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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. @Seicher Rae and @Love Zhaoying, thank you both! Have I been noticeably absent? It's the first week of classes here, so I've just been crazy busy (in a mostly happy way), so that's the only reason I haven't been around as much. I'm sure I'll be posting more regularly again soon.
  2. Baseball is the one sport I actually like, watch, and follow pretty closely. I love how leisurely it is, how sort of contemplative is every defensive move, and how like ballet a really good fielding play (especially in the infield) can be. I like sitting in the 5th level of Skydome (I refuse to call it by its corporate name) for an evening game, because you're high enough to see Toronto Harbour, and watch the sun set over it. And then suddenly the stadium lights go on. And all the while there is this slow, beautiful ballet happening on the field below you. One of the old Commissioners of Baseball was Bart Giamatti -- he sadly died 5 months into his tenure. He was also a renowned professor of Renaissance literature at Yale, and he once wrote a lovely essay in which he characterized the baseball field as a Renaissance walled garden that figured forth a vision of the biblical Paradise. He was right. Also my team, the Blue Jays, are doing well and are a lot of fun to watch. Go Jays!!!
  3. wel i voted and then I counted the votes. AND I ONE!!! i was the onely 1 who got votes sory!! 😔 im verry exited!!!! wat do I get?
  4. ME ME ME!! i wanna bee a Precedent too!!!! and im BLONNDE! (thats goud rite?)
  5. If this were me IRL with a basketful of boutiquey and high calorie-laden crap, it would be more like "OMG, what the hell was I thinking?" It IS a beautiful pic, however, @Laurel Aurelia! If you find yourself unsure what to do with the "spice honey" what's-its, let me know; always happy to pitch in for a friend!
  6. I think that you're absolutely right that there may be all sorts of interesting and worthwhile spinoffs of this, if it is implemented well, and in a way that makes it extensible. As for the BD poser -- it is EXCELLENT. In fact, it's almost too powerful: it provides so much control over your avatar that it's not hard to "break" your body with it. I strongly recommend playing with it.
  7. I can see this kind of use for puppetry for sure, but this seems maybe rather more complicated than is necessary? Learning Blender or Maya is not a trivial thing. How much easier would it be have an in-viewer poser, as BD does.
  8. I'm not having any luck in search (which really sucks here) myself, but I think i remember this thread. One of the things discussed was the limit of fps that could be detected by the human eye? If I am thinking of the right thread, @animats participated. Maybe he can remember?
  9. A lot of forum threads from 2009-11 have disappeared, Perrie. So it may not even exist. Do you remember when it was posted? Or any details about it?
  10. It's a wonderfully old joke. Jonathan Swift, in the first book of Gulliver's Travels, has a long paragraph about Gulliver's apprenticeship to a London surgeon by the name of James Bates, whom he playfully refers to in various ways as "my master, Mr. Bates," etc., before finally landing the joke in the last sentence.
  11. There is, somewhere, a now fairly out-of-date list of legacy names that includes when they were offered, when withdrawn, and how many accounts chose them. It won't include the newer names added since LL restarted last names, though. I should see if I can't find it. ETA: I think this is what I was remembering, but the actual database seems to inaccessible now https://slnamewatch.com/FAQ.htm
  12. And here's the problem with this thread, and why we can't have nice things anymore. I have nothing in principle against adding names associated with someone who seems, on the balance, to have mostly been a reasonably nice old lady. I have no particular animus against Elizabeth Windsor, late Queen of Great Britain. But whether we want to acknowledge it or not, this "ask" is political because of what she represents. And what she represents is precisely the point of "memorializing" her this way: no one I've seen has ever suggested that other more anonymous nice old ladies be commemorated with names here. I'm not personally going to lose a lot of sleep if LL decides to use "Windsor" as a last name; it really doesn't much matter to me. But come on. Let's not pretend that there isn't a political underpinning to this, or that "politics" are being brought into this by "undeserving people": the monarchy as an institution, and even to some degree Elizabeth as a person, are literally "political," in every possible sense of that word.
  13. /me facepalms Hi. Commonwealth Nations resident here. What on earth are you talking about?
  14. What will most assuredly get this thread locked down is unwarranted speculation about "who is responsible" for the locking of the other. On Twitter, and in the popular media, I've been watching the weaponization of this event by, frankly, both monarchists and anti-monarchists, and the imputation that anyone other than the mods themselves are responsible for shutting it down is looking to be in the same order. I had nothing whatsoever against the "memorial" thread, nor have I seen anyone suggest that they did. I think the proposed scheme would be a bad move for all sorts of reasons, but the request, and this thread, are in my view valid. Whether the mods will agree remains to be seen. Unfortunately, explaining why millions of people both in, but especially outside of the UK, would find this offensive, would involve a discussion of politics, and I don't intend to get into that.
  15. As I made no statements on the memorial thread, was barely on the forums yesterday, not appearing until well after it had been locked, and wouldn't have critiqued it if I had contributed, that seems highly unlikely. But please, don't let me interrupt your insinuations.
  16. With the greatest respect, absolutely not. What a horrible precedent that would be. Just the British queen? What about other heads of state? And, as respectful as I want to be, and as beloved as this particular woman was by many, it's important to remember that the institution that she represented is despised, for some pretty valid reasons, by just as many around the world. This would be enormously divisive.
  17. I have a lifetime stretching before me of days in which I can express my views about the monarchy, and its role in Canada. But a woman revered and beloved by many has died. So today doesn't need to be one of those days.
  18. Pics of couples are hitting it out of the park right now. This is also lovely!
  19. Love these, Kali! I'd especially love the second one if your figure were a bit better lit, but they are both gorgeous.
  20. It's interesting to compare the mesh head market with that for women's mesh bodies. Izzie's has just completed a survey of their customers; the mesh head situation is much less fragmented. It's completely dominated by LeLutka. "From 951 respondents 76,8 % are wearing a LeLutka head in Evo X mode, followed by Catwa Original heads (5,5%), Genus and LeLutka Evo Classic (each 4%), Catwa HDPRO (2,4%) and LAQ (1,9%)." Part of the reason for this, I suppose, is that there is much less in the way of accessories that are specifically rigged for one head or another -- although EvoX has changed that to some degree by remapping the mesh. On the whole, the situation for mesh bodes seems to me much healthier, with a great deal more competition and choice. I don't want to see Maitreya less well-supported than it is -- I wear Maitreya most of the time. But I wouldn't mind seeing an even more balanced situation, with Maitreya falling a bit. Competition and choice are good. https://izzies.wordpress.com/2022/09/06/mesh-head-poll-results/
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