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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. I use 120 seconds and so we might very well see and not see different things at different moments - that's just the bad thing - or good thing? - If you did not see it MY chance might have been better - didn't get it anyway and it may well have been the last one of a whole region ... as they have been said to go in 7 seconds!
  2. Just saw a house passing by - only one - I didn't get it
  3. I can't - I'm on a journey with my netbook and not really SL- capable let alone SL Partys. I keep the post here on the lookout for HOUSES!
  4. The other night @Patch Linden was reported to be on a beach party and saying if ... (some 20 more) people will come here THEN I'll release a region! So maybe going to the party helps? *lol*
  5. That's the bad thing about the new rule: Till yesterday you could be sure to at least SEE and HEAR the giving out of a region. Either your own alarm rang or someone in this thread shouted "hurray!! I've got a house!!" ... but now? How if they silently gave a region away and all of us didn't even NOTICE? - in two minutes a lot can happen!
  6. Does anyone see LAND on the horizon??? Any news if and when a release will happen today????????? It's FRIDAY!!
  7. Well the pink unicorns I had at a neighbours Houseboat - derendered them and a lot of similar pink stuff - that's what the "derender" is for I guess Whish we had something like that in RL
  8. YES!! You've got it!!! ... only that it's 180 Degress. He just has to turn it around and it will fit perfectly. I looked at his picture again and it is quite obvious - why didn't I realize it before? I think I have the same porch.
  9. Well I think if someone rezzes really UGLY things that are outside the theme (pink unicorns for instance *ggg*) inside his backyard that is more against the SPIRIT of the Covenant then rezzing things with the LL textures tht naturally BELONG there outside.
  10. Has anyone kept book? Has a list with which regions have been released these days and WHEN (Day + SL hour) ? Was just starting to make one by backreading this thread but that takes some reading so I thought / hoped saomebody my have kept record and is willig to share
  11. I did do that once and I dare say it may be against the wording but not against the spirit of the Covenant. The case was this... There was a brick pathway and between that and my house- entrance a small sort of hill or rampart which you had to cross by foot before entering my house. For the neighbour the moles had constructed a sort of stone flight of stairs from the path to his house for me they hadn't *sob* ... so I just took the freedom to construct two stairs up - platform - two stairs down ... all textured like the pathway and with an anchor (root prim) on my ground. After_Steps by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Before_Rampart by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr
  12. Congratulations! Then you got the houseboat that I saw. And even on a cellphone! I missed it because I fumbled too long with my windows. That gives me hope that in this new slowmotion you SEE less passing by but have more hopes to grab it.
  13. Saw one - at least SOMETHING - didn't get it off course! Biut even a fishnet with 120sec meshes seems to sometimes catch a fish!
  14. And that shows me what the new rules do to me ... with my 120 sec refresh I didn't even SEE it - let alone snatch it!
  15. For our Moles who make Bellisseria sooooooo beautifull ..... for they love nature!
  16. Well I gave up such a place a while ago. I had three one month premiums at that time and they all had a house but I only wanted to prolong one of them so I gave up two houses: one lot rather like this - waterfront in my yard but just water (a sort of canal or river) not sea and another place near the sea and kept the third with a view from the balcony towards SEA second row but real SEASHORE ... that's what I aim at. And sooner or later I'll snatch one still nearer!!
  17. I think it's 10 times in 10 Minutes but just a BIT less ... or they'll throw you out. But if I reduce the intervall all my per ten minutes refeshes are spent when the bell rings ... and I have to have some spear ones to react!
  18. Better first look at HER lot! 😂
  19. As the walls are on Moles land and you only can rezz things on your land no fences inside walls are possible.
  20. And how are they to monitor that 1.) isn't violated?? No way! So there would soon be a guilde of professional "house hunters" who swap for good money. PS: Oops saw that I am not the first one to answer this ... sorry!
  21. I am just testing this and it SEEMS to work ... well I might not have reached the limit yet. For me some kind of constant automatic surveillance is the only possible method ... or rather the only thing I am willing to do ... because it's the only way I can take my mind off the search and occupy myselve with other things (household, other computer, TV). When the alarm chimes that CAN be the moment a region is released. But with an Interval of 120 seconds the probability that you miss it alltogether is big! - on the other hand it is as big for the competitors so it MIGHT work out. On the other hand ... when the alarm goes off you have used allready 5 refreshes in the last 10 Minutes so only 4 or 5 more tries till they kick you out! Same with manual refreshing. If I would concentrate on the likely time periods (Monday Wednesday Friday from 7:00 to 15:00 SLT) and do it manually ... so what? I also would have to refresh about every 2 or 5 Minutes to have a CHANCE of catching the exact moment of release and when it happens not many refreshes left. So overall it has become MUCH more difficult to snatch something ... but as that applies to everyone it has become the lottery some have asked for ... pure chance, pure luck, you might or mighn't get a home whatever you do.
  22. Sounds interesting but is far too complicated for me. I am not all that immersive as to open a kitchen- cupboard and to expect to find cups and glasses there, just to look at an EMPTY cupboard with glasfronts showing it is empty was a bit to akward. So I am fine with a picture and the mere look of china. Moreover if the things are rezzed as soon as I open the cupboard I have to have spare LI for that haven't I?
  23. Well I tried to set the Autorefresh to 62 seconds - still they blocked me. I logged out and logged in with another premium alt - still they blocked me. If I really wanted a house badly that would be the moment to get desperate! And it is definetily not the time to abandon ANYTHING however little you might like the location.
  24. THAT kind of error page is to be overcome by logging out of your dashboard and logging in again.
  25. THAT was just what I was going to post! ... @iBrat has been quicker! Tested it during the last two hours with a refreshing rate of 5 seconds. They must have implemented that just now.
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