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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. Very nice photos @Rolig Loon ! And I do like your very beutyful mermaid outfit! Where did you get that? One of my alts has several but they date from 2008 or some such
  2. Reading all this thread made me wonder if he just wanted to try his hand at trolling ... not long ago he wrote THIS ... then he finally managed to get a houseboat ... and now he's complaining of someone copying his style!
  3. ???????????? Could you please share your knowledge?? I burst from curiosity!
  4. Italian? Really? So you do not only LOOK mediterranian?
  5. Well I stumbled over a VERY good source: Two Moon Gardens have a half price summer sale going on and you get the most amazing complete gardens for very little money! In the vendors you can browse through the pictures, choose one that has a convenient sice and landimpact, then click the picture and it is rezzed for you. This for instance is from the group "old gardens" named "Dreamy Sunshine" for 199 L$, measures 21x27 m has 84 Prims and includes the fence, the gras, all the flowers and the terrace with 3 chairs (animated) and umbrella. It is copy and mod and I guess I'll just buy it and see if I can adapt it to my gardens size. Another one 32x32m 87 Prims 399 L$ "Hidden Heather" with a little waterfall and rocks is just adorable! Though it will NOT fit in without removing the house I will still buy it and just see if I can derender it in a sandbox and pick and asapt so that it might fit in.
  6. Well an extremely handsome man with a long black beard in need of a female touch ... ... on a buch of women that has the same effect as "a damsel in distress" on a knight! *giggles* ....... or a pot of honey on Winny the Poo
  7. If you need a womans touch I would volunteer! ... I mean I could help you to decorate if you want
  8. And I didnt even SEE it - or rather HEAR it. Started refreshing about 30 Minutes ago - just in case! ... seen nothing so far.
  9. I cannot google this so a stupid question by a non native English speaker: What the heck does this K inside a grey cloud mean?
  10. Where is it? Is it an abandoned one? Couldn't have been another region or could it?
  11. That is my impression too I do not want to take part in the ongoing argument but I often wonder how very low the tolerance level of some people is and why they do not choose to IGNORE things that are said and that they do not like (unless they are directed to them or critiziing them of course! I wouldn't ignore that either). But if people complain just let them complain - Don't feed the trolls!
  12. Was that an abandoned one? Or is Greenbow another region released today (means Friday)? Patch had said in Chat there wouldn't be anymore.
  13. Not really logical : however they are distributed - for every house that goes out there is SOMEONE who could yell "I've got one!!" If he does so in this forum - in this thread - that is another question.
  14. Yes I was confused ... allready corrected my post ... thought that he was talking about another Region in Bellisseria that was released right NOW *foolme* ... seems like a touch of Alzheimer!
  15. ohhh NOW I understand! I am so used to SL instead of RL that I thought Atlanta Georgia was another region in Bellisseria *lol* And NOW I understand why some regions are released at sa time that seems VERY early in SLT ... Patch is 3 hours ahead!
  16. Then we'll have to wait till Monday! On the other hand: free to watch TV, take a shower, go to bed early... a day off so to speak! *lol* ... and you can mow your lawn!
  17. Not bad! quite understandable ... as long as you don't tell them so! It was complained that "non- havers" mobbed and attacked the "havers" in the groups
  18. Well that tells you he is awake and started his day ... so a region MAY come soon.
  19. It was weird here too - I was on the hometrainer - my netbook next to me on a table calmly refreshing at 80 seconds - when I finished and looked at the netbook there it was: picture of a Belli-house - but no sound! I quickly clicked - and missed as allways! then I refreshed and got blocked!
  20. I did so - even logged in with another alt - but after one refresh got blocked again. Then I restarted my computer - now it works but seems to be too late! Well maybe they'll release another region lateron.
  21. Seeems I missed sweetmarsh!! But the ala rm didn't sound! tooooo bad! niow I got blocked!
  22. A house went by .... might have been two ... but no region I suppose 6:33 SLT
  23. Just saw a houseboat pass by - no chance to catch it! so ... let the games begin! and good luck to the other refreshers!
  24. Started refreshing again - it's only 5 am SLT (too early for working hours) but the early bird catches the worm! plus it is 2 pm over here and while I cook and eat my lunch let the netbook drag the fishnet over the ground - 80 seconds - very BIG meshes - let's see what fish it will catch today! .... and the too small ones go right back into the sea!
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