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Pussycat Catnap

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Everything posted by Pussycat Catnap

  1. Is that a 'web on a prim' or an actual media player in SL that still works? Years ago all my media players broke, and 'web prims' were range based so I just never got into using them.
  2. I've found some good ideas by going to skin shops I liked and looking to see what head they used in their promo art. Looking at the shop 'Pink Fuel' made me realize some LAQ and a few Catwa heads can do an 'almost anime cute but not actually anime' look. I then demo'd a few of them on the right alt, and yeah. But it's all a combo of skin, shape, and mesh head. - The mesh head you see in my profile image for example, is one of them. But I don't have that look AT ALL because my shape is very different and my skin accentuates different aspects. Yet I have seen this same head look almost like an anime character when shaped very differently.
  3. My dances are out of date, and mostly splay my fingers into 'default pose' after a bit... The shops I got them for back in the day have mostly closed or look abandoned and haven't generally updated to bento... So... I'm looking for good 'motion capture or might as well be as they look that smooth' bento dance animations to replace my entire collection of old dances. I found a great place with Latin dances (Paragon), but I need to get the rest of my choices down as well. They need to obviously animate my hands / fingers and be be smooth with a longer duration. If in a pack each dance needs to be distinct, and not like a 10 minute single dance broken up into 10 files that blend together so repetitively that #3 and #7 could be mistaken for each other... - Each dance should be unique. My preferred genres for this would be hip-hop, reggae, reggaeton, and something 'grove' / relaxed that I can play to any soft music and not look out of place. Mostly looking for single animations, not couple animations. I do see some stuff popping up in Marketplace, but I've not been fond of most of what I've demo'd... I'm super picky... but still looking for recommendations of what others like.
  4. If you restrict minimum bids... why would anyone EVER risk selling a plot there? Either leave it for sale for your desired price inworld, or just toss it to a land baron if you need to get rid of it quickly. I think we want to step back and think about the purpose of this system. Is it: Designed to fire sell land fast regardless of potential to get back your cost of purchase? Designed to lets sellers and buyers find each other easily without working through land baron middle-people? Designed to make profit for sellers? I suspect it's number 2 Number 3 would let you keep a parcel in there for months, and number 1 would restrict minimum bids. Number 1 is already better served by listing my lost for $0.1L/sqm and watching a land baron bot rez in front of me and snag it. I can sell any plot in seconds that way... Number 3 is already served by just letting me place my plot on the map for any price and waiting... for years... Number 2 lets a buyer know what other residents have, so we can more easily skip past blightly spots held by barons or just skip barons because we have attitude against them for some reason or other...
  5. Oh yeah... yesterday I noted Arbor project, intended as an aside but I noted them too much so it became the topic... Arbor Project was big in cleaning out a lot of that image... That said... that sort of stuff is exactly what I am starting to see more of in mainland, albeit not like this at all. These days... I see ONE of those signs and it's freakout time because they had become so rare over the years after Arbor Project AR'd so many of them. As for houseboats with towers on them... that's what Blake Sea is good at. Then again you can get a linden houseboat for the cost of a premium account. A Blake Sea houseboat... 90,000L is considered a cheap 'fire sale' price for a plot there...
  6. Thanks. That's what I've been hoping is the case. There's also the extremely subjective test of... "would I be a public nuissance to my neighbors if I put these pics back..." but only time and feeling the place out will answer that... For now I'm also going through my collection to see what I'd like to have there that isn't a nude pic.
  7. So Bellisaria is M-land. I've been living on A-land for so long I'd not thought about this before setting up my build... But thinking about what a neighbor was up to with a skybox on their roof has me thinking about whether or not my own build is fine... I've had pictures that are snapshots of my avatar and some alts as nude art on the inside walls of my home. In the images here, I've blacked them all out - which lets you see how visible they are (and why most of these shots were taken from outside the windows)... and begs the question... These are renders, not photos. The policy for M is about photo (real/realistic)-nudes publicly displayed. So the two questions I would have is... if I put the images back, is this: 1. A violation of the maturity rating for M-land (nudes, not sex-acts) 2. Ok, but still in bad form for the 'general nature' of the Bellisaria community The nature of these is singular nude avatars standing or sitting in a scenic location, unlike what I've got on my A-land...
