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Rabid Cheetah

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Everything posted by Rabid Cheetah

  1. "When's the last time you saw a LH available?" "I HAVEN'T, because..." Tangential conversation? [X] Yes [ ] No Off-Topic vis-a-vis LH availability? [ ] Yes [X] No Risks Linden Locking? [ ] Yes [X] No
  2. And p.s., their "mine mine mine mine MINE!" attitude is one of the reason me and my alts, and my friends and their alts, and many other Belli folks, make sure to have our homes open to the public. There's even a guy who specifically set up a group for "homeless" Bellisserians -- you don't need to actually own a home in Belli to be a "citizen".
  3. I totally get it, especially given that I had to wait months for my first LH thanks to the resource hogs. And even then, it was not ideal. I've since lucked out as Linden has increased the supply of homes. I now have homes for alts, and can see the point of feeling like if someone pays for a second account that second account ought to have everything any other paid account gets, regardless of how many accounts someone is paying for. That said, I still take issue with some segments of the population. If someone has unique alts for different purposes, such as my decision to have a separate alt for pretending my avi is as old as my initial account (in other words, my main is played as an adult, my alt is about to turn 14 years old), then by all means, they both should have homes. Having empty do-nothing alts with empty undeveloped zero-object zero-traffic homes, playing the resource-hog game, because "capitalism", well, screw you for ruining everything from the real world to the virtual one, didn't you learn in kindergarten how to share your toys? Same deal for people who play the pixel-priveledge game: "Oh my, you complain too much. Why can't you be happy with your slum home, ooops, forgot this isn't real life, I mean why can't you be happy with your Meadowbrook home? Nothing says you get to have a Kennilworth er I mean Lake Forrest er I mean uh um oh yeah BELLI home if you pay just as much as the rest of us." Dealing with people like that in real life is obnoxious enough, but to have to put up with it in a past time? Funk that. So I feel your pain. Especially if they essentially give arguments equivalent to saying, "Well, we are actually HELPING you wipe your ass by buying up all the toilet paper! How ELSE are Charmin, Angelsoft, and QuiltyCrap going to produce extra tp just for you if we WEREN'T hogging it all? Show some gratitude, peasant, or you'll be using just your hands for ANOTHER month!" What has helped is the Moles pumping out home after home after home. Also really refining each and every neighborhood and parcel, to the point where they're all great, things are just a matter of preference. Hang in there. You'll get your dream home, eventually. And you'll enjoy it a lot more than those with such sad empty lives they've got nothing better to do than collect yet another pixelated suburbanite Karen Castle, just for the sake of owning another thing to clutch while whispering, "mine...mine...mine..."
  4. It looks fine for the area in question. There is a lot of variety in the beach areas, including Trads/Vics placed right up near campers and HB'S -- By. The. Moles. This particular house looks just fine in an area of sea-related houses next to boardwalks and sand. You really gotta treat this like Fetlife. Seriously. "That's not my kink, but that's OK." That sort of philosophy works in so many vanilla situations as well. I see so much stuff that, to ME, looks highly unappealing, even entire neighborhoods made by the Moles -- but that's ME. Other folks LOVE butt sex er I mean region after region of homogeneous Trad/Vics made out of white bread and mayonnaise. With the crust removed. Just because *I* don't like it doesn't mean I get to tell folks not to do it. That way they'll give me the same common courtesy when I get out the clamps I mean put up a less-than-fifteen-meters-tall lighthouse.
