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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. I am dreaming of the seashore but have a problem with a sandy garden. So it's a conflict really. I want the whole region I live in to have a sort of seaside feeling. I do not need any rivers, lakes, hills or woods but want to feel like I am in Cape Cod or the Hamptons or something like that. Want to look over the ocean and do not mind a few houseboats as part of the view - but not too many. The house my alt has at the moment in Axim comes rather near my ideal. It is a bit up the hill and has a nice green garden and I can see the sea from my balcony - in a distance though and I wished that distance was smaller! My ideal beachhome would be @Marianne Little 's new home in Badger Beach and the way she decorated it even a sandgarden can look lovely. I am hoping for the future releases along the coast of the Pickle, I went there and looked and found some ideal homes in SSPE229 and 269
  2. Saw about 20 houseboats! Back and forth ... next - accept - no longer available! - back .... Did not catch any! It must have been Tusktooth release
  3. Don't worry - just rest and stay in bed when you need it. Whenever you come up with something - perfect or not - just show it. We are interested and inspired - The terrace you gave me worked just fine. I was very thankful.
  4. It is just "speculation" but also experience ... how things USED to be done before: It used to be one row after the other of the new Pickle island (east of Belli): from north to souith - from west to east - or rather from top to bottom each row from left to right like you read the page of a book. Sometimes there are exceptions. Of the latest row the middle to east have been named the two in the west not SSPE204 = not named SSPE205 = not named SSPE206 = Esplin - released yesterday (Monday) SSPE207 = Lostbell - released Friday SSPE208 = Tusktooth I bet that today or Wednesday Tusktooth will be released. But apart from the Pickle there are some Camper areas being built on - so maybe one of them next. You may take a look at SSPE94 or nearby regions.
  5. I like that a lot @Marianne Little . Much more than most Addons I've seen. Will that be for sale? I found your shop in the MP but it was all empty. If I ever snatch a sandy seashore lot I am sure to try this with the big windows facing the sea.
  6. That was a really late one: 2:15 pm SLT !! It pays to stay up if one really WANTS a home - I wasn't keen on Esplin though it is a beautyful region. So congratulations to all the new homeowners!
  7. Manually refreshed - saw three Campers - or the same Camper three times? Back and forth ... but no catching it - like a slippery fish! Only wanted the content pack . would have released it again. But now it's "Good night" for me - TV and supper and bed. Good luck to you all!
  8. I actually didn*t keep record as to what Camper regions where released in the bulk. So they might release new ones further south while we keep staring at the Pickle! Striker isn't a today release - is it?
  9. You are new to this forum so you might not know THIS ... some good advige ...
  10. I didn't see or hear a thing! - What the heck is the matter? Well soon I'll quit for now. Neither Esplin nor Tusktooth are regions where I am likely to keep a home. I actually was hoping for abandonds
  11. I cannot believe a whole release would go by without even one alarm. My autorefresh usually finds Bellisseria even in the fropdown menue.
  12. Well that is 20 minutes ago now - has there been a release?
  13. Funny I am refreshing with 80 seconds since HOURS - not one alarm!
  14. Seven pm for me so evening is getting on. But @Nika Talaj 's assumptions sound reasonable for me. So there is still hope - lots of hope!
  15. It is nearly 10:00 am SLT - Funny how dead this thread is today! Seems that everybody who wants a home now has one ... no abandons either ... any news of a pending release??
  16. On the other hand ... today Leora will grab whatever she can get ... because ... She has had a houseboat and has had a camper ... abandoned those at once ... without first taking the texturepacks out of the postboxes (liveguardthingies and signs) and since SHE is the one who decorates and has all the furniture it is akward if she allways has to let an alt texture things she builds!
  17. Elevated yes but MUCH between it and the sea. I am sure someone will be happy to have it ... but not me I remember standing on that balcony BEFORE the release ... and derendering the five trees! ... and rather liking it but not really.
  18. On SSPE223 there are four of my dreamhomes but that isn't even named. The only region up to now that is named and not released is Tusktooth - only Houseboats.
  19. unfortunately I am hunting for something that we call the "eierlegende Wollmilchsau" (that is a pig with wool that gives milk and lays eggs) ... in other word a parcel with nothing (no street no house) between me and the ocean that still has a green garden ... maybe a bit elevated? ... with full view from the Wichester balcony to the beach. I saw a few on the Pickle that might meet that 95% - but only very few. I doubt if I'll catch one of them but if I don't I'll be quite happy with my Axim- house!
  20. As announced I will be releasing Lostbell in 3 more minutes at 6:00 SLT DONE ... still Governor Lindens and GONE within seconds! noone we know ... born 2010 ... may she enjoy it! And good luck to the homehunters congregation today!
  21. You did a darned good job there!! Congratulations! As I myself am torn between the longing for a house directly facing the seashore and the dislike of sandy gardens I flew along the coastline yesterday to pick up some inspiration by what other people did. I dare say you are the ONLY one that made up a sandgarden in a way I like !!!
  22. I've been refreshing several hours yesterday without ANY alarm. Might be it was because of Sunday. Today will be different. Monday is release-day. And to be prepared I'll abandon my parcel in Lostbell. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lostbell/150/228/22/ See picture near the seashore but second row road between me and the sea To give you time to look at it (and people in USA a chance to be awake) I'll abandon at 6:00 SLT (before the Monday release is expected!)
  23. I just found it - flying along the coastline - and it is very near my alts house in Axim (a little up the hill). I think that you got the house that @iBrat caught in the Axim release. It is astonishing but even these jewels seem to change owners from time to time! Two houses to the west from yours was a Continental in purple which for me kind of spoiled my view. That has changed to a Winchester in beige that fits nicely into the landscape. Migfht have just been a change of housetypes bur I think it was a change of owners. So I will not give up my dream of a seafront house and keep refreshing. At the moment my main caught a house in Lostbell but it is in the second row across the street balcony facing the wrong direction so I am likely to abandon that and try for a beachlot when the regions further south are released ... or (as your example shows) ... an abandoned,
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