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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. Here in the UK we respect our teachers. I would go so far as to say that teachers can't teach successfully unless they don't have the respect of those they are teaching. I'll go even further and say that, when a teacher doesn't have respect from those s/he is trying to teach, s/he becomes a laughing stock amongst the ones s/he is trying to teach, and a laughing stock can't be a successful teacher. For those reasons, you might as well stop trying to teach anybody anything in this forum, because it's not possible for you to have any success. Of all the people in this forum, you are one of the very few who I would not take any notice of, regardless of what you say. In the short time that you've been a regular in this forum, you've dug that sort of deep hole for yourself. If you want to be taken seriously here, your best bet is to start again with a hitherto unknown account. Incidentally, I'm is spelt with a capital I. Consider that your lesson for the day.
  2. @Darrius Gothly Have you passed it on to any law enforcement? If not, you should. There's probably nothing they can do, because it'll probably originate from another country, but it should be passed on anyway.
  3. I knew that the french word brother but, until today, and as a result of looking it up because of thread, I didn't know that the 'brother' refered to monk. I'd always assumed a family brother. I also learned that the word 'friar' comes from the french 'frere'.
  4. It's called hair lacquer - not cement
  5. I decided to do the same. The song has a very interesting past, and its status wasn't settled until a couple of years ago. If anyone is interested, and doesn't want to look it up, it is now in the public domain and has stopped earning money, but it is still the biggest earning song of all time. Note: What an interesting thread, and it didn't need to go off-topic to be interesting
  6. If I remember correctly, Happy Birthday was written by 2 US sisters. Also, if I remember correctly, the susters didn't get much out of it but their later family did, and probably still do.
  7. I'm not aware of people in non-english-speaking countries singing Happy Birthday in english, but I have noticed sports people (tennis players, for instance) who's own language isn't english often shout "COME ON" to themselves, and I've wondered why they use english for that. The song Happy Birthday is the number 1 royalties earning song of all time, according to a programme of the top 50 biggest earning songs that I watched a while back.
  8. I agree woith Cindy. It's a sploder in another form, and against the gaming rules.
  9. Stephen Fry was a tough act to follow, but your countrywoman, Sandy Toksvig, is doing excellently. So good in fact that, imo, she's actually better than Stephen Fry was.
  10. You must be mistaken, unless you only hang around with Americans. There's a massive number of non-Americans in SL, and I think it's safe to say that we don't generally lean towards either wing of U.S. politics. Perhaps you were meaning only what U.S. people say.
  11. Can any political party, anywhere in the world, be trusted? No. What can be trusted in the UK is that no polical party would dare to sell the NHS off or get rid of it altogether. That is cast in stone here, at least for foreseeable future.
  12. It also leads to the springing up of blatherers who just like to hear their own voices and see their own words in public.
  13. Phil Deakins


    If the animation in your inventory has the dance icon as shown in the pic if Coffee's post, double click it while it is in your inventory listing. A small floater (box) will open, as shown in Coffee's post. It has 2 buttons - Play Inworld starts you animating and everyone around can see your animating. Play Local starts you animating but only you can see you animating. If it doesn't have that icon in your inventory, it's in a box, and you need to open the box, put the animation into your inventory, and do as above.
  14. And not very often it seems. Maybe they just look in when they get an RIC, unless they are at a loose end.
  15. It's not ok in my book to keep on borrowing. Both parties here have continually dug that hole, and the hole is very very deep. The best that either party offers is to cut the rate at which the hole gets deeper. The NHS, which is what this thread is about, has suffered, and still suffers, because neither party has it as a top priority - except when the elections come round, as I said before. At those times they all con the people by giving assurances that they immediately slide down the priority scale as soon as they get elected. The NHS suffers through a lack of adequate funding.
  16. I'm astonished. I posted the above post after reading only the original post. I was surprised when my reply appeared on page 3, so I read the whole thread. Nobody, but nobody, made any attempt to answer the OP's question - until me, that is. It looks like everyone who posted wants have a political argument, and ignore the question completely. In view of what happened in 'the other thread', I'm absolutely amazed.
  17. No it's not true. All parties here spend our taxes on unnecessary things. And all parties don't consider the NHS as a top priority - except during elecyion times, of course. No party would dare to privatise it. They may use private businesses to supply some services. They probably do that now. But the NHS is safe from privatisation. It sound like you've read a very biased article - probably Labour party allegance. A few weeks ago, the Conservatives announced that they'd be putting an extra £20 billion into the NHS when we're out of the EU. The Labour party may very well put more money into it, but they only do it by borrowing more. All parties here borrow, and the national debt is horrendous, but the Labour party seem to have been the biggest borrowers of the two though the decades.
  18. It was in the LL viewer. Other viewers had it because they used (and still use) the LL viewer code. Emerald was banned because every time someone logged in with it, it accessed a completely different server as it did so - a competitor's server. The code that did it was hidden from most of the Emerald's developers, so they weren't aware it was happening. One of them discovered it and blew the whistle. It was described as a DDoS attack on the other server, but it was never that. A DDoS attack needs a massive number of accesses to achieve it, and there's never been anywhere near that number of Emerald logins at around the same time.
  19. It wasn't a misquote. I cut out all the superfluous stuff but that's what the post I quoted said. It still does because it hasn't been edited.
  20. I've just had a scan through the thread and it looks like the posts that have gone are those that discussed theft and fraud, and those that were part of that bit. There may be others, but I do remember those. So some of my posts have gone too lol. It's a pity because it's exactly what threads in General Discussion (and previously RA) do and always have done to often make discussions in the forum so generally interesting. Just out of interest, that part of the thread was entirely about the OP's topic as written in the original post.
  21. I agree with that, except I'd say that a lot depends on who looks at it. A pattern is discernable. My guess is very similar. I'm guessing that generally stuff of this nature comes about because someone complains ("look what they've done to the thread, ma") and, when nobody complains, it doesn't happen, even though it's the same thing. That's in keeping with what's been happening in recent times. E.g. someone complains that there's a difference of opinion going on and on and on - no flaming, insulting, profanity, or anything like that, but boring for everyone else. So a complaint goes in and action! Instead of suggesting the sensible thing - not to read it if it's boring - action! In your case, babies and bathwater spring to mind - good stuff down the plughole. I know for certain that nothing you ever write could possibly be construed as breaking any rules, although it's possible that you'd quoted from posts that had been removed, and your posts were flushed along with them, or they didn't make sense. Things just don't make any sense sometimes. All of this is off-topic, of course, so these posts will disappear with the rest. At least a few of us have had a brief opportunity to post about it
  22. That was the phrase I was tying to remember! Google was 'google-bombed' so that George W. Bush was ranked #1 for 'miserable failure'.
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