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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. By the way - just logged in ... the house in Kahuna is STILL owned by Governor Linden!
  2. Just saw SEVERAL houseboats - did not go for them - a release?
  3. Looks good in the sunset - are you considering abandoning it? then better give a URL
  4. It is STILL Governor Lindes 8:10 SLT .... but I looked at it and do not want it.
  5. Refreshing like mad since 8:00 SLT not even SEEN it ... is it taken?
  6. Perhaps just prolong her for one month? After that decide wether or not it is worth a year.
  7. Just saw a trad ... 3:03 am SLT ... must have been an abandoned.
  8. I am in Germany to but as I am pensioned have time on my hands. For my time shedule the usual release times are just great for in the mornings I use to do some housework, shopping or other things I have to do RL while the afternoons and early evenings have been dedicated to SL since many years. So every workday at about 3 pm (= 6am SLT) I start autorefreshing on my netbook till the release has happened which is in 90% of the cases before 11pm (2pm SLT) when I like to have my dinner watching TV and go to bed. Once I JUST missed a release at 2:15 pm SLT directly after turning down my computer - hard luck. While autorefreshing on my netbook I do other things on my PC ... but keep the landpage open in one window logged in with another alt ... PLUS this thread in another ! As soon as I hear the alarm bell .... OR notice in this thread someone shouting "release!" ... I start MANUALLY refreshing on my PC like mad (several times logging out and back in) Nearly allways I got one of the homes ... and released it about 30 minutes later announcing the fact with picture and landmark here for the second chance of the people that had missed out. Usually someone who had been watching this thread snatched it and was happy and thanked me!
  9. Log out and in again - quickly - then new 10 times ... and so on...
  10. I will abandon a house in Allweiss in 10 minutes - at the full hour - 11:00 SLT Corner lot - view of the houseboats and Aurelia lighthouse ... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Allweiss/19/72/33 PS: DONE still Governor Lindens 11:02 SLT ... and TAKEN!! May the new owner enjoy it!
  11. I bought the TA Expansion Kit which containd paintable Walls and floors for the main house. After I decided that I did not really want so much extra room, I diisembled it in a sandbox and picked out the transparent rooms so now I can paint one wall or several or florors using them and textures of my own. I am not one for patterned wallpapers though. Still I googeled some and will see what I make of them.
  12. Now I saw two houses ... two times the same house? ... but could not catch them Afterwards three boats ... didn't try to catch them.
  13. I just made a quick 10 refreshes manually ... no trad to be seen! 😞 Did you throw it yet?
  14. So at 6:30 SLT Hammerhead Light has been released! - Early for a Monday! When I heard the first alarm I started refreshing manually ... houseboats! TONS of houseboats! Have never seen so many of them! I did not want a houseboat (since I have a really nice one) so I kept refreshing - logging in and out - further refreshing - just to see how long that would last and if there would be houses aswell but in all this time (about 10 minutes or so) till it was only Meadowbrook again I didn't see a single house (or camper) just boats. Obviously they were releasing more boats today than people wanting a boat were at the landpage
  15. I will be in the race for the upcoming release but I have given up chasing abandoneds because (for some reason or other) I NEVER catch them. During a release when (for me) about 20 to 30 houses come up during 5 minutes or so I nearly allways get one - much more satisfying! ...Though ...
  16. Well I can change the walls of the addon - but not the walls of the house that form path of the bathroom / closet.
  17. That must be new or I didn't notice it - but that will not be released ... or IS released ... it is only WATER!
  18. I am sure there are tons of these ... but in that case I do not even notice them. Only WHEN my autorefresh finds them (in the 80th second) and sounds the alarm THEN I do the hopping, grabbing and clicking routine ... and fail every time because someone does that quicker.
  19. I do not quite understand you ... for me it is evening just now 9:30 pm ... for the Americans it is noon SLT 12:30 Based on my experience releases NEVER happen at the European mornings since Patch and his Moles are asleep then. Earliest release was 6:15 am SLT - the latest was 3:00 pm SLT... all in the LL working hours as Patch had announced.
  20. Of those mentioned there are several not yet relesed... and there are three more named ... SSPE252 = Bennetts Cove (Boats) SSPE269 = Rocky Heights SSPE270 = Well Springs Allover there are TEN that COULD go on Monday ... not alltogether of course but one (or two?) of these: SSPE220 Hammerhead Light SSPE221 Allweiss SSPE222 Sario SSPE224 Tipping Point SSPE236 Lollipop SSPE239 Blackwater Shoals SSPE240 Pegleg Channel SSPE252 Bennetts Cove SSPE269 Rocky Heights SSPE270 Well Springs Not all of them look ready of course - the higher SSPE numbers are not very likely.
  21. And again! Third House in about 30 minutes ... it seems to be abandoning time! People get ready for the release day tomorrow.
  22. Well THAT's a matter of course! I do too *lol* But when I hear the alarm I have to jump up - go 1meter to my netbook on the table, grab the mouse - shake it a bit for it tends to go asleep when I do not move it for some minutes THEN (in about 50% of the cases) have to open the dropdown menue to find Bellisseria there, THEN have to klick next THEN have to check "I agree" and return ... then the house is gone! I think there are people - IT specialists - who have ways to let the computer do all this on its own in splitseconds.
  23. Just saw a house (I think the second or third one in the last 5 hours) - went for it but did not get it - as usual! Since quite some time I never manage to catch abandoneds. Only when there is a release I usually get one of them after clicking about 30 times. I think that there are people who have somehow automated the process of alarm - next - I agree ... so that they need only one second for it.
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