  8. On the fence about what violation it is, if any. It's just under the 14m limit. It touches the roof so I can't call it a skybox even though the prim is named skybox, and how loose or tight is the Bellisaria theme? Worse thing is this person is in a group I am in and I saw them type in chat last night that they don't want a houseboat, they wanted a traditional - so this is someone "making the best of what they got" and sadly that runs straight up against my tastes... The no-drama option is I wait for the build to be done and use Firestorm to derender everything outside the building... (Am I violating a rule with these images? If so I will delete them) Note how the prim water is above water level: Skybox didn't fit on top - overlaps slightly. If this was someone I knew or knew how to approach, I could build coach them to fix that...
  9. Makes sense - reset is the fastest way for them to mass remove all those red lines in the sky and floating text on builds. Just push a new build of the sim to the server.
  10. It's not a walling off of the balcony, but an actual third floor. They bought a 2-land impact skybox and sat it on top of the house, then gave it the houseboat's wall texture - but it's even bigger than the houseboat itself and has a 'door to nowhere' on one outer side. And then there's the prim water, splash effect, and a whole host of palm trees all around the lot and on the public protected piers to the sides of the lot... and sculpty rocks...
  11. Ah darn... I was hoping when I saw that, that it was a different lollipop lot. Might start seeing more in Lollipop soon if the covenant doesn't stretch well. We've got somebody rezzing a bunch of trees and rocks and prim water over the linden water, and then an added third floor on top of their houseboat in the center of the sim... Spent yesterday trying to decide between how to formulate an AR, if there was something I could AR, or if I might have to abandon and try for another boat some-month...
  12. Yeah... I may be forced to test the limits of that soon... which I hate... But someone started building a tower on top of their houseboat yesterday in Lollipop, and then rezzed trees in the water and rocks outside the bounds of their plot (trees overlap ramp, rocks only go a few meters into channel, and then... prim water about a half meter ABOVE the water level... Looking to see if there's something in the covenant that can be used to deal with it...
  13. I was in Arbor before and after Justice had their moment... What I noticed over time was that Lindens stopped showing up to ARs. By the time I joined Arbor, in 2009, any other purpose of the group had died off. I saw that they owned a lot of land, and they were active about buying micro plots, but only slightly so... It was mostly a "hey can you all come here and AR this with me?" group... - Abuse Reports of mainland rules violations. Eventually the Lindens stopped showing up - but they were still showing up while the Justice thing was happening. Whether there is any connection there is just my theory - but it does seem like a series of 'toxic community' events occurred in those years, after which the only place I ever saw moles or lindens outside of a griefer attack was Bay City, and this one linden that used to attend live music events at a place I frequented when a certain singer was there, but who never said anything in local. My point here is that I saw them withdraw... and it feels like Bellisaria is an attempt to see if it's time to engage again, if only lightly. It looks different than the old Linden Homes, seems more managed. I could be wrong though - maybe they will vanish again as soon as the last sim is live. Right now Bellisaria has an unusually active set of groups (2 of them at least)... but if you search groups way down the list there are a few 'protest groups' - that's not exactly how the drama started on Zindra... but it's close. If it was an exact repeat of Zindra history the drama would already have overtaken things and sims like the Fairgrounds would be avoided by the Lindens and moles while regular users would already be rapidly leaving the groups... I think the best thing anyone wanting good community can do is talk to some Bay City people. That's a mainland community that has held a good vibe for longer than Zindra has even existed. There's also the 'East River' community but I have almost no experience with them so I don't know much there. I don't think the lindens or moles are active with them like they are in Bay City though.
  14. I've never seen any community out of Nautilus. There are some groups but they appear to be dead and for as long as I have known of the place they were dead. Shermerville has a good number of Bay City people in it. It has community the way a suburb of a city does... Not one of it's own, but one by extension.