  5. Nice how this software makes sure to assign gender. Even to imaginary pixel people. 😞
  6. WHAT? TEN?!?!?! Oh for crying out...wait...hey, kids under twelve eat for free here, right?
  7. Go to places with things you are interested in. See if folks are talking in local chat. Join the conversation, or start one, or make a joke. See if you get a reaction. Personally, I like folks who, if they can't tell their own jokes, will at least laugh at mine. There are so many users in SL, so many people on the planet, that I don't consider it a search for friends. If I did, I'd get desperate, and cater my personality to theirs to win them over. That's both disingenuous, ineffective, and unsatisfying in the long run. So instead, I consider the entire population potential friends, realize I do not have the time to be friends with 7 to 8 billion people, and use filtering methods to select the top people I wish to actually interact with -- which also means I feel life is too short to waste on assholes, and given that we no longer live in small little groupings of two dozen people maximum we don't have to take any crap any more. Wanna be a jerk? Fine, I've got 6,999,999 other potential people to replace you. So I filter folks, and figure they are doing the same to me. And don't take it too personally if we just don't click. If we do, great! If not, no big deal. In SL, I've found the best way to filter is via profiles, at least as the initial filter. Don't fill it out or put a pic in, or put stuff in that doesn't tell me about you, and I get the impression that you're just not the type of creative person that could hold my interest in a conversation if you can't even be bothered to fill out a profile. I also state in my profile that I prefer to talk in local chat before taking things private via IM's. I state this not just due to the obnoxiousness of interrupting IM's, not just because as soon as a conversation is out of earshot of others it frequently devolves into sexual advances (particularly if it's a male sending me IM's clear out of the blue), but to see if they are courteous: If I specifically asked not to receive IM's right off the bat, but you do it anyhow, I know you are either so disinterested in getting to know ME that you didn't even bother to read my profile, or that you read it but since the world revolves around YOU, who cares what pixel-boobie lady thinks -- me want cybersex. OK, sometimes folks will still win me over, but they have a much tougher time with it if they make such a poor first impression. So. I'll get silly. Put on a funny outfit, like our banana-clad friend above 🙂 , or have some sort of silly interaction . It helps break the ice. I also just wander around and explore. Head for the green dots. If they're friendly, great! New friend. If not, well, who wants to be buddies with a shotgun-totting "git off mah property!" type anyhow? Glad to find out right away what a jerk someone is before having invested a lot of time in them. For that same reason, I've got my political leanings listed in my profile -- I gotta put up with nasty mf's in real life, why would I choose to bang my head against a wall for a pastime? Why they will STILL try to engage with me, I don't quite get. Then again, we did already cover that: "me want cybersex." lol Some odder ways I've made some really good friends: - Befriending and sticking up for the girl in a bee costume at a beach, getting bump-attacked by some [insert word made by combining a synonym for a donkey and the inedible part of a doughnut, since we apparently still can't say ***** on television] for doing so. We bonded lol - Driving a car with terrible steering right into someone's log cabin. You kinda have to talk to someone when you crash into their place. - Grabbing an empty seat next to someone on a passing boat or train. - Putting on a guitar and giving mini-concerts at Bellisseria boat and air launch sites. Finally, just being a homeowner, or even just a wanderer, in Bellisseria. It's kinda geared towards a community spirit, with lots of old time players who remember fondly the experiences you speak of in the OP. Join the Citizens' and the Events groups, even if you don't have a Linden Home. And oh -- don't worry about your avi appearance. I frequently go classic to weed out the pixel snobs. Judging people by how they look is obnoxious enough in real life, but to do it for little cartoon people glowing on you screen? No one needs friends like THAT.
  8. Recommendation: Sail North, view to your right (EAST).
  9. That moment when your friend abandons their cabin, and not only snags a houseboat but THE ONE RIGHT NEXT TO YOURS! Howdy, neighbor!
  10. Not planning anything, Pussycat lol Way too busy with other projects, rl and sl. Title came to me spontaneously, based on https://calvinandhobbes.fandom.com/wiki/Calvin's_Movies and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Women_on_the_Moon
  11. Thanks for the reply. No, in the past, I've been under the incorrect assumption that Mature land allowed one to let anyone on your land regardless of activities involved, and that said activities could be out in the open. This thread has made me aware that I misunderstood how Moderate land works. I just wanted clarification that I don't need to insta-blast random explorers away; I can let like-minded individuals use my adult devices for 24 hours if I want, leaving the responsibility for those not into such things to go elsewhere in the hands of the random explorers themselves (provided it's all out-of-view, of course). Not planning anything in Belli, but used some extra m2 at my tier to get a nice small Moderate mainland place to play around on. I'll probably keep it set to private anyhow, just wanted to know if it would be considered a Moderate Land TOS violation to say "yeah, sure, I'm making sure to kick folks who aren't group members out...after 24 hours." Sorry, not trying to be sneaky, it's just the way my mind works, as it is wired a bit differently than the majority of the population, my volunteer work involves scrutinizing bylaws for precise wording, and professionally I've been expected to think outside the box and provide work-arounds on-the-fly.
  12. Is there a MAXIMUM time to still be in compliance with the Moderate Land rules? For example, can you set up the raunchiest Naked Lizard Queen Dominatrix Cannibal Sorority Sisters on the Moon chapter in all of SL history, unseen behind closed doors, no ban lines but with an orb set to eject after 24 hours? Is that considered too long? How about 12 hours? Six? One? Fifteen minutes?
  13. Check this out: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPE1207/107/162/51
  14. Cabin in Manywoods, just given up by my friend who is the Belliserria Streaker. But it's already been claimed lol
  15. When your new friend's houseboat is in one of the sweetest locations in Belli:
  16. Someone parked their yacht in Belli waters and left an avi AFK so that the yacht won't be subjected to auto-return. It is visible on the World Map:
  17. Out exploring, looking at the map for green dots, found the secret rave party (skybox in Belli):
  18. "It's not a bug, it's a feature." -- The unofficial motto from The Sims Online We made a whole club out of one glitch with the hats lol The Royal Order of the Horn. Those were the days.
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