages and phone calls as payments for L$ edit: reply was to OP
  23. don't treat SL as if it's your RL if you get in a relationship/partnered don't take the relationship seriously the more you do the more upset and hurt you'll be when things come to an end if you're going to tell someone you've AR'd them don't then turn around and do something that warrants you getting AR'd
  24. unless you gave the 'friend' permission to edit your objects or deeded the items to a group you are both in it should not be possible for them to take stuff from the permissions you say you gave. if the objects were placed down just before this weeks region restarts the state of the sim might have reverted to an older save instead of how it was right before the restart. there was a problem with this last week it might have carried over
  25. from what i often see in the phoenix/firestorm inworld group for bandwidth the support team recommed 500k for wireless 1000k for DSL and 1500k for cable
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