  15. Maybe. At the time it all ended, it was still pretty packed. But... near the end it was only packed with angry shouters and a people like me who would show up now and then to see if things had calmed down yet... Zindra itself turned pleasant years ago... But the lindens, to my knowledge, gave up in the first or second year. It took a while after that for the blight to move to rental estates and for Zindra to end up mostly residential, with a few odd blighty builds and the occasional strange thing... but mostly nice stuff... Yet it has no community, because it all went toxic early on.
  16. Yes. This is because Firestorm is addind an amount based on a guess of the standard head size... I used to give out a free height meter that would also do this. The problem is that it's a guess, not always accurate, so I stopped giving it out. I would advise the Firestorm team to remove the height note from the Viewer and instead put something like "Height: ?" and clicking it attaches a no-mod ruler to you... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Height-Stick-Height-Meter-With-Average-Human-Heights-free/1224161 - that replaced my height meter almost 9 years ago... Back when height-drama was a big thing, there was also a ruler you could buy - that many clubs had sitting by their landing spot. But it was not accurate. If I remember right it was stretched to make 7-foot tall avatars think they were a foot or two shorter... As such it made height drama even worse... There was also another accurate one, but it wasn't as common... but again my memory is a bit 'long in the tooth' on this... - Height has been a non-issue for so long even the drama is fading from memory for me. Currently my avatar is 1.65m tall, or 5' 4 3/4"
  17. The NWN Blog had a whole thing going for almost a year about some group that had a Justice League like name that was using influence to go after people. Arbor Project used to be able to file an AR and within minutes you'd see a linden show up and deal with an issue. Over time that stopped happening - around the same time as all the news about the Justice group came out.
  18. /puts-on-bitter-hat-of-history I used to be in the 'Arbor Project' which started that was but over it's history was more about abuse-reporting violations of the mainland rules that dealt mostly with blocking or advertising. - But it's lost it's influence over the years. Anytime you see a giant 'sale' or 'rent' sign on the map or in world... that's a failure of the 'Arbor Project' to have any influence with the Lindens anymore... One reason Arbor lost it's influence is that it came out that another similar group was using it's connections with the Lindens to grief people under the guise of community betterment... ie: people abused the access they had, the Lindens seem to have chosen to pull back rather than try to vet who was good and who was bad and risk getting it wrong... There have been groups like that in the past - for various regions and purposes. Most of them limited in scale. "Bay City Alliance" is the best of them - lots of activities together and lots of inroads with the lindens and the moles that help to keep Bay City and the nearby sims looking good. There is a reason that outside of Bellesaria the place you are most likely to find moles putting out a new build is Bay City or a sim within avatar-walking distance of it... and it's that community and the fact that it's run by an SL user who is high regard in almost all circles. The polar opposite of 'Bay City' is Zindra... and Zindra is also very likely the reason Bellisaria happened in 2019 and not years ago... The moles and lindens got burned very hard with Zindra. Explore around Zindra and you will see several mole builds made before it opened, and then half-done things like the Zindra Mall. - Zindra shows the risk Bellisaria now faces. There are signs that this risk is already brewing, but small in impact. With Zindra the Lindens held weekly office hours in world at places like the downtown Zindra cafe. But the meetings turned extremely bitter when 2 different groups started showing up claiming to be the SOLE AND ONLY LEGITIMATE community group representing ALL residents on the continent. The Linden who hosted those meetings was subjected to an hour of foul mouthed fighting between different camps demanding he grief the other camp, ban them, mute them, and so on... I went to a few of those meetings and every time I saw a meeting start out with a Linden nicely trying to note some new stuff the team was bringing everyone, and then F-bombs and worse being dropped in response as the two groups fought in front of him to claim the right to be the one receiving control over all the new shinies... and then turning on him when he refused to be partisan. ... and by the end of the meeting the Linden would just leave (a few times he TP'd out in the middle of his own meeting), and the new shiny... had 50/50 odds of being pulled and not released... because after that treatment who would do it? Now... search Bellisaria under groups and you will find... just a few too many results that share themes. A few of them even say "we are the real residents who do not like the jerks in that other group"... - if that conduct continues... Bellisaria is doomed. Before Zindra many Lindens held weekly office hours and Lindens were easy to find inworld and very approachable. After Zindra they went dark for some years, and the few that now do Office Hours seem to be rather quiet about it - not something openly advertised. It's very hard to find a linden or mole 'in the wild' unless something is happening, like a new sim opening in Bellisaria... Nothing like Bellisaria has happened in years, but things like it used to be common... - I just hope people don't abuse the opportunity this time. Bay City managed to avoid it... so if you want a great mainland community, look to Bay City Alliance. But there is a reason why there are so few similar communities in SL... and the story of Zindra reveals it... I think after Zindra... the wider SL just got shy about doing community on a large scale...
