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  1. Hey all thanks for the constructive conversation, but please be aware I'm not asking for no boxes. I want to address a few responses here just because I think my original post wasn't clear. I didn't know this, thank you for that clarification. I said in my original post it was fine when Caspervend did it anyway. This post isn't about boxed items. It's about boxed DEMOS of items. You know, the free things that creators make so everyone can try on the product and then delete after they buy the real one (or if they dont want it/doesnt fit/etc). There is no real reason I can think of to why the average user would need to keep a box of a freely available DEMO item. Please do not derail this topic into something it isn't about. No need to be so rude about it. A reasonable explanation, such as I quoted from someone earlier that explained how this works on the MP makes much more sense, so even though it's a pain, I understand why now that creators do this this way on the MP.
  2. Creators - please stop boxing up demos posted to MP or sold via the built-in vendor system. Caspervend and other vendor systems is ok, because the demo box goes to objects by default as a box alone and not a new folder, so rezzing it makes sense. But when you buy from MP or in-world built in vendor, it puts the contents into its own folder already, the box is unnecessary. It's not only an extra step, and clutters inventory needlessly, but also requires you rez rights to rez it (or even worse, forcing you to attach it to your body one at a time).
  3. Then if that's the way it is, we would expect wire transfers and credits to paypal to be in the exact same manner, yes? eg, a $20,000 wire transfer would result in you receiving $19,000 to your bank account, right? Edit: Clarification - Requesting a $20,000 cash out via Wire transfer would result in Linden taking $1,000 of fees and sending an actual wire for $19,000.
  4. Thank you all for explaining it. We'll agree to disagree and thank you for the responses. I'm going to consult with my accountant on this issue, because I still fail to understand it. Obviously, if everyone seemingly has the same explanation my line of thinking is incorrect, so I want to really understand this and maybe he can get me a better explanation. I am also going to use a wire transfer for my next cash out and see what happens, but I would bet its as I say it should be and NOT the way everyone thinks it should be. I'm putting that out of my backside, but I would bet I'm correct, and if I'm correct then either the wire transfers are wrong, or the paypal method is wrong (I'll post my findings when I get there). As for the above, I understand that this is a gross of fees, I just view whats bring processed and such what is subject to the fee in the first place to be the varying definition. Thanks again for the chatter.
  5. As far as I can tell, they have no processing fees out of the USD Credit account because the money in the USD credit account is already USD. In fact, even if you're banned from second life and have USD in the credit account they are obligated to give you this USD back one way or another (see tilia terms of service section 3.3.5). There's nothing to process. Paying for land, premium, or any other myriad of charges and fees in second life are not subject to this 5.26% fee when they pull from your USD credit balance. It's only when cashing out to paypal. For them to take out a 5.26% fee from a cash out is no different than pulling a monthly land tier from your account. I'm sure paypal has some fees, but they are not even anywhere near the realm of 5%, and secondly what linden pays paypal, even if its based on the amount sent, would only apply to what they actually send to you, not what they keep.
  6. If you buy something from the store for $100 that is taxed at a 10% rate, do you pay $10 or $11? Linden says it's an $11 tax, and you seem to agree with this. I also said, in my original post, that is how it was done now, and that it's an incorrect way. What is being processed is $4,750, not $5,000. The $250 in this case is not being processed. It's just being removed from teh credit account, like paying land tier. 4750 * 0.05 = $237.50, the proper 5% processing fee for processing $4,750 to paypal.
  7. Charging you 5.26% fee for something that is listed as 5% is cheating.
  8. That's just not accurate. The part being processed into USD credit is done when you sell L$, not when you cash out to paypal. When you cash out to paypal, the conversion from lindens is already done. That's an entirely different fee (3.5% fee from the lindex)
  9. I understand what they are getting at (and you), but even the link you provided says "processing USD credits". The credit is the amount you get in the end. Your money is what's processed. The other part is the fee. The credit should not include the fee. The fee should be added to the amount you get. It's a very easy mistake to make. It's further confused by the MP commissions, because in this case, 5% of the sales price is 5% of sales. That's more clear cut. Just like the 3.5% of L$ to USD charge on the lindex. Simple and clear cut. But 5% for processing credits is not clear cut, because in my example, that $250 they are taking out of a $5,000 cash out is not a credit that's processed. It's a fee. The $4750 is what is processed, and what is cashed out, not $5000.
  10. I have done a few cash outs in second life, large and small and I feel that Linden Lab is unfairly skimming off the top, but only on paypal transactions. I have not done a wire transfer, but I think they are cheating ONLY on Paypal transfers. Allow me to explain the two ways of doing this, and why I feel they are cheating you. Scenario: Let's assume you want to cash out $5,000. How it is currently done (Incorrect way): $5000 * 0.05 = $250 (This is the fee taken out of the $5,000 cash out). $5000 - 250 = $4750 (This is what you get in your paypal.) How it should be done (Correct way): $5000 * 0.05 = $250 (This is the fee). $5000 + 250.00 = $5250 (This is what you need in your process credit to get $5,000) Linden Lab is charging you a 5% fee on cash out fee portion of the cash out. Since you only get $4750, if you add a 5% fee on that, you come up with $237.50 fee, not $250.00. Charging you $250 for receipt of $4,750 is a 5.26% fee, not 5%. Wire transfers are governed differently, and I would bet dollars to doughnuts that they do it my correct way as shown above. For example, if you wanted to request a wire of $40000, the fee would be $2,000 (plus $100 for the wire transfer itself, but we won't include that here) and they would expect you to have $42,000 in your credit account to process it. In the end, you lose $42,000 in your credit account, get $40,000 in your bank account. However, if it were done through paypal, you would get $38,000 cash, but your fee for getting $38,000 cash should be $1900 and not $2000. Thoughts? Does anyone do wire transfers and can confirm my last paragraph? Edit: Let me add some additional clarification below because this sounds confusing to some. The process is that you are requesting a certain amount of money to be sent to you when you cash out. The conversation should work like this: You: Hi there, I want to withdrawal $5,000. Bank: Ok no problem, it's a 5% fee to make a withdrawl, so in order to get your $5,000, you must pay a $250 fee. You: hands over $250 fee. Bank: hands over $5,000 cash. The conversation should NOT work like this: You: Hi there, I want to withdrawal $5,000. Bank: Ok no problem, it's a 5% fee to make a withdrawl, so you're only going to get $4,750 of the $5,000 you requested. Bank hands over $4,750 cash.
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