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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. Problem with that is that to be INWORLD at the moment they release is the best way to get NOTHING. You and your computer must entirely be concentrated on ONE Job ... or you will see the houses snatched by other people who are I got my houses on my netbook that does the refreshing (and nothing else) while I might be doing other things on my tower computer ... and though that implies hopping up and taking one step to a nearby table and grabbing another mouse (plus I am old!) this method worked three times.
  2. Congratulations! I tried that trick several times both ways (giving a house I abandoned to a friend - and snatching a friend's house when she released it) every time in contact and saying NOW ... and the other refreshing like mad ... and every time FAILED - so I am glad to hear that it CAN work and is at least worth trying.
  3. THAT would be the MINIMUM - or else people entered just for fun in a "me too" kind of mood and then forget about it completely. Overall I am against any kind of lottery or list. Like it is at the moment (one region every Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 7:am and 3pm SLT) people will get it with a mixture of trying very hard and luck ... just the way you acchieve goals in RL
  4. There are some houses in lived in neighbourhoods without furniture (several possible reasons - has been discussed lengthily) but if you come to AREAS where the homes are not lived in, they are probably not OWNED (still owned by Linden) because (semi- )ready but not yet released. They are constantly building new regions while we watch and even if they look ready there might have to be final touches and checks before they go into the pipeline.
  5. And about this "three seconds" I think that is just not true. I snatched several houses (and abandoned them later) and in each case I felt the turmoil going on for at least three MINUTES. I clicked and clicked and then ERROR and then back and all over again like mad ... and suddenly I ended up with a house. I did that on Chrome with a netbook and a WiFi Connection of medium quality
  6. I think once they put around twenty houses in the pipeline and I guess around 50 people refreshing like mad it is mor like a tombola then a question of fast computer and fast connections. I you are lucky you claim a house in the split second the servers have one for you and have time to give it to you. If not wait for the next release.. I think the estimate of the number of people really doing the active refreshing at the right day and hour is over- estimated. Not all premium members are interested in Linden Homes and quite a lot are content in the old homes they have. The active searchers are the ones that read and post here (and only they know about this Monday Wedneday Friday business and the hours. You might add the same number of people only reading and not posting ... but little by little all of them are being served so less competition. Then people (like me) reroll for their alts but they also abandon so there is a constant flow.
  7. And me I am quitting now and going to the cinema - I do not really need one - just looking for a better location. Good luck to all the refreshers! Tell me what region it was when I come back.
  8. I saw several pass by just now. Allways three times often is only ONE presented three times before the system realizes that it is gone ... but this where threee times ... then a short PAUSE then another three times ... I think I saw abou ten times the picture of a Belli house in the last 10 Minutes. Seems that WAS the wave we expected! Who snatched one? and WHERE is it? Then we know which region has been released.
  9. Well so it will be called "Sea of Fourze" ?? Sounds VERY funny in German ears! For the word is pronounced very similar as the German word for fart. So "Sea of farts"?? 😜😂🤣
  10. Well for god's sake if you get a sand one don't give it up because it isn't a gras one! You might not be getting another one for months! The texture doesen't get streched out! You can chose exactly how it is streched on a prim you make and put a texture on.
  11. Well I am on a journey now so cannot look wether the Blender I have installed is the 2.8 The tutorial ... can one use it with an elder version aswell?
  12. THAT's just what I felt! The darned thing is just toooo complicated! They tried to squeeze tooooo many features into one programm! It lets you not only make 3D Objects but also make your own animation film! I do not want that! And I do not need 95% of their buttons! And I do not know how to find the 5% that I do need!
  13. Sounds rather like my first experiences with Blender ... only that I didn't talk to myself in the 2nd person ... or talk at all... ... and that I didn't bother to deinstall it. This way I kept the illusion up that some day I might ...*hums* "there's a time for us! someday some time for us!" and now having read the tutorial by @Marianne Little I guess the time has come!
  14. In another thread @BJoyful put this Photo of Magic Mole: what a supercute avatar!! https://i.gyazo.com/6ba5053433069c796610e608d925c28a.gif
  15. Good thing about being "older" is that it is in the discount area of the shop - real cheap! - I just bought it some weeks ago. It comes with the table and a package of dining chairs. Only the stove (in 4 colours) was an extra item to buy. - also discounted.
  16. I did some looking from the distance too and was rather disappointed. On the map those regions look really interesing and individual, seen from the air (and on your photo) they seem rather dull and suburban ... straight streets, straight rows and rows of houses ... well might be different once gardenmole does his/her work. Anyway the good news is that they started working near the southern "abiss", near the line where the continent so far ends abruptly. The locations I am hoping for are the ones next to the easter or southern (or southwestern southeastern) coastline of the future whole Bellisseria (as viewn in SSP).
  17. I managed to take a screenshot of Coldway (and the two others) yesterday and might be stuffing those holes ... or not ...
  18. Well they obviously began to do so. About 12 hours ago I tried to go to SSPE169 and SSPE170 where I could see great changes going on in the last 24 hours by watching the map ... I tried to TP in then to fly in ... "Access forbidden"
  19. I tried to TP or Fly into SSPE169 and SSPE170 ... you are not allowed to go there! Wasn't that supposed to be otherwise? Didn't they say we were allowed to watch the moles building?
  20. Did not think that would work, but it really DID!! Voilá my map ... 95% of it there are still two holes I could fill. BellisseriaMap02_4000 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr This is an 800 x 800 image of it but if you click on the picture you can download the 4000 x 4000 Version from Flickr. And while doing this I realized that even on weekends there is progress. SSPE169 and SSPE170 have been BLANK and green about 24 hours ago now they are landscaped!
  21. I read that thread too ... and am disgusted by the behaviour of certain people! Cannot just THEY be banned from the regions "in statu nascendi" ? - I mean like I can make a blacklist and ban certain people from my parcel the Moles (or the Lindens) must be able to exclude just certain Avatars instead of closing the regions for the public alltogether. Just like in the Forum ... you get the yellow card ... and if you still pester the RED card ... and off you go ejected!
  22. That's great!! Then I'll work on (perhaps this evening?) and when I'm finished upload as 4000 x 4000 to Flickr! Just took some screenshots of the missing parts.
  23. I worked for some hours on that map but it isn't finished yet - and it doesn't satisfy me einter! I made a sort of patchwork quilt from screenshots and to get them all I had to work on a screen 4000 x 4000 - When I resized that to 1024 x 1024 you could not read the names any longer - so I'm afraid it will be no good! Anyway to give you an impression here it is ... BellisseriaMap01_1024 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Might be if I tried to upload it 4000 x 4000 ?? But I guess Flickr will not take that. Is there another platform I can upload it to and you can download it?
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