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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. Might be in the upper story where you sit there should be ONLY windows, no walls? And keeping the watchroom as big as it is the story underneath could be 10 or 20% smaller? Maybe that would resemble a lighthouse a bit? Inside the "neck" there would be just a winding stair that leads to the watchrooom? If that is too much effort you can use just a "sit" on the chsair to go there - one of my favourite methods to go upstairs ;
  2. Underground molehome seems rather difficult to have in Belliseria .... just like a swimmimgpool. I usually do not like all this podest-swimmingpool- consructions i see in the gardens. That's the (only) reason I cling to my alts houseboat - the nice swimming plattform I made there! But that solution is no good for a molehome ... unless it is a watermole ... or a mermaid! 🤣
  3. I abandoned one in Rothacker without a water view - but that was 19 hours ago. So i guess it is another one you got. Anyway CONGRATULATIONS!!
  4. That is just what I feel! All the time since 2007 I either was homeless or rented from landlords who made beautifull landscapes. I personally have a real HOOROR of mainland. The two or three times Leora became premium for a month I tested it and HATED it. Terribly diffiicult to find a parcel my tier can afford that I liked at least MILDLY and as soon as I found one - and paid for "buying" it ... then PLOP comes my next door neighbour and erects a skyscraper or a brothel or a noisy nightclub! I HATE to live in a skybox - feels like a cell in jail or something claustrobphobic to me and I HATE to live among those ... how are they called? ... uge prim walls, transparent from the outside and with a picture of nice landscape on the inside. On mainland I cannot zoom around me without seeing the most awfull superugly trash that really makes me panic. For rather the same reason I tested and found AWFULL all types of old Linden Homes. They weere "little boxes on the hillside, little boxes made of tickytacky and they all look just like boxes and they all look just the same!" ... they were ugly (for my taste) and NO landscape to speak of inbetween them and even when you would have gotten one at the seaside there was no real seaside ... no feeling of seaside... LindenHome01Cedar by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr That is the reason why none of my alts ever has been premium ... or would have been .... if LL wouldn't have had the best idea EVER (much better than creating Sansar) to invest time, skill and land in building a real LANDSCAPE with nice houses and big gardens and public places and an atmosphere where one likes to live in! Viva Bellisseria!!
  5. Not really they came little by little over the years since 2007. They are individuals and I love them all - they are my virtual children - or barbie dolls. Only neither of them have ever been premium - nor had Leora (only once or twice for a month). But when the Bellisseria Godrush started that sort of fascinated me - and I decided to invest some money in more chances - since I did NOT want to let one home go without HAVING a better one (or choice of better ones). Other people rent a half homestead - or have several meshbodies and Bentoheads in their inventory. Each of us has other things in SL that seem to him/her worth to sprend money on.
  6. Well and that is where the alts come in. I only release a lot when I HAVE a better one! - If you don't pay for premium alts you have to give up the one you don't like not knowing if and when you'll get a better one. But if you do not want that - pay for a premium alt! - or keep whatever you've got
  7. Just so!! As if you buy a lot of xxx (don't know the word) in a lottery - makes your chances rise - but costs you money.
  8. I payed LL about 500 US$ for SEVEN premium accounts ... I "admit" that freely! and feel free to copy my method and do the same! Still I have only ONE computer doing the refeshing - same as you. And by abandoning them later I give a chance for people getting them who sleep or work during the main region releases.
  9. I and my alts managed to get several homes (and one houseboat) since Bellisseria started. Most of them I abandoned and I keep refreshing and searching for I want the one ideal place - but I would not DREAM of complaining here or anywhere.I got what I am paying for and this rerolling is just private funn - my game in the game.
  10. Me too - just the same! - just with 80 seconds - nothing at all. well today is not Friday - if Thursday a region would be released it would be an extra. But there haven't been any abandoneds either so far during the last four hours - at least I didn't see any
  11. I have refresh going since about 3 hours (set to 80 sec) - didn*t see anything yet.
  12. That was me , or to say it precisely that was my alt. I am so glad your friend is happy with her new home!
  13. Me too - only one though! PS: 70 was to little for me - had to go back to 80 seconds
  14. Yes still ownwd by Governor Linden. I liked the hill but I disliked that it was nowhere near water. I have something similar but much better so I let this go right away.
  15. I got two timeouts aswell just now. Kept on with 70 seconds with another alt - this time that seemed to little!
  16. Anyone grabbed it? or seen it go by? Funny! Must be about 5 or 10 minutes and it's still owned by Governor Linden! Seems they not go into the pool at ONCE! I'll keep tranding nearby and watch.
  17. I am going to release NOW the house 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...
  18. Just got one in Palmer Lake - more or less by chance. Put the refesh to 70 seconds and went shopping some grocery for 30 minutes or so. When I came back it showed Bellisseria, I clicked and got it. But Palmer Lake is NOT a new region released but must be an abandoned. To judge by the map NOT a nice locvation so I'm likely to abandon it.
  19. I saw that too ... alarm rang ... congratulations! Is it nice? must be an abandoned. Where is it?
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