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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. Is the giveaway for today allready over? Or did you just see some abandoned hoses pass by? Has anyone GOT a home today? Is any region now occupied that has been empty before?
  2. She's really SWEET ... but is she a doll? or an avatar`? In the MP I found Zooby Meshavatars - surely they do not have Landimpact? Sorry if I sound foolish never herad of Zooby before. Is it a brand? Could not find a shop with that name. My alt has a toddler Avatar from Toddleedoo . Was a kind of challenge in our German SL Forum who created the sweetest Toddler. BabySK1 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr BabySK2 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr She was called Bootsie (like my nickname as a toddler) and has a twinbrother Tommy TommyLaeuft by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr
  3. Yes funny but that's how I feel too. I could NEVER live in a skybox, no matter how big it was or how beautifully done up. For me it stays - like the name suggests - simply a BOX.
  4. What's a "Zooby Animesh baby"??? Neither Google nor the Marketplaze could tell me that.
  5. What is a "faux depth"? Can you swim in it or does it only LOOK like water?
  6. I see a pool in your Flickr - is that raised above the ground? in a box or something? with a ladder or stairs?
  7. It must have been the region - I have hust been in the kitchen cooking -
  8. You imagine it to be "thousands" - perhaps threre are only we 3 to 5 people who just tallk in this thread
  9. No - normal refreshing here - I have 3 seconds - do you have less?
  10. Not really? I had an alert but thought that had been just the usuall abandoned one ... which Region was it?
  11. They wouldn*t pop up if they weren't available! Just try to grab them ... if you get it you're lucky ... if not someone else was quicker!
  12. WEll then I don*t have to go looking for them - if it is only the addons you also offer on the MP. I scan that every now and then for new ones. Search fpr "Linden home" sort as newest first - and put lots of things into my favourites.
  13. Well I guess - and hope - that the snowball fighter is the one that resembles your RL - avatar the most! Though I think the little mole with the helmet is really CUTE ... reminds me of these .. the German Railway uses
  14. Understandable! Till now I thought YOUR Avatar was a tiny real MOLE with a helmet on (back row second from left on @Layla Claven s Photo) ....Now it seems that it is a very attractive MAN! Have you been building incognito when @BJoyful spotted you and took this snapshot?
  15. I did read all about that linking, also how difficult it is: - not link animated objects - not link NoCopy items - not link mesh to prims ... etc. I will still set about it one of these days for by that I also can backup my decoration progress. I will for instance link all the kitchen - without the chairs - and then create one big pink prim, place it in a special position ... in the front door or so? ... name it "Linkset_continental_kitchen_190701_LI54" ... and link all to THAT, then take a copy of it to my inventory ... then unlink this last item and delete it. With this I will go on room by room ... then the outdoor stuff. The goal is then when I change the location ... or just the house at the location ... I can decorate it new/old in about 10 Minutes - Let's see if I can achieve this goal.
  16. Sure it wasn't ONE house and ONE Boat? Usually you get the same shown several times before the server realizes it's been taken.
  17. I did so, The only thing I didn't like was that it is black from the outside. I changed that to light blue. It doesen't ruin the sky so much
  18. I just made my first experiment with a texture and quite like it. The prim that takes the texture should be narrower than the cupboard so that the boards go through. Then you play with vertical scale and vertical offset till it fits. On the left hand side you see just the prim with a white texture. Kuechenschrank by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr PS: now I did the other one using the same texture just reversed and with another offset.
  19. That is a REALLY lovely Skybox and only 10 LI - thanks @Layla Claven !!
  20. I am at the left Back there are lots of houses and skyboxes no price mentioned which is the free one? PS: GOT it!! By clicking around - it is the New York Skybox
  21. Well Avatars don't eat so they do not need a kitchen... they do not need a bathroom either ... Do they beed a bedroom? they do not sleep ... and why have a home at all?? Actually I usually have no lavatory ... and no washing machine ... but the essentials of a virtual home for me are livingroom, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. If not there I make some walls and divide the space.
  22. " the free skybox from Apple Fall " ... where / how can one get that?
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