  19. The height in the panel is the agent height. It's what in gaming is referred to as your 'hit box' - for SL that means a box around you that determines when you bump into walls and such. And it's used for 'SL combat' - every parcel has a 'safe' setting and when off, poke this box enough and the victim is Teleported home because they 'died' (yes... all you folks who say SL is not a game... it actually has a very primitive combat game built in by default that almost everyone has turned off). The agent is however, not the same as the avatar you see on screen. For some very odd reason it's actually a little shorter... Actually not so odd if you think about game design and that combat engine that seems... half done... and you then decide that... maybe it actually IS half done... because a core aspect of 'hit scan' games is a head shot... so another agent should have been placed over our agent for the head shots... but never was... because somebody decided they making a porn simulator... er... um... 'create your own world community'... and not combat game... - That theory might be 100% wrong... but it WOULD make the weird height of the agent make sense... almost... The agent stops somewhere in your actual head... so this 'head shot box' would actually only have been a brain box if it was ever actually intended... The best way to find your actual height is to stand somewhere and WEAR a prim on your 'avatar center' attachment point. Well, add not wear, because most mesh bodies these days attach to that point and you want your body visible because... - Get into a static pose standing straight up (common freebies include T-poses. I give one out in my free pose stand, and almost every other pose stand also does so... and editing yourself if you leave default settings on will also put you in this pose...). Now just edit the prim to stretch it from the soles of your feet to the top of your head... Look at the 'Z' value - that's your height in metric. Convert it to inches if you're in the USA or some other similar -1th world nation. My avatar is about my RL height. Last I checked she was either 5'3" or 5'6" - it gets off sometimes when messing with a few sliders. The mountain Amazon Rainforest people I share a good bit of genetics with average 4'8" I think. - One benefit of making my avatar my RL height is that I ALSO shrink all the furniture I buy to it's real-life measurements (google things like 'standard chair seat height' or 'standard door height' and then scale to that)... AND this OFTEN dramatically reduces the Land Impact cost of the things on my land. I think my SL home costs about 40 LESS land Impact than the sample of it in the shop I bought it at... SL may have a common height floor of 6-feet... but it's not as common as it used to be. Since mesh came out a LOT of people have caught on to 'saving prims' by shrinking stuff... and a lot of other people have noticed that the ONLY WAY to NOT have T-Rex arms is to go shorter... at 5'6" or so... I have my arm slider at 100, and my proportions only just come into anatomically correct at that setting... (your fingertips should touch to your MID-thigh, or your arms are too short, and the EXACT middle of your height is ALWAYS your crotch or you had a nutrition deficiency growing up or a condition like 'dwarfism' (I forget it's proper term)).
  20. Will SL die? Yes Eventually... Sometime between now and later on. People... get banned because they do bad things. Many such people continue bad conduct because they feel some sense of entitlement to it, and blame others or refuse to accept the nature of their conduct as being bad... Stores close. They close because they didn't meet a need sufficiently or no longer do so. Interests and fads change. Land barons sell off land. It's what they do. Some of them cannot make a profit so they get out of the business. New stuff arrives. New land barons arrive. New venues arrive. Stuff Changes And Sansar is soooo yesterday... It's already flopped.
