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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. I've only seen this problem with Black Dragon: things will just be missing entirely. A few friends of mine have had similar issues with that viewer. It's easily fixed by TPing away and back again. But I don't know if this is the same issue you've been experiencing, animats, although it sounds the same.
  2. Psssst. Don't feel bad! I don't think many of us are in the loop on this one! I don't think we're supposed to be! And I think we're supposed to know that we're not!
  3. If you don't already know, you clearly aren't meant to know. (There's a club card and a secret handshake.)
  4. Unfortunately, this. Slink, and Physique in particular, was on the way out before the introduction of BOM, but Slink's approach to handling the new system certainly hastened it. Slink seems to have been under the impression that clothing makers would start to include alphas with their clothing, and that didn't happen (until Kupra became popular, anyway). And what's so annoying about it is that Slink was taking the right approach to this. They were badly let down by creators, and outflanked by Maitreya. It's a shame. It's a really nice body.
  5. I had a very nice day, Kali. Reading this was the nicest part of it. 🙂
  6. This ^^^^^ is why Rolig is the Queen of the Forums for me. Thank you.
  7. I suppose it is . . . although I really just think of it as playing around with light and shadows, which is always the most fun part of the process for me. It's lovely to be categorized as such, in any case -- thank you! I do sometimes consciously model a pic on the style of a particular artist. Here's another shot in my Christmas series which maybe exemplifies fun with lights and shadow better -- and maybe a slightly more recognizable set of influences? I'm posting it in the Creation section, though, because I think it more appropriately belongs there. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/489460-beyond-the-selfie-the-art-of-photography/?do=findComment&comment=2534741
  8. I don't think I've ever had this happen to me. Now I feel I'm missing out. Am I not good enough to get solicited???
  9. I've started a new series of pics on the theme of "Christmas," which will be a challenging subject as I don't want to get too sentimental, nostalgic, and Norman Rockwell about it. I've done three so far, of which this is the first (and, I think actually, the least interesting, but I'm not sure how the other two would "fit" in this thread).
  10. @Charalyne Blackwoodwas generous enough to pose for me this afternoon! I hope she's not disappointed with the results: it was a very easy shoot, and it required minimal editing, which is often a good sign! Thanks Charalyne! You're a sweetie!
  11. Actually, some of the cultural differences here are fascinating. In my household, it's always been "mum and dad" for my parents among me and my siblings (and never "dad and mum," for some reason?). They are/were "Grandma and grandpa" only when grandchildren were part of the conversation -- or, on the Ukrainian side, "Baba." But always first names in straight-up convos between siblings or couples. My nieces keep calling me "Auntie." I hate it -- it makes me feel absolutely ancient, and like I should be wearing a thick knit cardigan and a floral hat. I just want them to use my first name.
  12. Peeve: Men who think they can be my "daddy." I had an absolutely wonderful father, who was very much my "daddy" growing up and, in my heart, until the day he died. One of the things that made him so wonderful was that he taught me independence and self-sufficiency. He was there when I need him, always, but his greatest accomplishment was ensuring that his support for me made me stronger, and not merely more reliant. He was one of my loudest cheerleaders, my advocate, and my champion. He was never a crutch, and his greatest joy came from watching me and siblings succeed in our own rights. I've had a "daddy," and he was utterly irreplaceable, and nothing any other would-be "daddy" might have to offer could ever be anything more than a parody of all he was and stood for.
  13. There is a tendency here for people (not excluding myself) to "jump on" subjects that come up again and again, under the assumption that a poster is making a particular kind of argument that we've seen before. Unfortunately, the subject of alts is one such subject, so it's not surprising, even if it is unfair, that we've made assumptions about your question. In any case, I hope you got the information you were looking for!
  14. You sound like you or someone you care about has been hurt, and I'm very sorry if that's the case. It sucks, to put it mildly. But it doesn't require alts to be a crappy person and unfaithful -- and cheating is not the primary use for them, even if they are occasionally applied this way (and not just by men, surely?) I am also, as always, a bit mystified by the characterization of SL as a "glorified porn site." Mine most assuredly isn't, and that's without going to any particular effort to avoid it: I don't filter out "Adult" content, I travel not infrequently to "Adult" areas (and in fact live in one), and yet I just don't run across that much sexuality, yet alone what I would term "porn." One might make the same argument, to be honest, about any social media platform. I use Twitter almost exclusively to follow and tweet about social activism, but that hasn't prevented men on the make from slipping in to my DMs there. The same is even more true of Facebook (which I barely use for just that reason). Sexuality is a pretty central human preoccupation. It doesn't need to rule your life -- as I've said, it barely impinges on my SL -- but I think this platform would be the poorer without it. Sex needn't involve deception or cheating, and I think mostly doesn't. And it's a human characteristic that has enriched, in a larger sense, our culture, art, literature, and creativity. I don't want to "do it," but I also don't want to "live" in a world that erases such an enormously important part of being human.
  15. Awww, thanks everyone for the well-wishes! Still sick, but I think slowly on the mend! My doctor informs me that there is an influenza going around that is hitting some people worse than Covid (although, I hope, without the potential long-term impacts), and that's obviously what I've got. I can see this thing lingering for a week or two more, but at least I'm slowly becoming more functional and at least a little less miserable. (Although my SO assures me that I'm still every bit as miserable as I was a couple of days ago . . .) Onwards and upwards! *cough cough*
  16. On day 4 of a nasty, vicious flu bug that first downed my RL SO, and has made me absolutely miserable. I spent almost all of yesterday sleeping -- or trying to sleep. I'm a little better today, but having some problems with breathlessness, and a lot of coughing. At least it's not Covid, so I should make a full and relatively uncomplicated recovery. But in the meantime, I'm just plain not functioning. And God I'm bored of it.
  17. lol https://twitter.com/StrangestMedia/status/1588920155970867200?s=20&t=2FFVG7_I9yyqeCLaJqBAVg
  18. No, it didn't. Mine did, because I think there's a pretty close parallel between men who say "She's dressed like a w***e, so she obviously wants to put out," and a man who simply assumes that a "little ginger vixen" is equally sexually available to them. It's about consent because these assumptions do an end-run around asking the woman whether or not she's interested: they assume consent. But I'm not going to belabour this. If you think that an assertion by a woman that she is sexually active and maybe available is justification for sexually aggressive behaviour from any and all men she meets, then that's your prerogative I suppose.
  19. Being a "little ginger vixen" does not equal, except in the minds of the ultra entitled, "ready for sex with anyone." I can signal, in any number of possible ways, including in my profile, that I am sexually "available." It does not follow that I am "available" to anyone and everyone. And, most importantly, it does not mean that my consent is no longer required or can be "assumed." I'm honestly not sure what you are getting at here. Yes, Katherine's profile suggests she is interested in sex. What it does not suggest is that the onus is therefore not on the person dancing with her to 1) seek her consent, and 2) do a bit of basic research into who she is. You can assume whatever you want about a person, but you have zero right to get mad if your assumptions prove to be unfounded because you didn't actually communicate with (or read the profile of) your target. This is Consent 101, Sam. You don't need to be told this stuff.
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