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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. THAT I think is true. I totally don't get it, but it's the only explanation for people (usually men) who will reference something from my profile (like my exhibitions and photos) while apparently missing the "not interested in relationships or sex" bit.
  2. What's odd is that a number of them know me reasonably well, or at least have been going to the same clubs for a while. Anyway, mostly they are very sweet, and never pushy. I find it occasionally awkward, but the interactions are very different from those with men, who tend (many of them anyway) to either get offended very quickly, or just suddenly lose interest entirely when they realize I'm unavailable.
  3. Awwwwww! (/me thinks frantically about how she can change her look to one that is IMPOSING and IMPRESSIVE and STRONG) (Then again, that cardigan for L$60 is too damned adorable to pass by.)
  4. I am happy to believe it. But I wasn't addressing you in that post; I was agreeing with Angelor. Had that been directed at you, I'd have posted it to you. I have zero objections to someone who chooses to interact with an NPC or AI bot. I don't get it, myself: dancing for me is always a social activity, whether I have a partner or not. But that's fine, I don't need to get it. What I do find dystopian is the idea that we should build a virtual world of pretend people to interact with, rather than find ways to better enable engagement with other people. I have all sorts of reasons for believing that (and they include the dangers of isolating oneself in a solipsistic little filter bubble with a bot who merely mirrors your own biases and subjectivities), but the key point is that a large part of the success of SL and platforms like it is that they are full of real people. That is why they are MMOs. Anyone who wants to hang out with computer-generated fakes would be better off in a FPS or simulation like The Sims.
  5. I am not sure I agree. I think they are much more attuned to the idea of online connections, but they know the difference between computer game NPCs and real fellow-players as well as anyone. In fact, if anything, they are better at making real connections online, because they've been doing it most of their lives. I don't think younger people are willing to cheat themselves with fakes. The "real thing" may be "virtual" in the sense that it's online, but it won't be AI: it will be a real person.
  6. Yeah, they can build up pretty fast. Which is one reason the TPL got rid of fines: they discovered that people were so overwhelmed by mounting fees, or so often couldn't even afford slighter ones, that they were avoiding the libraries entirely. And as many of those people had no other access to many of the services libraries provide (such as computers and internet), that was causing real social harm.
  7. I am (she said proudly) a chick magnet. I'm not sure why. I usually wear my hair shortish, maybe? I have the word "feminism" in my profile? Whatever the reason, I do seem to either present as gay, or just attract other women.
  8. Anyone who claims that the connections we make, the experiences we have, and the feelings those elicit in SL aren't "real" is probably somewhat disconnected in RL too. Or, at the very least, lacking in imagination and empathy.
  9. God strewth. In a world already awash with misinformation and deep fakes, this is really what we need: supply people with fake friends who will pretend they care. Much better than finding ways to connect them with real people, right?
  10. Well, you'll be delighted to know that the TPL eliminated late fines about 2 years ago! You can once again enter a library in Toronto with your head held high. My fines are actually much worse. They're from the university library. And I really have no excuse, because I get the books for like half a year.
  11. Yeah, saw this too. I wonder if others like LeLutka will be following suit.
  12. It would be interesting to hear from someone who knows what they're talking about if this is unfixable, if there's a good reason not to fix it, or if LL is simply choosing not to and/or doesn't know how to fix it. It is breaking a fair amount of existing content.
  13. I discovered years ago that men seem to actually be a bit attracted to "unkempt and a bit sweaty." I mean, go figure, but I had MORE responses from men about this pic than even the naked ones I've posted. (Notice the unshaved pits. Seriously sexy, or what?) Men are weird.
  14. There, there . . . /me sits with you and offers you a used tissue I don't know anything about the history of PBR either! So even if we can't sit at the same lunch table as the Popular Girls, maybe we can just get a table of our own and talk about . . . WebRTC?
  15. I can be VERY wicked. You have NO idea how large my library fines are. (No, seriously. I am embarrassed to say. But we're talking three figures.)
  16. So, @Zalificent Corvinus, who is (as we all know) the absolute incarnation of Evil, proved it again today by gifting me with a very cool outfit! I think because she was distressed by seeing me in my red dress? ANYWAY, it's in a FP, and I decided to go for blue. The leather jacket it comes with is lovely. Thank you, Zali!! (I will now proceed to reward Zali by giving her palpitations: "HUGS! 💕")
  17. Damn it, look at that. I HATE how PBR has just ruined the look of water!!!! 😡
  18. Honestly, I'm not sure! Wear your hair back, with tatty jeans and a flannel shirt over tees? I often do! For whatever reason -- and to be clear, I'm a totally fine with this -- I don't seem to attract nearly as much male attention as I used to? I get approached by men maybe once every three months or so? (Women are another story, however. That tends to be much less annoying, fortunately.)
  19. It's amazing what you can learn about someone from the state of their ceiling.
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