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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. After the usual game ... being showed about 30ish Hoseboats and not catching any... ... went on for 5 or 10 minutes!! In the end my alt caught a HB in Proud Mary http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Proud Mary/229/244/27 It is directly on the land (first in the picture) and the Windlass faces land - I am releasing it in 6 minutes 11:10 SLT So who missed out ... here's second chance!
  2. I just logged in and manually refreshed 10 times ... must be gone by now
  3. Just saw a house ... went for it but didn't catch it. There aren't many abandonds around these days!
  4. Might it be that any claiming of a home is "forgotten" after 24 hours and whenever you claim a new one the system looks exactly 24 hours back and counts the homes you have claimed in that period - and if there are five say "STOP - no more!"? As soon as the earliest of those 5 falls behind the 24 hours wall you can claim one other ... and so on ...
  5. They HAVE released Fuhrbol today. It was an early release 7:00 SLT ... so chances for SLT people to be still at home. no second release expected for today ... good chances for tomorrow though
  6. Just saw a houseboat - just one - 11:27 SLT -. didn't go for it.
  7. WEll why not release it and stay homeless? You are blocked after 5 releases for 24 hours anyway. Something DID come up today Fuhrbol has been released - gone in .... let's say minutes ... with some turmoil!
  8. Actually this is really nice - for people who are NOT like me Seashore only types. Nice entrance and next to a little waterfall: I will abandon it at 7:30 SLT in 7 minutes from now. PS; DONE ... and TAKEN within seconds... May the new owner enjoy it!
  9. Me but I finally got a house in Fuhrbol ... likely to release it again. Netbook gave alarm at 7:01 SLT ... same game as yesterday ... ENDLESS back and forth ... feels like 30 times I was shown a house ... got fed up ... switched out my netbook ... logged in on my PC ... another 20 or so houses I've been shown all ended like in above picture... finally at 7:06 SLT Leora got a house in Fuhrbol ... https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fuhrbol/216/60/0 will go and take a look.
  10. Just saw a houseboat 6:53 SLT ... didn't try to catch it First thing I've seen all theses hours today!
  11. If that relly is the case : 10 seconds - all gone! - I wonder how I could have been successful so often. I usually just autorefreshed at 80 seconds interwalls and cannot remember any release that I didn't even NOTICE
  12. I am autorefreshing on my netbook at 80 sec since about 2 hours ... not a sound! We'll see how that develops once the Americans get up!
  13. Sound orbs to me are the icing on the cake of my parcels. Off course I click restricted to ... at ONCE ... and then I set them out. Bird- and nature- sounds and (whenever the sea is in sight) waves and gulls! When the sea is farther away the waves and gulls -orb has to go up in the sky to make is less loud. But I just LOVE those sounds! (Never would keep my speakers off!) They give me this immersive "at home" feeling!
  14. Well I can testify that the price increase plus Bellisseria arising had an immense effect (at least on me): I had since 2007 when I started SL never had any premium account (with 2 or 3 one month trial exceptions) though I had created 6 alts during that time. Bellisseria coming (the preview) had fascinated me and I made my main premium. In the first rush (and due to my 5 times abandon limit) two alts followed and as soon as I heard of the price rise imminent I at ONCE made ALL the rest of my alts premium for one year. When the year is over they'll all go back to basic ... with the exception of two who managed to get the nicest homes (1 house +1 HB) till then. Tilia doesn't affect me at ALL ... I do not earn money in SL only pay by Paypal and if need be I would have no pains giving my data to SL "Big brother's watching you" ... anyway!! whatever you do!! since long time. Who cares? not me!
  15. You are using a porch addon aren't you? You would have a front yard otherwise. But do not think I don't see you point ... I would have abandoned that house AT FIRST SIGHT! *lol*
  16. Well "animals" are camels right? I guess you are talking about the region where MY GUESS is there is to be a marketplace soon
  17. How can you be sure about that 15 seconds thing? Last night my fumbling back and forth agreeing ... seeing no sorry go back ... going back ... and so on .. lasted at least some minutes and I saw about 20 houses (the same? different ones?) AFTER that I closed down my netbook (to save bandwidth) went to my PC (that had been running) logged into the house page and THEN was offered a houseboat in Fort Laundry at once which I caught ... and released 10 minutes later. Well the housebout just MIGHT have been a quickly abandoned one allready though I hadn't see ANY on my netbook ... only houses.
  18. I didn't think they would be releasing another eastern shore parcel ... the next row ... and Proud Mary and Fuhrbol are overdue ... I was rather keen on the houses of Port Laury. Would have refreshed with my PC had I known ... Well xxx happens! Was my own fault!
  19. It is quite a nice location - you can see a lighthouse - but I will release it in 4 Minutes - 12:30 SLT http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Port Laury/111/50/22 DONE! ... and taken in seconds ... someones alt.... who abandoned it ... now a woman born 2007 May she enjoy it!
  20. First saw HEAPS of houses... allways the same! foreward - agree - sorry an error - make another choice - back to the land page!! I guess 20 times or so! allways back and forth ... then I logged out with my netbook .. logged into my PC ... and ended up with a houseboat in Port Laury .... will likely release !!! But first look at it get the content package and if I release announce it here.
  21. My new home in Axim I furnished roughly ... The details will come once I finally decided where to settle down, but I allready like it a lot. The best thing about it is the view from my balcony you can see here ... and the inside I kept about 100% like in my old home ... So what is new is the outside and the garden ... here are some impressions ... Axim01 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Axim02 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Axim03 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Axim04 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Axim05 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Axim06 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr
  22. Standard release days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday ... so today should .. could ... be release day. Proud Mary or Fuhrbol would be the most likely to go.
  23. Not that I noticed it! ... have been autorefreshing at 80 seconds since 6:00 SLT Only some stray abandoneds passed by
  24. By now I tested some more of the plants I extracted from the gardens I bought at Two Moon Gardens and am very sarisfied with my bargain. While some have an awfull LOD and dissassemble at a distance of 2 or 3 meters others have no problems at all. I managed to make up some very nice flower arrangements for my garden in Axim just using about 8 different plants from the Garden "Beneath the oak". I rezzed one and then I multiplied it by Shift dragging it so it makes less LAG. Then I arranged them in brick- planters I made myself. This way I can easily use them in other gardens in case I move to another house.
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