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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. I too saw TONS of houseboats - didn't go for them zjey had restarted Blackwater Shoals and where is it?
  2. And what do I see on the normal map if a region restarts? At the moment I stand at my favourite region hoping that before it restarts they give me a warning and then I logg out (or they do not and I AM LOGGED out) ... then I start refreshing in a browser window I have allready prepared .. If other regions restart I might not notice ... but would not care either! *lol*
  3. I am using Singularity and my minimap only shows me the region i am in at the moment no other regions.
  4. Two houseboats swam by ... seperated by Meadowbanks ... about 9:05 am SLT
  5. If I had to guess: a market is planned there. ... just looking into the cristall ball.
  6. Same with me! Was in bed at 1:00 am (my time) after all this ... plus eating a VERY belated supper! I just HATE the very late releases ... cannot tear myself from the computer before they happened ...
  7. That is the part I did not quite understand: How do I see the restart on the minimap? I thought I had to be IN the region that interests me and will be thrown out and/or warned if it restarts. And I thought it would be good to quickly logg out then to save bandwidth before I start refreshing.
  8. More than one? But no release or is it? At 6:41 am SLT it COULD have been but I autorefreshed with 80 sec and didn't even notice.
  9. I refreshed like mad! The Beach-home would have been JUST what I wnted! I SAW it pass by but couldn't grab it. This was not my day!
  10. Saw lots of houses but didn't catch any -- doesn't matter Sario was not what I had been waiting for. Congratulations to the new Sario home owners!
  11. I was being asked and answered honestly to the best of my knowledge! No blasphemy about my answer!
  12. Starts to annoy me this kind of "religion" of your's! Everything that the moles make has to be regarded as PERFECT and if anyone say something might be less than that, than you come upon them like a ton of bricks! With about 3000 homes it is just logical that some of them are better and others are less desirable ... for EVERYBODY not just personal taste. How come that some houses just seem to be abandoned by 5 people in 5 minutes time?
  13. Well I didn't lye about it just not explored a lot. It was at 232 / 20 so rather on the edge of the region and I zoomed around and did not see any water nearby.
  14. It is boring an inlandish - no water near - just any house. Only interesting feature are some rockd behind the garden. The Allweiss was MUCH better. Golly ... about the fith owner sais she will keep it ... now we are rid of it! *lol*
  15. I am afraid this Jamesborough home will spoil the release for someone. Joungster abandoned in seconds ... the next came - I talked to her - will abandon too ... This shows that the urge to get a home - just ANY home - has died down. Nowadays we begin to get choosy *lol*
  16. Just abandoned Jamesborough - was taken in a minute or so - by an alt born TODAY! *lol* ... and a second later released again ... just ringing my alarm ... but I will NOT take it!
  17. Seems it hasn't been any release yet. Shanty is an OLD region from 15. April
  18. I am abandoning the second house I caught it is in http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jamesborough/232/20/24 Will abandon it in 10 minutes at 12:30 SLT
  19. Missed the whole release ... after waiting for it all afternoon!! ... over the darned Allweiss abandoned! Anyway what is Shanty? Wasn't on our list of expected releases!
  20. Obviously they weren't ... An alt got it only 4 days old ... hope it is an alt of someone here who is happy with the house.
  21. Now the second Alt caught an abandoned - now I cannot wait till after the release. Announcment ,,, or warning ... First to go will be Allweiss in 6 Minutes at 12;00 SLT http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Allweiss/21/20/33
  22. As I have more than one premium alt she is going to keep it till after the release. It makes no sense playing pingpong with a house and camper that noone wants to have ... and meanwhile missing the RELEASE!
  23. Threre were several Campers alternating with houses just some minutes ago ... 10:25 SLT I thought it was a release but the my alt ended up with a house in ALLWEISS!! I will release that lateron ... now I will not meddle with the (hopefully sooooon) pending release. Three campers again ... but single ones ... 10:30 SLT
  24. I just logged in - enquired in chat ... nothing Then I checked Lollipop and Pegleg Channel ... still owned by LL So the houseboats must have been false alarm.
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