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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. Was it the Lostbell release? (we are neighbours then) ... or an abandoned?
  2. Awsome! Have you moved to a beach parcel?
  3. I guess the Moles have become "under cover agents" Just make a transparent "Skyplattform" as big as the region, placed in the middle and about 100m high, texture just the upper layer with grass ... then under it you can build what you want without prying eyes from above! ... and you yourself cannot even see it!
  4. If I cried out "Hurray I've got a house in yxz!" and afterwards announce that I am abondoning it again, I feel that I should explain why. That has nothing to do with saying this parcel or the whole region is no good. It is just a matter of personal taste. I for instance want a seaview but do not like a sandparcel and do not appreciate waterfront if that is only a lake or river. Those are purely MY criterias if I like a house or don't - other people my have other preferences.
  5. Well the whole region Lostbell was gone for some time. I jumped to a neighbouring region and stared into nothingness. As I was anyway just leaving SL to retire to bed I thought it would be solved tomorrow and did not worry
  6. Well MY Winchester balcony doesn't face the sea either. What you see is the FRONT Winchester balcony which is part of a big addon I bought. Yesterday @Marianne Little kindly gave me another frontbalcony she made (with an outside stairs to it) and as soon as I retextured and stored the big addon this is the second one I'll try. But eventually I guess I'll abandon this parcel and retry my luck further south along the coastline of the Pickle.
  7. And not too much of it - if you compare it to a dress or hair!
  8. Exactly the same as you! *lol* - your words could have been mine. It was tricky to get the paintable walls exactly in place - if they are you have a funny patch at the bottom of the stairs (the original stairs). But I will cover that with a wooden prim stick. I will retexture everything but that takes time for I havent't got suitable textures ... wallpapers and floors (the walls are in the texture pack, floors and roof aren't). Plus I do not need so much space with so little prims left to furnish it. But just now I just wanted to try it and was fascinated by the front- balcony.
  9. I am quitting it for today. Got my parcel in Lostbell that is NOT ideal but am trying to make something out of it. First thing I bought the big addon by @Trinity Aironaut to have a FRONT balcony. But even from that i am underwhelmed by the view If you think "what the heck is wrong with that view?" just compare it with my view in Axim The sea is farther away there still it is more beautyfull! It's all personal taste of course!
  10. Abandoned ... still Governor Lindens ... and TAKEN ... lasted not a minute
  11. Alt caught a house in Ashton Village - some water behinf it but Moles hedges between house and water. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ashton Village/34/236/23 I am going to abandon it in 3 minutes 10:45 SLT
  12. Would be the first time EVER that they make a second releaese later on the same day. I bet against it.
  13. Funny! It really isn't bad! Better than mine! And though I am autorefeshing since 2 hours I didn't see anything of it. But it isn't true! I am inworld and the house is still owned, Just checked!
  14. Continental next door to me is still Governor Lindens 8:30 SLT I think I'll take the Continental too here! ... twin houses! *lol* It is nicer than mine! - a bit uphill and not directly facing another house across the street like mine does. Can one derender a whole HOUSE with everything in it?
  15. Why is that?? ... Do they put houses in quarantaine if they are abandoned frequently? *lol*
  16. How do you know which one I've got? It is not sooo nice - second row,, first beach then house then road then my house... still a sandy garden and facing the wrong way ... I MIGHT abandon it but first try what can be done with it.
  17. Just now 7:30 SLT a LOT of houses plus one boat - must have been a release I clicked and clicked but got NOTHING!
  18. Correcting another mistake ... Gangway has bee released 3:43 pm MY TIME which makes it 6:43 am SLT Sorry for those but I wanted to make sure about these earliest and latest times likely for relese. So I am little by little doublechecking these. ... to be continued
  19. Just doublechecking a bit .... My (seemingly) latest release was Porthole on Monday 2nd September - bankholiday in USA First I miscalculated the time it was 11:13 pm my time which makes it 2:13 pm SLT. Secondly it was the only exception of the rule "only on LL business hours" ... a bonus for the people for which this was a workday! will correct the time in my files!
  20. As to the likelyness of very early or very late releases ... Of the 41 releases that are on my list only a few (5) have happened before 7:00 am 06:15 06:25 06:40 06:43 06:44 ..... and even less (3) have happened after 2:00 pm 14:13 14:30 15:00 So if you do not start before 7 am SLT you only run little risk of missing out ... same with not keeping on after 2 pm SLT
  21. It is a question of likelyness Of the 41 releases that are on my list only a few (5) have happened before 7:00 am 06:15 06:25 06:40 06:43 06:44 ..... and even less (3) have happened after 2:00 pm 14:13 14:30 15:00 So if you do not start before 7 am SLT you only run little risk of missing out ... same with not keeping on after 2 pm SLT
  22. If you do not tell, you have your reasons and whatever they might be I respect them. But that you do not KNOW takes some believing! Why ?? .. Well you are all in the closed Molegroup. If you are in a group you can see the other members - their name - their role - when they have been online last date. I have often joined (open and free) groups just to see when some special people I haven't seen some time have been last online .... ... after that I leave the group again
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