  21. "experiences" can do this too. Check to see what experiences you have approved. In Firestorm that's under the top right menu: Avatar -> Experiences -> Allowed tab. Everyone will have 'Social Island' there. We should all have 'AVsitter' as well but it's not actually common (having it makes furniture props work without having to go through clicks / menus. Other things there should all look familiar to you, and if not, click them and choose 'forget'. You can also check the 'Events' tab to see what experiences have done things to you, and when - and again everything in there should look like some event you remember and found acceptable or you need to 'forget' one or more of your experiences.
  22. My Boathouse. Angles have been carefully chosen to conceal some art that in other cases I had to black out for these shoots.
  23. Nah. There are almost no, if not no, double-prim lots with water access. It's like Linden Lab decided that combo would be too unfair to everyone else. That said, I have a small 512m lot a few sims away that has some boats parked on it: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Uxert/162/42/28 - Anyone can rez and sail off on a boat that is 45 land impact or less. The weird cement dock on the right is because linden protected land rises up above the river there. I had to put a transparent prim in the water under my boats so they would rise up above the protected land when launching out... It works and isn't visible, so all good... On my home sim, relations with the other land owners are neutral. ZIndra folks don't tend to interact. Everyone is either running 'yet another badly designed blighted XXX club with misaligned prims and too much fullbright' or they're folks who just want to be left alone... My sim has no clubs...
  24. Didn't see this here, was frustrated with my primmy no-mod / no-copy radios, and decided yesterday to finally just write one myself. Here's my take on this concept, not yet integrated with notecards, but has a schedule system: list stations = [ "http://ais.rastamusic.com:80/rastamusic.mp3", "http://hestia2.cdnstream.com/1301_128", "http://radiolatina.info:7218", "http://france1.coollabel-productions.com:8142", "http://janus.shoutca.st:8233/stream/1/", "http://rootslegacy.fr:8080", "http://star.jointil.net/proxy/jrn_reggae?mp=/stream", "http://sc-reggae.1.fm:7000/", "", "http://uplink.duplexfx.com:8042" ]; list stationNames = [ "Rasta Music", "Reggae141.com", "SalsaMexico", "Reggae Mix France", "Sensimedia", "Roots Legacy", "Joint Radio Reggae", "ReggaeTrade Radio 1FM", "PONdENDS.COM", "181.FM - Jammin 181" ]; integer radioMessenger = 0; string getSchedule() { integer now = (integer)llGetWallclock(); integer hours = now / 3600; if (hours >= 23) return llList2String(stations,0); else if (hours >= 21) return llList2String(stations,5); else if (hours >= 19) return llList2String(stations,4); else if (hours >= 17) return llList2String(stations,3); else if (hours >= 15) return llList2String(stations,2); else if (hours >= 13) return llList2String(stations,1); else if (hours >= 11) return llList2String(stations,0); else if (hours >= 9) return llList2String(stations,5); else if (hours >= 7) return llList2String(stations,4); else if (hours >= 5) return llList2String(stations,3); else if (hours >= 3) return llList2String(stations,2); else if (hours >= 1) return llList2String(stations,1); else return llList2String(stations,0); } testMemory() { llScriptProfiler(PROFILE_SCRIPT_MEMORY); integer usedMemory = llGetUsedMemory(); llSetMemoryLimit( (usedMemory + 500) ); llScriptProfiler(PROFILE_NONE); } default { state_entry() { llSetParcelMusicURL(getSchedule()); llSetTimerEvent(300); testMemory(); } timer() { llSetParcelMusicURL(getSchedule()); if (radioMessenger && radioMessenger !=0) { llListenRemove(radioMessenger); radioMessenger = 0; } testMemory(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { key user = llDetectedKey(0); radioMessenger = llListen(739, "", user, ""); llDialog(user, "Select a desired radio station", stationNames, 739); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { string stationFrequency = ""; integer stationNumber = llListFindList(stationNames, [message]); if (stationNumber != -1) { stationFrequency = llList2String(stations, stationNumber); } llRegionSayTo(id, 0, "Setting the radio to station " + (string)(stationNumber+1) + ": " + message + " (" + stationFrequency + ")"); llSetParcelMusicURL(stationFrequency); testMemory(); } } Still have some alterations to make over time.
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