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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. No, not at all. Crappy looking garbage has to go, and should be destroyed. An awful lot of my build on my own land is comprised of prims, and none of it (as yet) uses PBR. But I've taken care to ensure that it looks nice.
  2. Fair enough. I'll be more precise: LL isn't doing anything about the parts of the Mainland where I personally live. And maybe there is something I can do about that. The issue however goes beyond maintaining roads, removing blockages, etc. The Mainland is littered with garbage, much of which is on abandoned land that has been left open. (I've had serious problems with that in the past, when it's been exploited by griefers.) While there's not a lot one can do about the eyesores that actual owners put out (or leave out), even clearing away some of that, and perhaps laying down 5 or 10 LI worth of trees would go a long way to making it look nicer. And some zoning rules would be good, just to prevent some of the more obnoxious excesses of glowing megaprims, etc. None of this, btw, is a reflection on the Moles: this is about LL's priorities.
  3. Yeah, this. Speaking as an actual Mainlander, who owns land and spends most of her time there, I find the idea that the Mainland should be preserved as is so that non-Mainlanders who feel nostalgic for 2007 can visit and gawk at all the quaint prim builds mildly . . . well, not offensive, but exceedingly annoying. Of course there are some older builds that deserve preservation. (And an awful lot of places that should have been preserved that weren't.) But the Mainland is desperately in need of some actual attention from LL and the Moles. Abandoned land should be populated with trees and maybe even forests, roadways and the SLRR badly need maintenance, and there are huge eyesores (giant glowy full-bright prims and the like) that really don't need to be there anymore. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that there should be a form of mild zoning. Ground and road textures -- the stuff actually on LL land especially -- should definitely be updated to PBR. But PBR for the rest is a luxury -- what would be nice to see is even a modicum of simple maintenance. One of the reasons there's so much abandoned land on the Mainland is simply that so much of it looks like crap. And it doesn't need to. A bit of work and even some simple rules would make it a much more attractive place to own land.
  4. Peeves: 1) Forgetting that loading a 2k image now will cost me L$40 each, with the result I ended up paying L$160 to upload a 2k PBR material. (Yes, I could have said "no" and uploaded 1K versions, and repacked those, but who's got time for that?) 2) The fact that they still haven't fixed PBR materials so that you can tile them as you stretch the object. Instead, you have to get out your calculator, work out how many repeats there should be on each axis numerically, and then manually enter those numbers into the Textures tab. Dumb dumb dumb, and a further stupid and unnecessary impediment to creating in-world.
  5. And I'd have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for those dang kids and their dog!
  6. Thanks, you've provided a more precise numerical measure for my rather vague insight!
  7. I've been playing with PBR materials for a while now, and I'm honestly not convinced that, in the majority of cases (i.e., where roughness, metalicness, and emissiveness are not very important), it really makes a very noticeable difference. For some wood and perhaps brick textures, it might be a subtle improvement? But for a plaster or wall papered wall . . . well, not that I can see. What might make a long term difference is if the adoption of PBR means that more creators are actually using normal and roughness maps. But I don't see the point of replacing the textures on most of what I own.
  8. Have you ever been on Twitter? Yes. I've seen people try to prove that Taylor Swift had a "give away" bulge in her shorts. Most hilariously, Kyle Rittenhouse has been accused of being a woman, and the Italian boxer who whined about getting hit too hard by her Algerian opponent has also been "outed" as trans. Trust me, it's a thing.
  9. I think these are great shots, esp. the two of Livio (the DJ). It was lovely that you showed up. And also others from here, old and new: @Zrina Nebula, @Ivanova Shostakovich and @GoSpeed Racer! Am I missing others? I know there were a few others who tried but couldn't get in . . . Maddy kept threatening, but couldn't manage it. I do really love how supportive people here are! (Except Maddy who only wanted to come so that she could mock me mercilessly.) So thank you!
  10. Ok, the dress is Lau by David Heather / Gianni Brodi. It doesn't seem to be on their MP page, so you'll have to go to the store. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/David Heather/99/150/23 The scarf is Gulabi Arya. Here's the link to the FP https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Gulabi-Arya-Scarf-COMBO-PACK/15599831 I should note that both of these are relatively "older" items, so the only body it's rigged for that Caitlin might be wearing is (old) Maitreya. The scarf is amazing. I have it in a FP. The David Heather is great too, but, honestly, check out their men's wear. They make some really great stuff for men.
  11. That hadn't occurred to me, but once you see it . . .
  12. The dress is David Heather. They make some very stylish things, although on the whole I actually think they do menswear better than clothing for women. The scarf, which is separate, is Gulabi. It's one of my fave accessories, and comes with a really extensive colour HUD.
  13. Were you the Damsel in Distress in this scenario? Or the Evil Morgana Who Bewitched Them into Fighting?
  14. I have been sooooooo good recently, that I decided to treat myself to a new vintage dress by Sigma (a creator I haven't run across before). The textures are very nice, but interestingly the HUD allows you to load either PBR or BP ones. What I'm not clear about is whether one replaces the other, or if they both coexist. I'll have to check that out in a non-PBR viewer. (This is taken with the PBR textures, on a PBR viewer).
  15. So, I told my curator that I'd be coming to my opening later today in something a little "edgy." Dunno. Too much? Not edgy enough? (I don't think I am naturally very "edgy." 🙁)
  16. LET THE WAR BEGIN!!!! (I've discovered that Teegle people HATE Waterhorse people, and vice versa. Don't tell anyone, but I have one of each.)
  17. LL instituted a temporary ban on election signs in 2020. I haven't heard that they are doing so again. And I don't think that applied to group titles. Personally, I like knowing who to block and derender before they've had the chance to say something awful. Group titles are fine with me.
  18. The literal meaning of the term "sleepover" notwithstanding, that is not actually the point of these things, is it???? I'll bring a Switch and make popcorn. You can supply "beverages"?
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