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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Yeah, actually, kinda. It was certainly one of my conclusions from that thread that large and well-aired boobs "age" one. A little sad, no?
  2. Yeah. I had a 20 year old who kept proposing nude shots that I should model for him. I'd seen his pics. The offer was not about "photography." Or at least not the kind that gets on the SL Official Flickr page.
  3. Not my gallery, so the music, dance balls, and tip jar aren't mine sadly. (I did once put out a tip jar at a show, at the insistence of the gallery owner, and did quite well from it, so maybe I rethink that policy!) But I'm very happy to hear that @Bagnu and @Cinnamon Mistwood had fun there! And of course it's appropriate! It's a gallery, not a church!
  4. I agree! And the people here! BTW, your ensemble is perfect for gallery viewing! There are too many gowns or pencil skirts at such places, and not nearly enough fuzzy slippers! Let's open these places up!
  5. This may be the exhibition of which I am most proud. Thank you so much for visiting it! I hope you enjoyed it!
  6. I don't want to get rid of it!! I really kinda love it and feel comfy there; as you say, it has real character. There really isn't anywhere else on the grid quite like Voroznia, and I like how I've decorated my place. I'm just not sure I can justify the expense, really. But I'm also (clearly) in no hurry to lose it. The hair is Magika ... "Esme" I think!
  7. This was taken at Cravone City -- where I bumped into (almost) Cath @Aiyumei, who was hanging out there with friends. (Cravone is actually where we first met together in-world.) https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cravone/41/82/29
  8. Still haven't let go of my Voroznia apartment -- in part because I haven't taken enough "good bye" pics there. This is in my favourite room, the kitchen. Behind me, on the wall, a 70s tourist poster for Kyiv.
  9. Absolutely. But then, any change to the maturity ratings is going to involve a fair amount of churn. I don't think a lot of landowners and creators yet appreciate how much even the new guidelines for child avatars is going to involve recalibration. (In part, because a great many people are still largely oblivious to the change.) Consider what designating some Moderate places as "mobile accessible" and "inaccessible to mobile" would involve in real terms. It's going to be a mess either way.
  10. It's potentially going to impact, though, on creators, on landowners, and anyone who doesn't want to find themselves inadvertently "excluded" from the mobile market. So not LL being "evil," for sure -- just not thinking it through, I would bet. We really need a lot more context to know, I think.
  11. I disagree with none of this. Again, though . . . this was not what Arielle said, which is what I was responding to.
  12. Yeah. I can imagine them checking for particular kinds of attachments in particular areas, and monitoring conversations for keywords (although that latter will launch an uproar if that's the plan), but even attachments would require them first to produce a database of designated "adult" attachments -- which isn't always easy to discern, and would be, to put it mildly, a moving target. A really sophisticated system for "testing" for child avatars would be enormously complicated, and I'm sure well beyond anything feasible or affordable.
  13. I don't play enough games that would even require that sort of content warning to have any real idea about it. It doesn't surprise, given our growing insensitivity to extreme violence, gore, etc., coupled with the older but still pervasive hypocritical and contradictory attitudes towards sexuality, that a game would allow you to "skip" the latter while simply assuming that the former was acceptable. My point, though, is that if they are now in the process of rethinking and making the rating systems more "granular," then this would be the time to press for it. We know that Apple doesn't like sex. (Where on earth will all the little Apples come from????). But does it have the same reservations about violence? If violence is more permissible, then it might be LL's interest to separate the two, so that mobile users can access the one, even if the other is "out of bounds."
  14. Feel free. At least it won't be gossiped about on Virtual Secrets anymore!
  15. I suspect that this was fuzzy thinking on someone's part. They are looking into this thing because of mobile, therefore, regardless of the possible implications for SL as a whole, they just dumped it into the "mobile" section of Canny, which is currently only available to Premium Plus users. I imagine once enough noise is made, they'll fix that -- because even if a new ratings system applies only to mobile, it is still going to impact on everyone.
  16. I don't disagree, which is why in a later post I noted that this development was potentially cause for some concern. We'll see. But I can't imagine how it could be used to "hunt down and destroy" child avis. How exactly would it do that? Using what quantifiable metrics? And again, the potential for using such a system to pinpoint people they might need to investigate, which is how Keira described it, is not the same thing as LL going on search and destroy missions against child avis. Which was the leap that Arielle made in her post.
  17. This all makes me so very thankful that I have almost zero interest in mirrors. Like Nina, I think I'm too dumb to figure this all out.
  18. Why do I not seem to have permission to view this Canny page? I can log into Canny automatically from the email notifications I get there. ETA: Is this because only Premium Plus currently has access to Mobile? I thought it was being opened to Premium as well?
  19. YES!!!!!!!! Now is the time to split extreme violence from explicit sex!!!
  20. This sounds very like kink shaming, Arielle! I expected better of you!! 🙂
  21. Really? To me it sounds like there are at least two posters here playing tag-team in an effort to generate as much paranoia and panic as they can manage about all of this. Think I'll leave the two of you at it. But I'll keep an eye out for the upcoming merchandise: I'd really love a "LL is coming for your children!" coffee mug.
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